Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Benefits of Genetic Engineering Essay - 1459 Words

Almost three decades ago, on July 25, 1978, Louise Brown, the first â€Å"test tube baby† was born (Baird 1). With this birth another controversy broke out, do humans have the right to make life? Most of the concern comes from the fear of control over the production and development of human beings. But, those who are against cloning would most likely look the other way if they needed gene therapy after receiving a grim diagnosis. There are many aspects of genetic engineering and to thoroughly understand it looking into each is absolutely necessary. In order to understand genetic engineering, the key terms in this controversy that must be defined are the following: recombinant DNA technology, cloning, gene therapy, and the humane genome†¦show more content†¦Symbolic of the alarming possibilities is the furor inspired by a single concept on the cutting edge of genetic engineering: cloning. We are fast approaching the most consequential technological threshold in all of human history: the ability to alter the genes we pass to our children (Baird 1). Recombinant DNA Technology Recombinant DNA technology are techniques , usually associated with genetic engineering, in which strands of DNA from different sources are spliced together to form DNA for a new life form. Recombinant DNA technology, combined with the development of a technique for producing antibodies in great quantity have made an impact on medical diagnosis and cancer research. Through recombinant-DNA techniques, bacteria have been created that are capable of synthesizing human insulin, human interferon, human growth hormone, a hepatitis-B vaccine, and other medically useful substances. Through the use of this technology we are able to see positive outcomes through the makings of vaccine’s that help our populations survive, insulin for type 1 diabetes patients, plants that can create their own pesticides, and bacteria capable of biodegrading oil which is used in oil spill cleanups. But, the negative side of this is the fear of adverse genetic manipulations and th ere consequences; such as, antibiotic resistant bacteria and new strains of disease. Cloning Another form of genetic engineering is cloning, which is defined as a cell, group of cells, orShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Genetic Engineering711 Words   |  3 PagesShould genetic engineering be allowed? â€Å"With genetic engineering, we will be able to increase the complexity of DNA, and improve the human race.† - Stephen Hawking. Genetic engineering is the genetic modification of an organism’s phenotype, also known as an organism’s genetic makeup. Genetic engineering can have its advantages and disadvantages, but I believe there are more advantages than disadvantages. There are a number of benefits that we can only discover if scientists consider to study andRead MoreBenefits Of Genetic Engineering1115 Words   |  5 Pageswill be talking about genetic engineering. What is genetic engineering? Genetic engineering is the process of directly manipulating an organism’s genes or DNA in order to change its characteristics. Over the years, genetic engineering and modification has been trialled on many different things, (CHANGE SLIDE) including food such as creating seedless grapes, CHANGE SLIDE and animals such as dolly the sheep, the first cloned animal in the world. However, genetic engineering, especially on humans hasRead MoreGenetic Engineering And Its Benefits1930 Words   |  8 Pagesprocess, genetic engineering provides more benefits that far outweigh the harms. Genetic engineering, and genetics in general, is a subject unfamiliar to the general public because not only has it not had much exposure to people outside of the scientific world, but it is also extremely complex and still has several applications yet to be found. In short, genetic engineering is the modification of an organism s characteristics or traits through manipulation, or replacement, of their genetic materialRead MoreThe Benefits Of Genetic Engineering1001 Words   |  5 Pagesdonors, chemolithoautotrophy. It is by this that the authors claim that the potential for this organism to be used for the large-scale industrial production of biofuels and other useful chemicals remains largely untapped. The employment of genetic engineering to augment the autotrophic hosts productivity pathways offers hope for improved and increased productivity. Other techniques entail the transfer of the processes to heterotrophic organisms. Autotrophic production is said to be more efficientRead MoreBenefits Of Genetic Engineering909 Words   |  4 PagesResearch suggests that genetic engineering will be a vital tool in the fight against mosquito-borne diseases because current drug therapies are becoming less effective and genetic engineering approaches to mosquito management have shown promising results. c. Preview of main points i. Malaria in particular has become more of a threat as the parasite causing the disease develops resistance to the most common drugs used to treat it. ii. Scientists have been successful at engineering several species of mosquitoesRead MoreThe Potential Benefits Of Genetic Engineering1721 Words   |  7 PagesGenetic engineering is a recent development that has gained tremendous commercial appeal. The potential benefits of genetic engineering have captivated the general public and clouded their moral values. The ultimate goal of genetic engineering is to create a utopian society where problems such as disease and world hunger no longer exist. Genetically engineering humans to be ideal beings may eventually lead to the creation of a â€Å"super race.† A super race is a race of strong, healthy, and highly intelligentRead MoreThe Benefits of Genetic Engineering Essay1108 Words   |  5 Pages The engineering of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is entirely new, yet genetics, as a field of science, has fascinated mankind for over 2,000 years. Man has always tried to bend nature around his will through selective breeding and other forms of practical genetics. Today, scientists have a greater understanding of genetics and its role in living organisms. Unfortunately, some people are trying to stop further studies in genetics, but the research being conducted today will serve to better mankindRead More The Benefits of Genetic Engineering Essay2511 Words   |  11 PagesThesis statement: The benefits of genetic engineering far outweigh its potential for misuse. II. Genetic Engineering A. Definition of Genetic Engineering. (#6) B. Who invented Genetic Engineering Gregor Mendel (Christopher Lampton #7) Thomas Hunt Morgan (Christopher Lampton #7) III. Benefits of Genetic Engineering A. Genetic Screening (Laurence E. Karp #4) B. Gene Therapy (Renato Dulbecco #6) C. Cloning D. Genetic Surgery (Christopher Lampton #7) E. Benefits in Agriculture (DavidRead MoreThe Potential Benefits Of Genetic Engineering1914 Words   |  8 Pagesa controversial issue is new ways to produce human clones. Cloning and genetic engineering and has been used to clone unicellular organisms, plants, amphibians and simple mammals. This has led to advances in industry, medicine and agriculture. Newer techniques in genetic engineering have enabled scientists to clone more complex mammals and opened up the possibility of cloning humans. Although there are many potential benefits to this technology, the prospect of cloning humans has raised many practicalRead MoreThe Potential Benefits Of Genetic Engineering2181 Words   |  9 Pagesapplication of new techniques in genetic engineering to produce human clones. Up until now genetic engineering and cloning has been used to clone plants, unicellular organisms, amphibians and simple mammals. This has led to significant advances in agriculture, industry, and medicine. Newer techni ques in genetic engineering have enabled scientists to clone more complex mammals and opened up the possibility of cloning humans. Although there are many potential benefits to this technology, the prospect

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