Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Human -wk9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human -wk9 - Essay Example Rohn (2011) suggests that some emotions can both fuel or dampen motivation at the same time. As an example, he suggests that disgust, though most people may think this emotion would dampen motivation, but it can actually fuel it also. Sometimes feelings of disgust about a certain situation can make an individual make changes. Feelings of resolve can make an individual decide to stay in a negative situation or spur them to not live in a situation and move forward. I believe that culture has an effect on everything and in this situation, emotions and motivation can be very different. Reeve (2009) states that emotional expressions can be different across cultures, and that the expressions may be learned. Tsai (1999) states that culture regulates social relationships. As an example, in a study that Tsai reported about Chinese infants were seen to have less reactionary emotions than American infants. Also, in my opinion, there are different ways that cultures are taught to display or not display their emotions. As an example, many African American males have been taught not to show emotion. They are taught that to show emotions is unmanly. Tsai, J.L. (1999). Culture Tsai, J. L. (1999). Culture. In D. Levinson, J. Ponzetti, & P. Jorgensen (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Human Emotion (pp.159–166). New York: Macmillan Press. Retrieved December 11, 2006, from http://www- %20Encyclopedia%20of%20Human%20Emotions.pdf The recent situation that I have chosen for this assignment is my divorce. Divorce is a difficult process to go through especially when you have children. I had to adjust to becoming a single parent and to living without my husband. When I think of reacting in a "less than adaptive way" I feel it was because I felt depressed and overwhelmed. I was not sure what I would do and I was angry that my marriage ended in divorce. In some respects, I

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