Thursday, August 22, 2019

Contemporary Management issue (Tom's of Maine) Essay

Contemporary Management issue (Tom's of Maine) - Essay Example Business has its own ethics. Ferrell et al state that â€Å"business ethics comprises the principles and standards that guide behaviour in the world of business† (2009). This paper will examine the ethical matters that differentiated Toms of Maine from other businesses. It would examine the dominant theories that affected the way Toms of Maine and also identify the different dilemmas that Toms of Maine went through. The paper will examine the important activities that influenced the companys ethical affairs. The report concludes by making findings and recommendations on this subject. The story of Toms of Maine is such that the company started with a modest belief that was based on the views and strong beliefs of the founder and his wife that people must be more responsible for their actions and how they use natural resources. Toms of Maine was steeped in two things: humanitarianism and environmental consciousness. In terms of humanitarianism, they believed strongly that the members of the public needed to be given the proper products that would boost their health and ease their conscience. People who purchased their products felt that they were helping to promote a kind of business that is responsible. In terms of environmental consciousness, the company used operational systems that were very responsible. They were sensitive to animals and also conscious of the systems and production they had. Also, the company used popular methods like recycling and other things. There are several ethical frameworks that can be used to help in decision making and thinking before any action is taken. There are several approaches which are always applied and they can give a view of how to decide on a matter. Deontological Ethics are based â€Å"on duties and obligations that apply, for the most part, regardless of consequences† (Thompson, 2011: 54). Deontological ethics suggest that what is

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