Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Choose one of the specifeic food u like, make an argument, and write Essay

Choose one of the specifeic food u resembling, make an argument, and write about it - seek ExampleIn that context, it may sound strange, but tin and gelid foods and vegetables are a certain source of nutrition, which satisfy a range of consumer choices and expectations. Though canned and frozen foods and vegetables happen to be elegant foods, yet the good thing is that they provide people with the much needed nutrition, in a safe, well-off and cost effective manner, while complying with the environmental norms and criteria.The one amazing thing about canned and frozen foods and vegetables is that they have a heights nutrition value and content (Belasco 57). It is a fact that fresh foods like fruits and vegetables do lose much nutrition during transit to the stores. In contrast, the canned and frozen foods and vegetables are processed when the food items are still fresh and thereby have a high nutrition value. The bear upon of fruits and vegetables resorts to an array of tra ditional activities like peeling and cutting and the subsequent boiling or freezing of the gettable fresh foods. Thereby, once the fresh fruits and vegetables are canned or frozen, their nutrition potential gets preserved and body intact for a long period of time. The consumers can consume these canned and frozen foods while benefiting from their high nutrition value.Going by the hectic schedules and scarcity of time that the contemporary consumers have to contend with, canned and frozen foods and vegetables are indeed convenient and save on time (Belasco 70). Canned and frozen foods do save on time in the sense that they are cut, peeled and cooked in advance, and can thereby be readily consumed without resorting to any elaborate processing or cooking procedure. The same cannot be utter of the fresh foods, vegetables and fruits. Besides, canned and frozen foods and vegetables are also convenient as they allow the consumers an

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