Thursday, November 21, 2019

Brazil Crime Statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Brazil Crime Statistics - Essay Example What we call endemic are diseases which are characteristic of particular regions, the result of particular geographic circumstances. [Brazil’s] corruption is organic, circulatory, [and] systemic (Dines, 2004, n.p.). Police in Brazil have a well-deserved reputation for taking bribes, giving drug smugglers extra leniency in law enforcement, and â€Å"looking the other way† unless the criminal is poor (Schneider, 1991, p. 215). The lack of an independent media is one of the factors that most contributes to the general perception that Brazil is a country with a high level of corruption. In June 2003, Otto Reich, the White Houses main aide for Latin American affairs, made this comment to a hundred or so businessmen at a seminar on investments in the region: "We have had many setbacks†¦corruption is the most important obstacle to economic development†¦.Investors do not want to put their money into a country where there are corrupt civil servants† (Rodriques, 2004, n.p.) Brazil Group. (2008). Brazil’s battle with Gang Violence and Police Corruption. Retrieved April 24, 2009 from brazil%E2%80%99s-battle-with-gang-violence-and-police-corruption/ Cavallaro, J. (2001). Human Rights and the Proliferation of Crime: The Perception of Human Rights and Its Effects on Rights Defense in Brazil, presented at Focus Meeting on Crime, Public Order and Human Rights. Geneva:

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