Monday, September 30, 2019

Intercultural Communication between China and American.doc

It means If someone communicate with foreigners, how could he notice the differences and communicate with them gracefully because they have different languages and cultures. Nowadays, with the development of the world economy, the globalization has become an irreversible trend. Today's society, unlike the previous which is closed, is a society of cultural fusion. Everyone in the world is easy to communicate with others by using lots of chat tools. So, intercultural communication is a very useful course both in international trade and in understanding foreign culture.When we talk about other countries, the most important thing we have to point out is culture which including religion, history, customs, rules, moral sentiment, academic thought, literature, art and so on. What people talk about, how they talk about It, what they see, and how they think are all influenced by their culture. Culture Is a way of life that Is developed and shared by lots of people who share similar sets of tr aditions, beliefs, values, customs and norms that are passed down from generation to generation. For instance, American is influenced by religion, Protestant culture of Europe.Puritanism, rationalism and idealism have been the three main sources of American culture. It including individualism, freedom, equality, heroism and so on. The heroism is a very norm idea in American life, we can see it from Holly Wood movies, like Superman and Captain America. And equality is reflected in all social activities and relationships, it refer to everyone has same rights and chances in doing something. But Chinese culture which Influenced by Confucianism. It doesn't like religion, but ad made lots of principles for how deal with things and how get along with people In our dally life.The core of Confucianism Is Rene, which Including love, tolerance, kindness, modesty and so on. Meanwhile, Confucius also said that relationship between people is very different, they have different positions, like eld er brother and younger brother, the grandpa on mother side and grandpa on father side. And in Confucianism, family is the basis of the society and people relate to other groups and the country in the same way they relate to their family members. The type of social legislation represent its cultural values and social structure.Greet Hefted offers an approach to understanding the range of cultural differences in value orientation. Hypotheses approach is based on the assertion that people carry mental programs or â€Å"software of the mind† that is during childhood and is reinforced by their culture. These mental programs contain the Ideas of a culture and are expressed through Its dominant values. To Identify five dimensions along which dominant cultural patterns are ordered: Individualism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, masculinity versus femininity, orientation to time. From Book Intercultural The first is power distance.Although in the low said everyone has equal pow er, all the people in a culture do not have equal power. Depending on the culture, some people may be in higher position than others because age, education, achievements. In Chinese culture, the more elder you are the more power you may have. But in American culture, personal achievements are more important than age. So countries with a larger power distance will believe that each person has his own position in order, and freedom is limited, so they should not disobey their boss' decisions. In entrant, in low distance power, they have same equal right in talking about decisions.The second is uncertainty avoidance. There always have lots of changes and uncertain things we must face, but different cultures have different levels in accepting these things. In high uncertainty avoidance cultures, people prefer to using ways to avoid uncertainty. So, they want to be more safe by draw up strategies of their country and company. But in low uncertainty avoidance countries, they don't willing to think about strategies and Just by their experiences. In this thesis, Chinese culture is similar to American culture. The third is individualism and collectivism.Individualism means the relationship between self and other people is loosed. Personal interests are more important than the group's interests. So, collectivism means the group's interests are more important than personals. Chinese culture is collectivism while American culture is Individualism. In China, members must obey the group and the group is in top position. On the contrary, American is much respect personal ideas and interests. The fourth is masculinity vs.. Femininity. Femininity means people more care about operate with others and be willing to keep well relationship with boss.They very care about the quality of life and guarantee of work. But masculinity is more care about material possession and income. In this point, Chinese culture and American culture are same. Time orientation is the fifth concern of al l cultures. â€Å"The time orientation refers to a person's point of reference about life and work. † Cultures with a long term orientation means raising and encouraging quality that longing for rewards in the future, firmness and saving money specially. China is a long term orientation country while American is not. We can find evidences from real life of American and China.Most of Chinese people are more like to buy a house not to rent house, so they like saving money for the future. But American has completed credit system, they can spend money in advance. Each of five dimensions has deep influences of culture on the communication process. Accompanied Chinese culture and American culture, we may not difficult conclude that power distance, individualism and collectivism, time orientation are the Americans with these ideas in our mind. Further more, we could solve lots of problems in foreign area by using this thesis.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

It in video game industry Essay

Video Games were once a simple simulation of pong using two lines and a dot for imaging. They were played and mastered by a minority group of individuals most commonly referred to as â€Å"nerds†. Since those days in 1975 the video game industry market has gone through an exponential growth. With the revolutionary changes in technology and the social changes in product demand the gaming industry has transformed into a thriving market with a quickly growing casual gamer demographic. The success of this development in the gaming industry would be little without information technology. Information technology is a fundamental part of the gaming industry. Technology is used to handle information in the gaming industry in both the retail business side as well as the development aspect. When it comes to selling video games there used to only be the store but with the installment of new online technology, games for consumers have been easier to access. Companies like Gamefly enable users to buy and rent games online. Games also can even be instantly purchased over internet through gaming consoles. Microsoft is one company that has taken the most advantage of this concept. From personal experience using Microsoft’s console Xbox 360, the console offers users the ability to create an online account through Xbox Live. From the Xbox Live membership, users gain access to a wide online market of games, videos, and other additional products. The online market is extremely active with some games generating 100,000 trial downloads and 30,000 sales (Garcia, 2011). Despite the quick and easy access these technology features give to gamers the online world is also a threat to the security of games. Copyrights can be cracked, and sometimes games will be distributed over the internet to game users. The security risk the internet plays on games has been tackled by developers who believe cloud computing is the key. In 2009, video game developer Denis Dyack proposed during a panel discussion at GamesBeat that cloud computing would change the industry model of games depending on consoles to games depending on resources that only can be accessed over the internet (Bhanoo, 2009). By holding onto vital resources game developers can prevent the illegal distribution of their game content because the game’s central assets are not downloaded. It would be a good model except one obstacle would be the probability that every game consumer has access to the internet which is highly unlikely, but it is growing to be common in today. These client-to-server concepts and ideas for the retail game industry would all be cases when information technology is used and needed. The gaming industry has a large amount to protect when it comes to distributing its product because unlike other products games are essentially data which is where the real information technology comes into play. The reason why video games are so vulnerable to piracy is because the data in them is not a physical entity but rather information that can be copied and released. Video games essentially can be viewed as an organized system of data and information technology which reacts to input from a user, simulating some type of an event. A look at one popular Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) Game made by Blizzard known as World of Warcraft (WoW) can help demonstrate how complex these transfers of data and information are. Before the user can even begin playing they have to go through an entire sequence of account access authentication and communicate with a server to be verified of account access, and game access as well (Wilson). Once verified that the client computer is the account user and that account user has paid for the ability to the play the game the user selects the server there character is on or a server where they would like to make a new one (Wilson). 4 After character is selected the game play begins. All the data and information about the game graphics and environment are stored on the client’s computer but the server is what does the communication of what gets to be displayed. A more detailed explanation would be the user’s character interacts with picking up an rock once the object is picked up the server communicates to the client’s computer as well as other clients that the rock is no longer there (Wilson). 4 This client-to-server communication is simulated in many aspects of the game such as displaying other clients to the user and simulating a battle. When a client begins to fight with a creature the clients computer communicates both characters’ stats to the server which then uses mathematic algorithms to calculate damage, healing, and any other real-time effects (Wilson). 4 This type of system requires a huge amount of backbone to perform. WoW is estimated to using about 20,000 computer systems and employs more than 4,600 people to keep its gaming experience running (Brice, 2009). While the server communication model used in WoW exhibits its simulation, it is not entirely the same for every video game. Not all games are like WoW, each one can vary with how it stores data and information. It really depends upon how game designers and programs architect the framework of their information technology systems. Systems like Blizzard’s are not on every game and that is because the programs designed to run the games are limited to the company (Wilson). 4 The program and framework of their information systems is the product of a company in the gaming industry and it is something that must be kept secret if the company wants to maintain business. Keeping secrets however, isn’t enough sometimes to stay in the business of the gaming industry. Other competitors can always challenge game developers’ business. The casual gamer is becoming the real market to making business in the gaming industry. There is still a high demand from the hardcore traditional gamer but when it comes to making video games, it is easy to agree it costs less to attract casual gamers with cheaper games. The app era with social networking sites and new technology such as the iPad is becoming a huge thorn to game developers, such as Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata, believing that cheap game apps are devaluing the industry (Morris, 2011). With game apps gamers no longer need to spend money as much money for entertainment unless they would like something with a little more depth. The rise of these game apps could be linked to the demand for cheaper products, especially when the economy is still trying to recover. Some developers argue back that the new app technology is not hindering the industry just changing it to a new way that expands the option to the casual gamer who only demands a simple game for entertainment (2010). It is not step back but instead a new branch to be explored and developed. Game apps do play some part in devaluing games but at least they have provided an opportunity for anxious developers to be involved in the game developing community. Either way it’s pursued game development is still a serious business which requires some serious skills with manipulating information. A deeper look into the development view of video games gives a better understanding of the how data and information technology relate to the industry. To understand the development process it is best to start looking at the model used to develop games. When broken down a game is really one big huge project broken down into many others. It starts with the Prototype, then Pre-Production, Production, Beta, and finally the Live finished product (Hendrick, 2009). Now with each of these projects the developers must initialize, plan, execute with monitoring and controlling, and then closing up and finishing (Hendrick, 2009). 8 These projects involve a variety of stages, from concept development to debugging. To be a part of this development process a game developer must be highly trained in whatever aspect they are adding to the project. A game programmer specifically must be able to meet a certain knowledge base criteria with computer languages, the most common one being C++. According to game programmer, Chad Stewart, it is essential that you â€Å"Know Your Stuff† and understand how to think out loud with programming and create program models that can solve real-time problems and game mechanics (Stewart). When being interviewed he states that sometimes you will be presented with problem and must quickly illustrate on a white board how you would approach the problem (Stewart). 10 He also adds that it is important to not be discouraged if you fail the problem and show that you have a willingness to learn and it looks like there is plenty to catch up on (Stewart). 10 From the outside game development can look like a fun job but it is still a job that requires hard work. It can be nerve racking to imagine the amount of knowledge needed to be successful in the gaming industry. There is so much required to build and distribute a single game. That can especially be said for game programmers because they are required to update and learn new technologies. In the gaming industry it can be hard to find an expert that does it all, but one noticeable fact of life to remember is that people are always learning. Works Cited † Programmer – Computer Games – Skillset. † Welcome to Skillset – Skillset.http://www. skillset. org/games/careers/profiles/article_4727_1. asp (accessed October 10, 2011). Bhanoo, Sindya . â€Å"Cloud Computing May Curb Video Game Piracy CIO. com. † CIO. com. http://www. cio. com/article/486979/Cloud_Computing_May_Curb_Video_Game_Piracy (accessed October 10, 2011). Brice, Katherine. â€Å"Blizzard reveals full scale of World of Warcraft operation. † GamesIndustry. biz. http://www. gamesindustry. biz/articles/blizzard-reveals-full-scale-of-world-of-warcraft-operation (accessed October 10, 2011). Garcia, Louis. â€Å"Making money in Xbox 360 indie game development: Is it possible? | Bitmob. com. † Bitmob. com. http://bitmob. com/articles/making-money-in-xbox-360-indie-game-development-is-it-possible (accessed October 10, 2011). Hendrick, Arnold. â€Å"Project Management for Game Development  « MMO Tidbits. † MMO Tidbits. http://mmotidbits. com/2009/06/15/project-management-for-game-development/ (accessed October 10, 2011). Morris, Chris. â€Å"Are Apps Killing the Video Game Industry? – CNBC. † Stock Market News, Business News, Financial, Earnings, World Market News and Information – CNBC. http://www. cnbc. com/id/41988262/Are_Apps_Killing_the_Video_Game_Industry (accessed October 10, 2011). Stewart, Chad. â€Å"Chad Stewart Game Programmer.† Chad Stewart Game Programmer. www. chadpluspl. us/? p=110 (accessed October 10, 2011). â€Å"Video Game Industry 2010: Reinventing the Games Business. † Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos | Game Theory. http://gametheoryonline. com/2010/07/28/video-games-industry-gaming-business/ (accessed October 10, 2011). â€Å"Video Game Rentals: Rent/Buy Wii,PS3,PS2,Xbox,360,PSP,DS,3DS,GC,GBA Games. † Gamefly. com. http://www. gamefly. com/ (accessed October 10, 2011). Wilson, Tracy V.. â€Å"How World of Warcraft Works. † HowStuffWorks â€Å"Electronics†. http://electronics. howstuffworks. com/world-of-warcraft6. htm (accessed October 10, 2011).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Wine Club Advert Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wine Club Advert - Research Paper Example I consider the Wine Club advertisement on the New York Times newspaper as an appropriate article for rhetorical analysis. The basic message propagated by the advertisement is the 50% discount entitled for every member of the club for all their purchases on wine. The first approach towards rhetorical analysis is to consider the ethos aspect of the advertisement. In this case, ethos reflects the ethical and moral aspect of the advert (Faigley & Jack 2010). The people behind the advert believe that drinking of wine has health and lifestyles benefits. However, people do not benefit from the health and therapeutic value resulting from drinking of wine due to price factors. Thus reducing price through discount is the first strategy of eliminating cost burden. However, the advertisement considers price reduction strategy as a sufficient factor for encouraging wine drinking among the people. According to the advertisement, joining a wine-drinking club will contribute to the development of wi ne drinking habit among the people. The advertisement is trying to make the audience to reconsider their naivety towards their health. In addition, the advertisement is trying to erase people’s mentality towards wine drinking and the association of wine with immorality. Thus, the advertisement is trying to make people reconsider their attitude towards wine drinking. The advertisement is also trying to explore people’s ignorance that results from generalization. Although the advert is trying to pass credible information to the audience, it fails to set its facts straight. The advertisement illustrate useful information about drinking wine and encouraging people to drink wine by joining wine drinking clubs. However, the advert does not provide accurate information concerning the benefits of drinking wine and the role of wine drinking clubs in influencing people’s behaviors. The only evidence provided by the advertisement concerns the role of wine drinking club mem bership in eliminating consumer’s burden. For instance, the advertisement claims that all members of the wine drinking will obtain their favorite drink at a price 50% below the marked price. However, this price reduction does not imply that wine drinking will increase by 50%. Despite the controversies surrounding the advert concerning inadequate evidence, the advertisement has a high degree of persuasiveness. Firstly, the advertisement contains colorful pictures of different brands of wine. These pictures not only encourage the audience about wine drinking club membership but also the lifestyle that comes with wine drinking. The advertisement has significant claims concerning different lifestyle diseases and the recent discoveries on the benefits of drinking wine. However, the advert does not provide a clear link between its message and a solution to the problem. It is evident that the advertisement provides solution to the problem without setting appropriate strategies for s olving the problem. The advert has evident mythology aspects that relate to its intended message. Firstly, the advert relies on the power of association as a strategy towards elimination of people’s attitude towards drinking of wine. In addition, the advertisement relies on scientific discoveries and people’s observation. Although the advert creates a link between current scientific discovery and modern day medical problem, it is slightly unrealistic (Radway, 2010). This deficiency creates a basis for the cultural myth in the advertisement. In addition, the advertisement illustrates the numerous cultural myths associated with wine drinking. For instance, people associate wine drinking with the rich people. In addition, different brands of wine are associated with ancient European monarchies. For instance, the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Report 1500 words Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Report 1500 words - Essay Example Social factors are those which include the family backgrounds, the geographical areas, the socio-economic classes, and other factors relating to types of schools, teachers, and education. Primary schools in the UK suffer many social factors influencing the provision of education because UK is a multicultural society with various socio-economic classes, different types of schools such as private and public, and several family backgrounds. Schools teach socializing to students and give them common values according to which they develop their personalities away from their ethnic, cultural, or economic backgrounds (Hawkins, 2012, p. 116). However, at times the social factors intervene in the provision of education to students and affect their nurturing. There are some schools that are private and some public which affects the provision of education. Private schools consist of the students who belong to higher socio-economic classes. Such schools have teachers who provide high quality education to students and focus on their designed plans and curriculums; in addition to giving students ethical and religious values that would bring them closer to humanity and developing a strong personality. Public schools provide primary education to students coming from all sorts of social backgrounds. Even though these schools have governors, leaders, managers, and staff members who are continually monitored by the government, they often fail to minimize the differences between students. At times, language barriers and ethnic differences affect the provision of education in public schools as they are located in districts which ofte n have people from the same cultures, or people from diverse cultures (Sylva, 2010, p. 56). Socio-economic factors deal with the areas where the schools are located. Some students are situated in areas where there are ethnic minorities whereas some are located in low socio-economic areas. These

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Questions in Principle of economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Questions in Principle of economy - Essay Example Economists use the concept of elasticity to define the sensitivity of consumers to the change that happens in prices of goods and services. In general understanding elasticity is a reaction’s measure of one variable on the changing of another variable expressed in percentage. There are several types of elasticity, one of which is the price elasticity of demand. This indicator shows the percentage of demand changing under the influence of price changing also expressed in per cents. In other words, the coefficient of price elasticity defines how many per cents of changing the volume of demand will have if the price changes by 1 per cent. Formula of the mentioned indicator is the following: If calculated rate is bigger than 1 then demand on the product is elastic. This means that if price changes by 1 per cent then demand will change by more than 1 percent. So decrease in price on the product will cause sharp increase of sales that enlarges the level of total revenue. Therefore, in such situation the policy of decreasing the price can be very effective and may bring additional profits afterwards. Hence, for instance, for the telecommunication service providers, the higher the elasticity the better, because cutting prices will affect the growth in demand which in its turn will boost profits (Weingarten and Stuck 2001, pp. 32). If calculated formula of elasticity reaches 1 sharply then there is a unit elasticity, which indicates that 1 per cent change of price causes the same percentage change of demand. In this respect, the fall of price is compensated with the rise of sales and the total revenue remains unchangeable. The products with elastic demand are considered those goods that are easy to substitute. Luxury goods also have coefficient of elasticity that exceeds 1. For example, pieces of art are the products with elastic demand. Articles of prime necessity, such as, for example,

The Hartford Civic Center Collapse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Hartford Civic Center Collapse - Essay Example He has to explore all these options to ensure that he develops the best software solution with minimal costs. After the software has been designed, the engineer then puts it to testing to ensure that it solves the problem. In addition the engineer also engages in maintenance and monitoring of the software to ensure that it meets the set goals. Engineers also iterate by going back to previous steps in designing new software to ensure that the new design meets the requirement for creating a software solution to a problem. Prototyping is an important stage in the development of a new software solution. At this stage the engineer is able to test the workability of the abstract design through by experiment. By testing the prototype the engineer can be able to identify areas where the new design needs modification or whether it is a workable solution. Analyses of designs and computer software have been identified as one of the ways of enhancing the robustness and reliability of a design. For the design to be verified there must be a formal description of the design at all stages. This description acts as the blueprint for development and is very crucial during verification. Verification is important as not just as way of ensuring the correctness of the system but as one of the way of understanding the working of the system. Verification can be provided as mathematical proof or through the use of natural language. Although the proof maybe informal, it should be structured in such a way that it is readable and comprehensible to other people other than the engineer. Three methods are used for this purpose. They include verification, calibration and validation. Calibration is made through the adjustment of various calibrations being used there by adjusting how the model is used as a simulation of the process. Verification is achieved by comparing the output data with the data that is expected from the input. The information is the verified by

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven Essay

The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven - Essay Example However Sherman Alexie doesn’t get satirical at all. He in his simple tones and simple style puts across the reader as what happened in the lives of his people. His metaphors although strong don’t overwhelm the reader. These metaphors come from his background, the culture he has been brought up in and the traditions and stories passed on from one generation to another. The thesis for analysis for this essay is the style of Sherman Alexie’s writing style which is literal and metaphorical, human and natural with a mix of reality and fantasy. The powerful use of metaphors and subtle hint towards magical realism gives a very special effect to the art of Sherman Alexie’s story telling. From the perspective of literature, they present many stories under one title. Some stories are kept in the background but their effects are seen on the characters and stories on the foreground, while some stories may go hand in hand in one story presented. Although the reader is reading many stories in one story, the main thread is not lost, which is what makes Sherman Alexie’s writing style unique and captivating. ... The party that is going on in the house is a vain attempt to fill the house with colours and laughter. In the same story Victor also states about the abject poverty during the festival time and his father being penniless to buy gifts for the family and the friends. The scene when Victor sees his father pulling out his wallet continuously, examining it as if there is miraculously going to be some money inside and keeping it back in the pocket touches every reader. It gives a very powerful picture in a very simple language. During other hurricanes broadcast on the news, Victor had seen crazy people tie themselves to trees on the beach. Those people wanted to feel the force of the hurricane first hand, wanted it to be like an amusement ride, but the thin ropes were broken and the people were broken. Sometimes the trees themselves were pulled from the ground and both the trees and the people tied to the trees were carried away. (Every Little Hurricane) Victor sees people hanging on, thin king that the hurricane will pass. He also talks about the people who were not party to the war, maybe by their own will or by situation, but they were affected alike by the war. He talks about people who tie themselves to trees to watch the hurricane, to feel it. Not all people participating in the action had a high end motive like sacrifice for the people and all, but they did participate in what was going on. Pulling out of trees indicates that whatever we stick to as a solid ground or possibly fundamental also gets shaken from the roots. The events and occurrences around you are so strong that they uproot you and change your direction altogether. One big hurricane in the story gives way to other little

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

External Audit, Internal Controls & Management Information Systems Essay

External Audit, Internal Controls & Management Information Systems - Essay Example Most public companies have an internal audit function. The internal auditor generally consists of employees from within the organization, although at times this some or all of this function may be outsourced (ABA, 2007). For companies where internal auditing exists, it is important for the auditing committee to meet with the senior internal auditing executives regularly to discuss problems and issues regarding the internal and external audit programs. Annual audit plans should also be reviewed regularly. Even if the internal audit program has been outsourced the auditing committee should hold regular meetings with theses representatives (American Bar Association, 2007). The fundamental contributor to the failure of an organization is a weak and ineffective internal audit system (Hamilton & Micklethwait, 2006). An internal auditing committee is crucial for assuring that the internal controls are working adequately and to ensure that the company's financial statements provide a true and fair view of the company and its affairs (Hamilton & Micklethwait, 2006). The audit committee is an integral part of corporate governance because it has the oversight responsibility for a public company's financial reporting processes and external controls. ... the external auditor and the board, review the annual and quarterly financial statements with the external auditor and to review annual reports to shareholders, among many others (American Bar Association, 2007). The audit committee should meet with the corporate external auditor during the planning phase of each annual audit for the purpose of planning, staffing, scope and cost of the audit. Other areas that require special attention or emphasis should also be discussed along with special procedures that may be required during the auditing process. Once the audit is completed, the audit committee along with the external auditor is required to review any problems or difficulties that they external auditors may have encountered. Any significant issues which were highlighted in the audit, debates which took place with management regarding the audit, letters summarizing the audit and observation to management and the management response letter should all also be reviewed and discussed by the audit committee with the external auditor (American Bar Association, 2007). The audit committee should be clear about all significant accounting judgments made in the audit which would impact the company's financial statements. The committee should also discuss the quality of management's accounting decisions with the external auditor. The committee should also discuss deficiencies and weaknesses pointed out in the audit, with the internal auditors (American Bar Association, 2007). The purpose of external audits is to evaluate an organization's accounting procedures and to provide an opinion about the true and fair state of the firm's financial standing. These also verify the organization's compliance to the set rules and standards such as the General Accepted Accounting

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The importance of authenticity in cultural tourism Essay

The importance of authenticity in cultural tourism - Essay Example The danger posed by cultural tourism is that culture may be lost. This is because the culture of the tourists and the culture of the natives may become intermingled, and there is no authenticity left. According to the view of those who coin the term â€Å"hyper-reality,† the result is that the distinction between inauthenticity and authenticity are collapsed. Therefore, authenticity is lost, and redefined according to a new paradigm that includes the mixing of tourist culture. This is obviously detrimental to the native populations, whose culture and rituals have been passed down from one generation to the next, and have a profound interest in keeping their culture alive. Another danger is that native people may be exploited through inauthentic cultural shows. A good example of this is the Maasai people who were on display at a Kenyan ranch owned by a wealthy Briton. The Maasai people put on a show for the wealthy visitors, and lived in mud huts on the property. They were not allowed to interact, and they were treated as one might treat animals in the zoo – strictly for display and entertainment. While the wealthy British people who viewed this spectacle politely clap, the Maasai are being stereotyped and humiliated. This is clearly the wrong way to go about cultural tourism. On the other hand, interactive experiences, where tourists immerse themselves in native culture, is authentic and allows natives to display their culture with pride. Other authentic displays of native rituals, such as the Balinese, who perform rituals not for the entertainment of the people but for the worship of their gods, is another good way for the natives to retain th eir culture while teaching tourists about the same. This paper will explore the theories behind cultural displays, why authenticity is important, what obstacles there are to authenticity, and will make a recommendation based on these findings. A theoretical discussion of authenticity and culture in tourism Authenticity in culture tourism takes place on a variety of planes and is impacted by a variety of things. Wang et al. (1999) posits that authenticity in cultural tourism is complex. The reason for the complexity is because authenticity may be either defined as objective, constructive or existential. Objective authenticity comes from the ability to judge authenticity in an objective manner. Therefore, even if the tourists feel that something is authentic, it may nevertheless be inauthentic if it is objectively judged to be so. Constructive authenticity, on the other hand, means that objects are judged to be authentic by shifting standards, according to power structures, points of view, beliefs or perspectives. Therefore, constructive authenticity cannot be objectively measured, as it is a relative standard, contextually determined and ever-evolving (Wang et al., 1999, p. 351). Moreover, cultural heritage may be politicized, in that heritage may defined or re-defined to serve national needs. Such is the case in China, and this contributes to constructive authenticity as well (Sofield & Li, 1998, p. 364). The third way that authenticity is defined, according to Wang et al. (1999) is existentially. This means that the person feels self-actualized while viewing these cultural items, and, basically, the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Larson in Nigeria Essay Example for Free

Larson in Nigeria Essay The legislation and the regulations by Nigerian officias has become one of the major problems of Larson. The value of the company by the Securities and Exchange Committee has been extremely low and the sales collection and payment to suppler are delayed in Nigeria. All these factors affect the liquidity and cash flow and raise the total cost of the company. Maintaining the operation was also complicated by problems in staffing. Expatiate staff is very costly. Additionally, entry visas for those expatriate are very complicated. The recruitment of qualified skilled experts is difficult and they are not staying long in the country. Because Larson had a promise to increase the share of local ownership, the local partners participation seems very important. If the local equity participation keeps very low like current situation, the profit of both companies will become little or even lost capital. Recommendation The vice-president of international operations should decide to continue the companys joint venture in Nigeria. However, the company needs to address the problems of coping with local indigenization and hire a new joint venture general manager. Discussions Although the expatriate general manager of the Nigerian operation has delivered a very negative report, the operation should still continue. There are great amount of demands for products in Nigeria and competitions seem not very high. Since different country have different business cultural, to successfully operate the company in Nigeria, we have to cope with their way of doing business. After the share of local ownership increase, they cultural of the business might change to the local way. And the company will have more access to negotiate with the government. As a result, after increase the local equity percentage, in order to maintain the business in Nigeria, Larsons first step is to deal with the Nigerian business cultural. This will help the company solve the problems of cooperate their joint venture partner with divergent views. In order to increase the cooperation, senior management might have to give early retirement to Ridley and hire a new joint venture general manager who has more adaptability. The new manager will help Larson to negotiate and keep good relation with the local equity side. Moreover, the new manager should have an excellent human recourses skill and understand the labour market. This will help the company with the staffing problem which they can hire or train the local experts.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Characteristics of Retroviruses

The Characteristics of Retroviruses Retroviruses have various characteristics that make them unique as gene delivery vehicles. Their life cycle includes an integrated state in the DNA of the host chromosome. Retroviruses are the only animal viruses that integrate into the host cells genome during the normal growth cycle. They use an integrase that acts in a site-specific manner to join the ends of the viral cDNA to target sequences in host cell DNA. The linear ds cDNA made in the cytoplasm is transported to the nucleus where it is also found as circles and as integrated DNA. Two forms of circular DNA are generally found: one having a single Long Terminal Repeat (LTR) and one having two LTRs. It is now thought that the original integrated proviruses were linear molecules with two LTRs. The retroviral promoter can direct high-level, efficient expression of genes encoded within the viral capsid of its genome using chromatin. The retroviral genomes can accommodate changes to its configuration. Retroviruses offer gene therapy researchers aid for delivering genes to target cells at high efficiency that allows for long-term, stable expression of introduced genetic elements The retroviral life cycle begins in the nucleus of an infected cell. At the beginning of the life cycle the retroviral genome is a DNA element integrated into and covalently attached to the DNA of the host cell. Full-length genomic mRNA is made starting at the beginning of the repeat at the 5 LTR (Long Terminal Repeat). The free particle can infect new cells by binding to a cell surface receptor. The specificity of the virus-cell interaction is determined most commonly by the envelope proteins of the retrovirus. Infection leads to injection of the virus nucleoprotein core (consisting of many gag-derived proteins, full-length genomic RNA, and the reverse transcriptase protein). Once inside the cell, the nucleoprotein complex accesses intracellular DNA nucleotide triphosphate pools, where the reverse transcriptase protein initiates and creation of a double-stranded DNA copy of the genome of the virus is prepared for integration into the host cell chromosome. When reverse transcription is completed, the viral enzyme integrase looks for an appropriate storage place for the DNA, which the integrase clips the host DNA to and binds the double-stranded DNA into the host DNA. The virus is the able to initiate a new round of replication again. 3 major proteins encoded in a retroviral genome Gag is a polyprotein and is an acronym for Group Antigens (ag). Pol is the reverse transcriptase. Env is the envelope protein. The group antigens form the viral core structure and are the major proteins which comprise the nucleoprotein core particles. Reverse transcriptase is the essential enzyme that carries out the reverse transcription process that take the RNA genome to a double-stranded DNA preintegrate form. General transcription and proteins are encoded from spliced mRNA of retroviruses. Transcription proceeds through the genome and mRNA is polyadenylated and processed using signals in transcribed regions from the 3 LTR at the end of the transcribed R (repeat). The full-length message can be spliced to lead to production of envelope proteins (or other proteins depending upon retroviral class). Unspliced full-length mRNA can give rise to gag-pol proteins. Gag and Pol are made as either Gag protein or a Gag-Pol precursor. Translated proteins assemble a retroviral particle at the cell surface. Full-length genomic unspliced mRNA is bound by gag-derived proteins and incorporated into the budding particle. Virion structures In retroviruses particle shapes can be divided into distinct categories: A-type particles are immature intracellular forms derived from endogenous retrovirus-like elements and the immature form of MMTV. B-type particles correspond to the extracellular form of MMTV and are characterised by prominent surface protein spikes and a dense asentric nucleocapsid. C-type particles form at the surface of the cell at the site of budding. Lentiviruses bud like C type particles but have a distinctive blunted cone shaped core. D-type particles are the MMPV related viruses of sub-human primates, and differ from B-type particles by a lack of surface spikes. The gag (group specific antigen) gene encodes the viral matrix, capsid and nucleoproteins The protease encodes a product that cleaves the gag polyprotein precursor. It can be encoded as part of Gag or a Gag-Pro-Pol polyprotein The major read-through product is derived from the pol gene which encodes the reverse transcriptase and an integrase which is involved in provirus integration. The envelope gene encodes the surface glycoprotein (SU) transmembrane (TM) polyprotein. Viral entry Retroviruses enter by at least two different manners, dependent upon the retroviral subclass. The viral envelope is critical in each case for recognising appropriate surface receptors to initiate viral fusion to the host target cells. The RNA genome in the free retrovirus is arranged as a diploid genome with identical sequences. The mRNA associates with a tRNA primer (pro, trp, or lys) that is bound by complementary base pairing to 18 base pairs to the U5 region. The integrated form (proviral) of all retroviruses contain transcription regulatory sequences primarily in Long Terminal Repeats (LTR). LTR sequences are derived from sequences unique to the 5 end of viral RNA (U5), from sequences unique to the 3 end of viral RNA (U3), and from sequences repeated at both ends of the viral RNA. The integrated provirus is larger than the viral genome but its complexity is the same because of duplication of U3 and U5 during synthesis. Replication of retroviruses is sensitive to the transcription inhibitors Actinomycin D, alpha-amanitin nucleoside and analogues like 5-bromodioxyuridine and cytosine arabinoside. 5 bromodioxyuridine and cytosine arabinoside are thought to inhibit DNA replication.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Vouchers and School Choice are Bad :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

School Choice and Vouchers are Bad I have spent considerable time reading the literature on the topic of school choice and tuition vouchers. I was initially in favor of the idea simply because it seems to be common sense. After just a little reading, I am now an advid supporter. After all, our entire standard of living is based on the idea of choice. The more choices we have, and the means to pursue those choices, the higher the standard of living we enjoy. In our lives, simply stated, choice means everything. When it comes to public schooling is there a choice? David Kirkpatrick, in his book, Choice In Schooling, argues that choice already exists de facto in our system and it is not regulated. It is because of this lack of regulation such inequality exists. Let us not kid ourselves, education may profess to be about equity and equal opportunity, but this has never been the case in America or any other country. Education is about power. Power is a tool guarded by those who have it. Those with the means in this society already have exercised their choice and have built their own schools based on choice and in turn new opportunities. The masses have then been left to the confines of a limited system. Make no mistake, in a capitalist society, this is by design. I remember reading the America at Risk report on Education in America, there was one line in there that summed up the educational system in this country and the lack of effort to change it. "If this current educational system was instituted in America by a foreign nation, it would be cause for a social revolution and a formal declaration of war." Yet it is accepted by those in power and justified for its existence through laws and coercion of the masses. Why then do schools stay relatively unchanged? The article, A School for Choice, by Debra Viadero, outlines some "red flags" that are meant to caution for school choice. In my opinion, taken together, these make a weak argument at best to counter the need for choice. The concern of parents being good consumers is a good example of a ridiculous red flags. I suppose it is better to have no choice than to have any choice? Given time, parents will become savvy to the market and make good consumer decisions. Vouchers and School Choice are Bad :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics School Choice and Vouchers are Bad I have spent considerable time reading the literature on the topic of school choice and tuition vouchers. I was initially in favor of the idea simply because it seems to be common sense. After just a little reading, I am now an advid supporter. After all, our entire standard of living is based on the idea of choice. The more choices we have, and the means to pursue those choices, the higher the standard of living we enjoy. In our lives, simply stated, choice means everything. When it comes to public schooling is there a choice? David Kirkpatrick, in his book, Choice In Schooling, argues that choice already exists de facto in our system and it is not regulated. It is because of this lack of regulation such inequality exists. Let us not kid ourselves, education may profess to be about equity and equal opportunity, but this has never been the case in America or any other country. Education is about power. Power is a tool guarded by those who have it. Those with the means in this society already have exercised their choice and have built their own schools based on choice and in turn new opportunities. The masses have then been left to the confines of a limited system. Make no mistake, in a capitalist society, this is by design. I remember reading the America at Risk report on Education in America, there was one line in there that summed up the educational system in this country and the lack of effort to change it. "If this current educational system was instituted in America by a foreign nation, it would be cause for a social revolution and a formal declaration of war." Yet it is accepted by those in power and justified for its existence through laws and coercion of the masses. Why then do schools stay relatively unchanged? The article, A School for Choice, by Debra Viadero, outlines some "red flags" that are meant to caution for school choice. In my opinion, taken together, these make a weak argument at best to counter the need for choice. The concern of parents being good consumers is a good example of a ridiculous red flags. I suppose it is better to have no choice than to have any choice? Given time, parents will become savvy to the market and make good consumer decisions.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The South Could Not Win the Civil War :: American America History

The South Could Not Win the Civil War "The South could never have won the Civil War," is a true statement, reflecting the various ways in which the Southern states attempted to fight a losing battle from the beginning. The economic dependency of the South on cotton on slavery was obvious, whereas the North had diversified and sufficiently. The advantage also lay with the North for reasons such as better communication and transportation, and even more soldiers. The leadership in the North under Abraham Lincoln was far superior to the less savvy Jefferson Davis. It is also a fair argument to say that the just cause always overcomes, and morally, slavery was not just at all. In the 1850's the North was more populous and urban, due to all the Irish and German immigrants that traveled to the states. By1860, 9 out of the 10 biggest cities were in the North. The North also had 70% of the railroads, and more telegraph lines to send messages instantly. The North had a lot more industry also, with its 10,000 factories that brought in $1.5 billion dollars in goods compared to the South's 20,000 that brought in $155 million.(Source 1) The South did, however, have more slaves and more cotton. This was not any sort of military advantage, and merely made it more obvious to the North how desperate the South was to keep its peculiar institution running. Additionally, the first attack at Fort Sumter was poorly organized and was expected by the North. Lincoln had wanted to attack, but waited so as to retain the sympathies of any Northern moderates. The South's attack played into what he wanted. Once the war began, the military expertise of Ulysses S. Grant for the North made it an uphill battle for the South. His military skill alone was enough to give Robert E. Lee's forces in the South serious problem, but the Union army also greatly outnumbered the South's troops. Though Lee would prove to be a worthy general, his strategic downfall at Gettysburg would begin the inevitable loss for the South. (Source 2) In conclusion, it was obvious from the beginning of the Civil War that the South would not win the war. This having been said, Robert E. Lee was a fine general, but was simply without enough soldiers to lead a successful uprising.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Irony, Ambiguity, Symbols, and Symbolism in Gullivers Travels Essay

Use of Irony, Ambiguity and Symbolism, in Gulliver's Travels      Ã‚  Ã‚   Although it appears simple and straightforward on the surface, a mere travelogue intended solely for the amusement of children, Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift, proves, upon closer examination, to be a critical and insightful work satirizing the political and social systems of eighteenth-century England. Through frequent and successful employment of irony, ambiguity and symbolism, Swift makes comments addressing such specific topics as current political controversies as well as such universal concerns as the moral degeneration of man.   While he incorporates them subtly early in the novel, these observations and criticisms eventually progress to a point where they may shock or offend even the most unsuspecting reader.   In order to witness this evolution of presentation, one need only observe the development of the work's central character, Captain Lemuel Gulliver, as Swift has designed his novel in such a way that, as his aspersions harshen and intensify, so do Gulliver's actions and attitudes.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   For instance, in book one, "A Voyage to Lilliput", when Gulliver finds himself lost in a world one-twelfth the size of his own, he proves himself to be quite naive and impressionable.   Although he is simply too large to perceive them in detail, Gulliver judges the country's inhabitants he meets to be as perfect and innocent as their toylike appearances.   He refers to the Lilliputian emperor, a being not even six inches high, as "His Imperial Majesty" and blindly agrees to perform any demanded service, even though he could easily overpower the tiny natio... ... throughout the story in the form of irony and satire, Gulliver himself offers a solution to his situation at the close of the novel.   He realizes that there is little he can do about being human; he simply must learn to live with himself. To achieve this, he suggests looking in a mirror as often as possible, not only so that he might learn to bear the sight of his own person but also so that he may be constantly reminded   of those shortcomings he seeks so desperately to overcome.    Works Cited and Consulted Backscheider, Paula R. A Being More Intense: A Study of the Prose Works of Buynan, Swift, and Defoe. New York: AMS Press, 1984. Carnochan, W. B. Lemuel Gulliver's Mirror for Man. Berkley: University of California Press, 1968. Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's Travels. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.      

Teen Dating Violence Support Group

Although most teen dating relationships last a shorter amount of time, it is an important part of a teen’s life that can impact them greatly. Teen dating violence occurs when one partner in the dating relationship is abused by the other partner and tries to control their daily functions. In the 2007 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, nearly10 percent of teens nationwide reported having an experience of physical violence from a romantic partner a year prior to this article (Mulford, & Giordano, 2008). It is important for teens to be aware of signs that their relationship may be heading towards violence or that they are in an abusive relationship so they could receive help before any serious injury or death occurs. The teen dating violence support group will give teens an arena to discuss actions that can be defined as dating violence or abuse from a romantic partner. The group will also be a supportive arena for those teens who have experienced violence or abuse in a romantic relationship in becoming survivors and coping with their experience and moving on to feeling safe and living a violence free life. In the support group, there will be discussions on what is considered a healthy relationship and how to maintain a healthy relationship. The support groups main focus is to empower teens to be educated about the signs and the dangers of dating violence and to empower teens with information on how to avoid dating violence, to recognize an abusive relationship, and to be able to escape abusive situations safely. Rational Working with women at a domestic violence shelter, I have noticed a high percentage of the women who receive services from our program, discuss they had experienced a form of abuse from a boyfriend or a romantic partner as teenagers. Some of the women stated as teens they did not take their experience serious enough or understand that they were being abused or that it could happen to them again as an adult. A survey done by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2010, states approximately 1 in 5 women and almost 1 in 7 men who at one time experienced rape, physical violence, and stalking by a romantic partner, had first experienced some form violence from a romantic partner between the age between 11 and 17 years old (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). Most teens do not report their experiences of dating violence making it hard for adults and practitioners to find out about this experience in the teen years. Ashley and Foshee (2005) explain that it is far less likely that teens will report an episode dating violence than will adults reporting a domestic violence episode. Teens need to be educated and informed on the dangers of violence to understand why it is important to report their experience of violence so the cycle of abuse can stop and they could learn to be safe and live a violence free life. Additional Information The population that this support group will target are students that are in middle school where the ages are between 11 and 14 years of age. The support group will be open to both male and female students. Although high school is where most teens will begin to date, middle school aged teens also experience dating violence. It is essential for the group leaders to understand the importance of peer influence and the impact it has on the development of teens. It will be important to assure all members of the group that all information discussed will be confidential so they could feel comfortable in expressing their feelings and experiences. The desirable group size for this particular support group would be 6 to 8 teenagers at a time. This allows for a group small enough to have intimate dialogue and large enough for the members not to feel being singled out. A group this size with teens will allow the flow of conversation and interaction of the members. This group is open to male and female students to discuss their experiences of dating violence and become educated on signs and the cycle of dating violence. There will be times when the males and females will be separated to complete activities then they will come together to discuss the different gender perspective on certain facts about teen dating violence. Legal and Ethical Considerations It is important that the group leader take precautions to protect all clients from any physical, emotional or psychological harm (ACA, 2005). An informed consent with the parents and the students under the age of 18 years old will be necessary for the students to participate in this support group. In the consent the confidentiality and the limitations of confidentiality must be explained and the purpose and the focus of the support group must be clearly explained. Failure to explain this information to the students or their parents, could result in legal actions being taken against the therapist that could lead to loss of professional license. It would also be important to discuss the particulars and the process of the group with the parents of the students because they are minors and the parent consent is needed for them to participate in the support group. References American Counseling Association. (2005). ACA code of ethics. Retrieved from http://www. counseling. org/resources/codeofethics/TP/home/ct2. aspx Ashley, O. S. , & Foshee, V. ( 2005). Adolescent help-seeking for dating violence: Prevalence, sociodemographic correlates, and source of help. Journal of Adolescent Health, 36, 25-31. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Teen dating violence. Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov/ViolencePrevention/intimatepartnerviolence/teen_dating_violence. html Mulford, C. , & Giordano, P. C. (2008). Teen dating violence: A closer look at adolescent romantic relationships. National Institute of Justice Journal, No. 261. Retrieved from http://nij. gov/journals/261/teen-dating-violence. htm Abstract Teen dating violence is becoming more recognized and important to today’s society as a major safety concern when it comes to dealing with teens. It is important for communities to be aware of this concern and have the appropriate services to provide teens the necessary information that promotes awareness and prevention. To ensure that teens are empowered with being educated on the dangers of teen violence and knowing how to escape a violent relationship safely is important to the health and development of teens into adulthood. Parents and communities need to understand the dynamics of teen dating violence to break the cycle and to lessen the chances of teens experiencing abuse or violence in a romantic relationship. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature that is relevant to educating, recognizing and preventing teen dating violence. An analysis of the current literature and research was done to provide information on recognizing the signs that a relationship is abusive or heading towards violence, the reasons surrounding why this type of violence is less likely to be reported, the risk factors associated with teen dating violence, and the impact dating violence has on the development of adolescents. Also, an analysis on the different types of prevention that is helpful to teens in avoiding and safely escaping an abusive or violent romantic relationship. Most middle school students are not aware that certain behaviors that their romantic partners display are the beginning signs of abuse or violence in the relationship. Dating violence can be defined as the act or the threat of the act of violence that is displayed by one member of a union that is not married that takes place during dating or courting (Glass, Fredland, Campbell, Yonas, Sharps, & Kub, 2003). Most teens in middle school do not recognize the actions that their partners display are signs that they may be in an abusive or violent relationship. Common behaviors like constantly calling and texting their partner to find out where their partner is at, what the partner is doing, and who their partner is with are jealous behaviors and is considered warning signs that can lead to dating violence. Other warning signs that the relationship is heading towards becoming violent are name calling, putting their partner down, making threats to harm family and friends, using violence to solve problems in the relationship, forcing the partner to do things that the partner does not want to do, and threatening to do self harm (Oklahoma Department of Health, 2010). At times teens do not take the hitting, jealous and controlling behavior seriously and may just take the hitting as playing around and the jealous and controlling behavior as signs of love and not signs of danger that could lead to getting physically hurt. Herrman (2009) explains that research has found that there are important differences in which teens define interpersonal violence based on gender. She further states that boys are likely to connect the act of violence to being provoked and girls see violence as a way of showing control or to dominate their partner. Although teen dating violence is prevalent in today’s society, many teens do not tell anyone or report their violent or abusive relationship to adults or the authority. Teens are far less likely to report a violent incident with a partner and it is estimated that about 1 in 11 events of teen dating violence are reported to adults or police and then some incidents are reported but not attended to (Ashley & Foshee, 2005). The study that Ashley and Foshee (2005) conducted to find the percent of victims and perpetrators that would seek help resulted in showing 60% of the 225 victims in the study and 79% of the 140 perpetrators in the study reported they did not go and ask for help. Sometimes victims are afraid that their partner will come back at them to do harm and make the violence continue or worse and some victims believe that they are at fault or they made their partner act violently because of something they did. Herrman (2009) explains that some teens that have children by the perpetrator will not report due to being loyal or having to depend on the abuser who is the father. Another factor that could have something to do with teen’s lack of report when they experience teen dating violence is some teens believe that violence is one-sided to the point where boys are the ones who get in trouble more and girls can abuse and it not thought of as serious and do not get in trouble as much as boys. Herrman (2009) explain that boys report that girls are allowed to do more violence to boys with no punishment because boys do not have considerable injuries in comparison to girls who are abused by boys with significant injuries. This is part of the reason why males do not report incidents of violence or abuse by females and also their macho thoughts of being the stronger one keeps most males from reporting dating violence. In society today, there is a double standard about who is actually being abused when it comes to males and females due to who is considered stronger species. This should not matter if someone is being abused or being hurt by another person. There are many risk factors that are associated with teen dating violence. If a teen is raised in a family that experiences or observes violence when solving problems it is possible that the teen will act in the same manner. Ayers and Davies (2011) explain that when teens have violent or abusive behavior shown in the home, the children can learn to behave in the same manner and the act of violence becomes an acceptable way to respond to others when there is a problem. Some studies show that an area where one lives can have an increase in domestic and teen dating violence. On study show that males and females that live in the southern region of the United States has more dating violence rates and may have increased tolerance to violence (Marquart, Nanni, Edwards, Stanley, & Wayman, 2007). Other studies report that dating violence is more likely in rural environments due to the thoughts about male and female roles, isolation, not having activities that are structured, and the customary practice of some teens driving around with alcohol (Marquart et al. , 2007). Teen dating violence can seriously impact adolescents in many different ways. The violence behavior from a romantic partner can cause physical injuries to the other partner where they may have to go to the hospital. Herrman (2009) discusses that nearly 8% of teens report going to an emergency room to get care for injuries that they got while in a romantic dating relationship. Teen dating violence can also result in the death of a partner as it was reported in an article in the New York Times (2009) of how a 20 year old girl in Indianapolis was killed by her boyfriend after trying to leave the abusive relationship several times. Teen dating can also have long-term effects on the health of the adolescent during their life like drug and alcohol abuse, depression, low-self esteem, and eating disorders (Oklahoma Department of Health. 010). Violence in a teen relationship can develop into a long term pattern of unhealthy intimate partner violence and the development of poor relationship skill (O’Keefe, 2005). Teens who were victims of dating violence are more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence in their life as an adult. It is important for teens to be aware of the long term effec ts of dating violence that could continue on into adulthood and dictate the relationship style for future relationships. Teens that experience dating violence have a greater chance of emotional and behavioral problems as young adults and increased risk of having violent relationships in the future (Healy, 2012). Researchers from a nationally representative survey that examined teens between the ages of 12 to 18 that said they were the victim of a violent dating relationship, examined these young adults five years later and found that these same teens, boys and girls were three times more likely to be involved in a violent relationship as a young adult (Healy, 2012). Teens who learn and develop negative relationship skills tend to carry on those negative relationship skills into adulthood. To address the issue of teen dating violence there have been many interventions and preventions established to minimize and hopefully eliminate dating violence with teens. There teen dating violence to parents, adolescents, and other adults in the community to raise public awareness like The National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline, and the National Center for Victims of Crime (Herrman, 2009). There has also been education in the schools to make the teachers and students aware of the signs and the risk factors. Herrmann (2009) explain that many schools include prevention topics in the health classes to help students think of ways to improve conflict management skills and to change the dating violence norms. Prevention strategies such as awareness and promoting healthy relationships by providing assistance and addressing change at all levels of social environment the give power to intimate partner violence will eventually enhance the efforts to reduce the risk factors and advance protective determinants (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). Teen dating violence is becoming a widespread issue in today’s society and needs to be addressed and made know so parents, school officials and professionals can be aware and know how to assist those in need of help. Making teen dating violence more aware to adolescents and the community will help to reduce incidents of teen dating violence and help to educate adolescents on healthy relationships, what the signs are for teen dating violence, and seek help to deal this issue.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Collections INF

This subject focuses on the provision of appropriate Information resources for organizations and communities, with particular emphasis on the hardcopy and electronic materials required to achieve the goals of libraries, Information agencies and related organizations.It will also address the concept of tacit and explicit knowledge collections and the role of institutional repositories. Attention is given to the assessment of needs, selection, acquisition, evaluation, deselecting of resources and consortia, and issues such as policy formulation, budgeting, cooperative resource provision, outsourcing, preservation, electronic publishing and space planning.Introduction INFIX 0 focuses on the resources that librarians, archivists, record keepers and other information professionals make available and accessible to their clients, with reticular emphasis on how these materials are identified, selected, acquired, evaluated and removed when no longer of value. In the past, subjects of this kin d have been concerned mainly with printed materials, but in more recent years digital objects (any digital file of whatever type – a word document, email, database, video clip and so on, is commonly called an ‘object') have become at least as important as print materials.In the weeks ahead both types of materials will receive considerable attention. As you will see, the subject covers a lot of territory. This means a lot of org, and your task will probably be a lot easier and more palatable if you are able to work at a steady pace through the modules in Interact and associated readings, rather than neglecting the subject for two or three weeks and then attempting to absorb several topics in a day or two. If you do work at It fairly steadily, you should not find the concepts particularly difficult to absorb and understand.But the relevant area Is rapidly developing, largely because of the revolution In electronic resources that has been proceeding for some years. It does require an openness to new Ideas. It Is recommended that you supplement what you read here by examining recent Issues of journals and by monitoring Internet sites, and If you find yourself working In this field you really will need to make a conscious effort to keep up with new developments.However, this subject does aspire to provide a self-contained Introduction at a basic level. The subject now before you is a varied one with many possibilities for further study student who found nothing at all of interest. We hope you find this an interesting and stimulating subject, providing broad brush contexts and paradigms within which the ore practical focus exists. Both aspects are important to understand the work and how it fits in the broader information environment.Your Subject Outline The University, Faculty and School policies, regulations and procedures frame your studies detailing your rights and expectations, your requirements and the procedures necessary for successful Charles S trut University Subject Outline INFANT 201230 W D-30 January 2012-version 1 page 2 of 15 navigation through your studies. It is important for you to read all this information and clarify any issues with your Subject Coordinator.Faculty and School policies are published online in the Faculty/School Folio. Http://www. CSS. Deed. AU/faculty/educate/ folio/folio. HTML Your subject coordinator Robert Pym Academic biography Bob Pym has worked in libraries and related cultural institutions for more than 20 years. From 1993 until early 2005, he worked for the National Film and Sound Archive in Canberra, latterly as the manager of their Collection Development area.During this time Bob taught on a casual basis at the University of Canberra and Canberra Institute of Technology. His teaching interests include: collection development – leslies, selection and retention; preservation of digital materials; popular culture and libraries; and audio visual materials. Bob's PhD is in the area of Australian popular fiction and its preservation and he is interested in researching the role of popular culture materials and their place in documenting society.Subject author(s) John Kennedy, Bob Pym and Sue Terry Learning objectives – be able to discuss critically the means of assessing information needs of communities and organizations; – be able to participate in the development of an information resources policy; – be able to provide an overview of the range of information resources available; – demonstrate an appreciation of issues relating to the selection and deselecting of information resources; – display an understanding of the nature of acquisitions work as it relates to information resources in traditional and digital form and the formation of knowledge- based collections; – be able to outline the development of virtual information resources and participate in an informed consideration of the merits of such resources; – d emonstrate an understanding of the role of consortia in the provision of information resources; – demonstrate an understanding of how information agencies represent themselves in a digital world; – have developed a clear understanding of the role of institutional repositories and the policies and practices necessary to ensure their success; and – be able to discuss critically managerial issues such as censorship, budgeting, outsourcing and cooperative resource provision. All CSS courses leading to the award of Bachelor degree will foster in their graduates the attributes set out below. CSS graduate attributes build students' capacity to contribute to their community and to the wider society.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Chemical Studies Essay

a) The teller at the bank with brown hair and brown eyes and is taller than the other tellers. b) I caught four fish at the seven o’clock in the morning but didn’t catch any at noon. c) The salaries at Smith and Company are based on the number of sales and Billy makes 3,000 dollars more than Joe. d) When Sally eats healthy foods and exercises regularly, her blood pressure is lower than when she does not exercise and eats fatty foods. e) The Italian restaurant across the street closes at 9 pm but the one two blocks away closes at 10 pm. f) Bob bought a new blue shirt with a golf club on the back for twenty dollars. g)For the past two days the clouds have come out at 3 pm and it has started raining at 3:15 pm. h)George did not sleep at all last night because he was up finishing his pape i) Ice cream melts faster on a warm summer day than on a cold winter day. ) The teller at the bank with brown hair and brown eyes and is taller than the other tellers. – it can be tested by considering other tellers height. b) I caught four fish at the seven o’clock in the morning but didn’t catch any at noon. – in this case the work is already done and believing it is the only way. We cannot do any test as the results may vary. c) The salaries at Smith and Company are based on the number of sales and Billy makes 3,000 dollars more than Joe. – it can be tested by calculating the sales and salaries of both Billy and Joe. d) When Sally eats healthy foods and exercises regularly, her blood pressure is lower than when she does not exercise and eats fatty foods.- yes, it is testable, by having medical records of Sally. e) The Italian restaurant across the street closes at 9 pm but the one two blocks away closes at 10 pm.- it can be tested by observing the closure time of both restaurants for a period of time. g)For the past two days the clouds have come out at 3 pm and it has started raining at 3:15 pm. – it cannot be tested as clouds wont come at the same time daily. h)George did not sleep at all last night because he was up finishing his paper- it is not testable because, writing paper is not the sole source of not sleeping. Other thinngs can also effect. i) Ice cream melts faster on a warm summer day than on a cold winter day. – not testable because, in cold winter also ice cream melts if temperature is warm.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Dance Appreciation

Introduction Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev commonly known as Serge outside Russia, was a Russian promoter, ballet impresario and art critic. He was the founder and patron of the Ballets Russes, which is credited with producing many famous dancers and choreographers. Sergei is remembered all over the world as one of the greatest ballet personalities that have ever lived. He was born on March 31, 1872 in Russia in an affluent family with a history in music. He initially studied law at the University of St.Petersburg but would later take singing lessons. However, he never was a big success as a singer as his voice was unpleasant. Though he neither composed nor choreographed, he was extremely able to pick those who had the talent. He died on August 19, 1929 having left an indelible imprint in the world of music and dance. Contributions Sergei cofounded and edited the World of Art, an art magazine, which became extremely popular to the lovers of art in his day.He also edited the Annals of th e Imperial Theatre and transformed it, taking it a notch higher in terms of graphic design and typography though he is criticized for overrunning his budget. However, these two magazines remained very popular in the world of art during his tenure as the editor. His greatest brainchild, Ballets Russes, became instrumental in popularizing ballet throughout Europe. It is through this group’s productions that ballet became a fundamentals part of the European culture.Apart from popularizing the dance, the group brought into recognition some of the greatest choreographers the world has ever seen- Fokine, Nijinsky, Massine, Nijinska, and Balanchine. The composer Stravinsky was also virtually unknown and has Sergei to thank for making his genius known to the world. Conclusion Though Sergei was equally successful in collecting and exhibiting art and his ability to recognize talent in a painter was no less than in recognizing a talent in ballet, his greatest achievements will no doubt remain in revolutionizing ballet.His eye for detail and success in recognize talent will make him remain immortalized through the compositions of the Ballet Russes. The group’s effect is still felt today with former members such as George Balanchine causing ripples in the United States and Serge Lifar being as effective in Paris. Source Citation â€Å"Sergei Diaghilev. † Gay & Lesbian Biography. Ed. Michael J. Tyrkus and Michael Bronski. Detroit: St. James Press, 1997. Biography In Context. Web. 20 Feb. 2013.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Childhood friend Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Childhood friend - Essay Example I however develop closer ties with some of my friends, especially if I share in their social issues, and Saad is one of the people with whom I have been very close. We behaved like brothers and that is what some of our peer perceived us to be. Saad’s social condition is what attracted me to his life and made us so close. I do empathize with people and having noted a level of distress in his life drew me close to him until he told me his story, a sad story that induced my unrestricted psychological support to him. I have always loved my parents so much and can imagine what it feels like to lack one or both parents. Realizing that he was an orphan made him so special to me and I purposed to help him feel loved in order to be stable and build on his life. His parents had died when he was three years old and he was living with his uncle. Consequently, we became very close and spent a lot of time together. We shared so much about his life and I would encourage him to work hard and ensure that his children get the parental attention and love that fate had denied him. We lost touch with Saad during my second year in of high school. This occurred because his uncle got a transfer to a different city. He had no other relative to stay with, in the locality, and was therefore forced to move with the uncle. The distance barrier then played a significant role in our separation because we did not have time to meet as often as we used to. Travelling to his city or my city was also a challenge because of involved cost and time and our positions as students. There were other communication means but we did not utilize them to keep in touch. Even though Saad came back after two years, there is a lot of difference between us and the lost touch has persisted. He changed a lot and he is so much into drugs while I am not. I sometimes see him in the streets but the difference between our social lives is a significant barrier to the close relationship that we had. This is

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Cultural assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cultural assessment - Essay Example However, this has changed over time and tremendous growth of this tribe occurred. Hawaiian language is the forms part of the native language but many have abandoned it for English. Education has a high place in this tribe with Hawaiian children receiving public education like many of US citizens. In addition, there exists special education system where Hawaiian children learn using their native language. This have helped improve the level of literacy in this tribe. Hawaiians belief that health is a holistic issue and thus should be taken seriously. They use the term Lokahi to express their understanding of health. Lokahi means balance or harmony. In this culture, a person is healthy when their physical, mental, and spiritual parts are peaceful. Healing can only occur traditionally after putting things straight in the spiritual realm. They believe that illnesses affect the entire family, which calls for consulting every member of the family on the treatment plans (â€Å"Stanford,† 2012). Hawaiians have adopted poor eating habits from the westerners eating food high in fat and low in complex carbohydrates. Therefore, diabetes is a common disease to Hawaiians with a prevalence rate of 69.3%. A return to the old eating habits can help lower this prevalence. Hawaiian islanders grow traditional foodstuffs like taro, and sweet potatoes that are quite nutritious (Roger, 2011). Apart from obesity, other diseases that are catching up on this popu lation include cardiovascular diseases due to change from fishing to canned fish (â€Å"Stanford,† 2012). Hawaiians traditional healing practices include massage, tacking some herbs, prayer and conflict resolution. These beliefs have hindered Hawaiians from accessing helpful medical treatments. There are tremendous changes in the way Hawaiians seek medical treatments nowadays. However, Hawaiians

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

SHORT LISTENING ASSIGNMENT FORMAT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

SHORT LISTENING ASSIGNMENT FORMAT - Essay Example The soloists follow the order of the piano first, then the saxophone which is interrupted by the trombone and drums and then continued till trumpeter takes over. The chorus sequence at the end is beautiful not just melodiously but also visually since the musicians move their heads to match the music and add to the amusement and joy of the listeners. The soloist I most preferred is the saxophone since it was a long piece. It started at a low range of tone with beautiful riffing technique and paved the pitch for the other soloists to showcase their pieces. The slightly low range of tones in the second set of repeats is offset by the high pitched trumpets after it. It was a very successful solo. All in all the entire song evoked happiness in me. The quick paced rhythm almost resembles swing music and I felt like dancing to the tune. The melody of the chorus was pleasing as was the solo performances of the musicians. This is definitely one of those songs one can’t easily

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Finance Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Finance Assignment - Essay Example However, the best practise to calculate the cost of capital is to consider the market value of the assets, in which case, the difference can be significant. The WACC is calculated using only the cost of debt and the cost of equity. It is important to note that raising capital via. Debt increases the beta value of the company, i.e., the risk of investing is increased, as the company is obligated to pay the debt. Hence the cost of equity is also increased due to this change in capital structure. The debt ratio of Boral limited is computed as the ratio of total debt to total assets which is equal to (1518/5816.60) 26.1%. This is lesser when compared to the Commonwealth bank which has a higher debt ratio. Also, the Commonwealth bank of Australia has lesser short term money and in order to compute the liquidity position of the bank, the cash as well as the loans and deposits are to be considered. The gearing ratio of the bank has to be much higher, as the entire operation of the bank involves taking deposits and lending loans. However the gearing ratio of Boral cannot go much higher as it will affect the debt rating of the company. From the balance sheets, it is evident that Boral Limited has a number of non-tangible assets whereas all the assets and liabilities are monetary in nature. The banks normally seek and increase liabilities in order to build the assets. However manufacturing companies tend to build assets and thrive to increase the value. As there are opportunities for business development with the additional capital raised by making the company public, it is essential to estimate the business growth. This will give an estimate on the earnings per share. Based on the earnings, the plowback rate can be computed for continuous growth. Hence from the earnings per share and the plowback rate, the dividend payments can be forecast during the growth period. Case 1: Assuming that the business can expand for the next 6 years and

Monday, September 9, 2019

World War 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

World War 1 - Essay Example In May 1915, a German submarine successfully sank a British ocean liner â€Å"Lusitania† and killed approximately 128 U.S citizens out of the total 1,200 individuals who were in the ocean liner. Even after this event, the United States still remained neutral but they kept on assisting the Allies materially. On the other hand, the Americans viewed the Germans as aggressors. This is because they used U-boats and submarines to attack the ships which were carrying relief aid to the Allies. Their main aim was to starve the British and force them to surrender. The Americans also felt connected to the citizens of Great Britain because of their cultural similarities. After the sinking of Lusitania, the Americans faced a national security threat, hence; most of the citizens urged the government to join forces with the Allied Powers to fight against the Germans. The main cause of the war was because the British intercepted a telegram from the Germans. This telegram was being sent to the Mexican Government. The telegram was named after its sender Arthur Zimmerman. The Zimmerman telegram noted that Mexico was to declare war on America in order to conquer states such as New Mexico, Arizona and Texas in case there was a war between Germany and USA. Research also asserts that the involvement of the United States in World War I was attributed by propaganda from both sides. The US president did not want to get involved with the war but, when Teddy Roosevelt made a decision for running for presidency, Wilson felt threatened, and he announced that there was a high possibility of the country going to war. The main aim of President Wilson was to enhance safety in the world and promote democracy in the United States. Thus, the United States of America declared war against German on 6th April, 1917. Question b: Why did the Allies win World War I? World War I comprised of two powerful forces. The Allies comprised of Poland, the United Kingdom, China, France, United States and t he Soviet Union among other countries. Research asserts that the Allies won World War I because they were more powerful and prepared as compared to the Central Powers. It is quite clear that World War I was an attrition war and Germany lacked most of the resources at the end. The British had blocked all the supplies. The Allies had also waited to for the United Stated to join the war. The United States facilitated the win after they deployed new technological weapons which were used in the warfare against the Central Powers. On the other hand, the Allies had enough resources from the United States. This that the USA played a significant role in World War I. Germany was equipped with a massive army, therefore; they were destined to lose due to scarcity of resources. After 1914, the German army gave up the plan to the Allies who were located on the Western front. In this period, the Allies made several mistakes, which led to numerous deaths. In 1918, they united together and deployed new tactics, which involved the use of tanks and airplanes in the war. The use of this machinery significantly overpowered the Germans who were underdeveloped in terms of technology. The ultimate defeat of the Germans was enhanced by the blockage of German ports by the British. This led to the German Revolution and the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm. The Germans had also lost the war after the failure of the Schlieffen Plan. Various scholars claim that the Allies were able to win the war because the Germans did not have adequate food and resources to sustain them in the warfare. Question c: What were the goals and terms of Wilson’s 14 Points and Versailles Treaty? On 8th January, 1918, President Wilson

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Health Optimisation - Gerontic Nursing Care Essay

Health Optimisation - Gerontic Nursing Care - Essay Example Sullivan (2008) further points out that the patients suffering from dementia and delirium tend to have issues and behavioral problems of the same type including purposeless activity, sleep disorders, inappropriate conduct or aggressiveness. In both cases, the patient is most likely to be disoriented, have hallucination and delusions. Virani et al (2010) adds that patients suffering from dementia are at a high risk of getting into the condition of delirium. However, the overlap does not account for all the symptoms associated with each condition. Each condition has a set of unique symptoms that are entirely different from the other. According to Thomas et al (2008), â€Å"delirium is characterized by acute consciousness disturbances and global changes in cognition†. Moreover the patient can be extremely hyperactive if agitated or extremely hyper alert. On the other hand, Eliopoulos (2010) points out that a delirium patient can be hypoactive if the patient is confused, lethargic or even when sedated. Dementia on the other hand has many characteristics. According to Ouldred et al (2008), â€Å"dementia is characterized by slower move into deficits in cognition that include memory impairment and at least one of the disturbances of cognition such as aspraxia, asphasia, and a disturbed or agnostic executive functioning†. The impairment cause must be significant in occupational or social functioning and represent a great decline from a previous level of functioning. Course of illness According to Miller (2009), delirium is transitory. Its onset is quick and its treatment will remit symptoms. A sudden drop to baseline causes delirium. Dementia on the other hand is characterized by a slow progress and a long-term gradual decline from the baseline. Furthermore, it is chronic, progressive and irreversible. Etiology When comparing both delirium and dementia etiologically, a big difference comes out. Metabolic imbalance, substance abuse, failure of the liver, congestive heart failure or its infection all cause delirium. On the other hand, dementia is mainly caused by degeneration of the nervous system including neurodegenerative diseases and Alzheimer (Waszynski et al, 2008). Treatment According to Saxon et al (2010), the delirium symptoms can be prevented or reversed to prevent further medical or cognitive impairment. Some of the management of delirium, which are non-pharmacological, include steps such as provision of optimized, quite environments, in contrast, the dementia symptoms cannot be remitted but can be managed. Assessment The elderly patients like Mr. Webb are mostly at a higher risk of cognitive disorders. These cognitive disorders can be chronic such as dementia or acute such as delirium. For effective treatment, the first step is clarifying the diagnosis and assessment at onset. However, as Thomas et al (2008) explains, this can be challenging to the elderly patients like Mr. Webb. They often have accompanied medical co-mor bidities that can result to affective and cognitive changes (Gagliardi, 2008). 1. Approach the patient (Mr. Webb) As explained by Gagliardi (2008), I will try to reduce the number of people in the room. As well, as encourage him to rest either on the bed or on the chair. I will initiate a

Trifles and A Jury of Her Peers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Trifles and A Jury of Her Peers - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that Susan Glaspell’s play â€Å"Trifles† was written in 1916 and then reworked into a short story entitled â€Å"A Jury of her Peers† in the following year. The content is very similar to each version. Both pieces tell the story of a murder investigation. In both cases, the main suspect, Mrs. Wright, is much discussed, but she never appears. The women deduce that Mrs. Wright has been abused by her husband, and they cover up incriminating details so that the men do not find sufficient evidence to convict Mrs. Wright of the murder of her husband. The play shows how the men notice different things than the women, while the story allows an even more nuanced judgment of the various characters. The play begins with the investigation of the Wright household. The men proceed according to the letter of the law as written and enacted by men. The Sheriff, for example, dismisses the evidence of the domestic environment by looking around and saying â€Å"There’s nothing here but kitchen things.† The play’s title is an ironic reference to the domestic objects and activities which make up the majority of women’s lives in this period. The way the kitchen looks and the condition of objects within it are factors which bear witness to what happened to this woman. Only women can read and understand these signs, while men think they are unimportant and do not look closely enough at the detail. When the women look at the preparations that were underway in the kitchen they see what has happened. Mrs Peters says â€Å"she had bread set.† (p. 12) This looks, on the surface, like a simple observation. Both women understand the context of bread-making, however, and they realize that something must have interrupted Mrs Wright, because normally a housewife would not leav bread half made. The play illustrates the complicity of the three women. These subtle connections are difficult to convey in dramatic form on the stage, and this may be why one performance of the play had mixed reviews. A modern production of the play in East Village, Manhattan, performed in February 2010, received mixed reviews (Jaworowski, 2010). The director introduced elements to enhance the dramatic atmosphere: â€Å"Extended pauses have been inserted throughout, creating long silences; characters often abruptly stop for 5 or 10 seconds between lines or in the middle of dialogue.† (Jaworowski, 2010) Jaworowski finds this pretentious, and implies that the audience also were nervous and not sure how to interpret the silences. Other additions such as wordless singing and musical accompaniment, as well as lighting effects, help to convey â€Å"an eerie, affecting mood that lingers after the show ends.† (Jaworowski, 2010) The rising tension is conveyed effectively by these novel means, but the reflective side of the short story is largely lo st. The intimacy of the reader sitting alone and imagining the meaningful looks between the women is a more effective technique than any real life visual representation could manage. On stage an actor has to use body posture, timing, and facial impressions to indicate what the character is thinking. The subject matter of this play is subtle, and so it is extremely difficult to convey the solidarity of women in their thinking. The written form is simply better at showing nuances of judgement about characters.In contrast to the play the story’s title â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers† uses legal language to point out that the peers of Mrs Wright are not the sheriff, the attorney and assembled male jurors, but in fact women like herself who can understand the pressures she has suffered in her life. In a way the story is a plea for the right of women to be judged by women, and not by a sexist legal system which is subject to male prejudice, while the play is more like a debate abo ut the two perspectives. The story is more detailed and explicit than the play, providing extra information about the relationships between all three women characters. The narrative voice