Saturday, May 4, 2019

Genetic Counseling--Christian Perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Genetic Counseling--Christian horizon - Essay ExamplePreparations for Hemophila female genital organ be life saving for the child (Lehrman, 1998). If the child is cut, the parent does non waste time trying to stop the blood. Counseling after the child is born until they reach due date can also be helpful. An early diagnosis helps the parent and child cope with their illness.Abortion is murder, plainly so is euthanasia. Reputable doctors do not counsel people to commit suicide or perpetrate euthanasia on an ill patient. What makes an unborn baby with an illness that is not even certain various? Genetic testing cannot give 100% yes or no answers. Even if the child has one of the supra conditions, genetic testing cannot predict symptoms or severity of the disease (Rutter). No Christian counselor can condone spontaneous abortion. Under the law, they cannot prevent abortions, but it is a Christian genetic counselors obligation counsel against termination of pregnancy.A Christian genetic counselor cannot deny Biblical teachings. The Bible states kibibyte shalt not kill (Exodus 2013, King James Version). To counsel a woman to have an abortion would be under any circumstances wrong. The Christian counselor must reinforce mans way is not Gods. A child with a genetic defect can be healed by God, but a sick child can also be a blessing. Even if the parents go ahead with the abortion, maybe later in life the parents can be convicted by what the counselor witnesses today. Either way God will bless the counselor for relying on His

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