Wednesday, September 11, 2019

SHORT LISTENING ASSIGNMENT FORMAT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

SHORT LISTENING ASSIGNMENT FORMAT - Essay Example The soloists follow the order of the piano first, then the saxophone which is interrupted by the trombone and drums and then continued till trumpeter takes over. The chorus sequence at the end is beautiful not just melodiously but also visually since the musicians move their heads to match the music and add to the amusement and joy of the listeners. The soloist I most preferred is the saxophone since it was a long piece. It started at a low range of tone with beautiful riffing technique and paved the pitch for the other soloists to showcase their pieces. The slightly low range of tones in the second set of repeats is offset by the high pitched trumpets after it. It was a very successful solo. All in all the entire song evoked happiness in me. The quick paced rhythm almost resembles swing music and I felt like dancing to the tune. The melody of the chorus was pleasing as was the solo performances of the musicians. This is definitely one of those songs one can’t easily

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