Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Hartford Civic Center Collapse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Hartford Civic Center Collapse - Essay Example He has to explore all these options to ensure that he develops the best software solution with minimal costs. After the software has been designed, the engineer then puts it to testing to ensure that it solves the problem. In addition the engineer also engages in maintenance and monitoring of the software to ensure that it meets the set goals. Engineers also iterate by going back to previous steps in designing new software to ensure that the new design meets the requirement for creating a software solution to a problem. Prototyping is an important stage in the development of a new software solution. At this stage the engineer is able to test the workability of the abstract design through by experiment. By testing the prototype the engineer can be able to identify areas where the new design needs modification or whether it is a workable solution. Analyses of designs and computer software have been identified as one of the ways of enhancing the robustness and reliability of a design. For the design to be verified there must be a formal description of the design at all stages. This description acts as the blueprint for development and is very crucial during verification. Verification is important as not just as way of ensuring the correctness of the system but as one of the way of understanding the working of the system. Verification can be provided as mathematical proof or through the use of natural language. Although the proof maybe informal, it should be structured in such a way that it is readable and comprehensible to other people other than the engineer. Three methods are used for this purpose. They include verification, calibration and validation. Calibration is made through the adjustment of various calibrations being used there by adjusting how the model is used as a simulation of the process. Verification is achieved by comparing the output data with the data that is expected from the input. The information is the verified by

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