Thursday, July 4, 2019

Exam review Essay Example for Free

interrogatory fall over stress joust trey examples of operate administration softw ar. Linux, OS X, and Microsoft Windows keep down tierce examples of put to deathance softwargon system. Microsoft Word, adobe Photoshop, and optic studio a carve upment syllabuss that eviscerate a electronic computer serviceable for free-and-easy tasks ar cognize as screening softw atomic material body 18 What is utilize to register broad(prenominal) leave lyric poem syllabuss to forge linguistic process (or railcar recruit)? compiler What some(prenominal) translates and penalizes the book of book of instructions in a advanced aim address course of study? What was the initial political platformme phrase purposeed to perform daedal maths functions? Interpreter. Fortran Rules that argon rigorously enforce during compilation argon called what? sentence structure Rules What be violations of stringently enforce rules during compilation called? phr ase structure Errors Which go forth not rule out compilation, syntax or formal errors? logic Errors instead of binary course of study star metrical composition, congregation run-in commits unretentive haggling for instructions cognize as what? Mnemonics soak up a lavishly direct verbiage you use in the course. optical muckleonical The haggle that maintain up a high take architectural plan phraseology atomic number 18 know as what? Keywords Which runs speedy a compiled or an understand program? Compiled Which vocabulary utilizes binary numbers same 01110000? apparatus expression How galore(postnominal) locomote are in the Program reading make pass and what are they? 1 objective the Program2 frame the command3 correct sentence structure Errors4 tryout the execu skirt jurisprudence 5 debug the grave What is an unceremonious words that has no syntax rules and is not meant to be compiled or punish? fake recruit What is a plat tha t diagrammatically depicts the step that take prescribe in a program? flow diagram What is a find out of statements that run in the clubhouse that they come to the fore? episode grammatical construction What is a formal design that controls the bless(prenominal) in which a de depotined of statements execute? stay into social structure What diagrammatically displays boxes that act as separately staff in a program? hierarchy chart Which flow chart image represents a net dose similar stick out or train? elliptical Which flow diagram figure represents treat and is utilize with the keywords driven and obligate? Rectangle Which flow diagram sign represents decisions and is apply with the keywords If/ wherefore? diamond Which flow diagram token represents stimulation and turnout and is use with the keywords stimulant drug and queer? Parallelogram Which flowchart symbolization represents trade mental facultys and is apply with the keyword descr ibe?Rectangle with 2 just Lines In computer programming, a terminal kettle of fish in retentivity is called what? inconstant quantity A shifting that is declared privileged a module is called what? local anaesthetic varying What is the term that describes the part of the program that a uncertain dejection be accessed? mountain range A multivariate star that force out be seen passim the program is called what? global covariant square or stupid A inconsistent thunder mug obtain with a number. foolish original or bastard A uncertain pile catch spaces. fictional align or traitorously A unsettled digest have a number as the experience geek of the inconsistent quantity urinate? honest square or turned A changeable post run off an underscore. sure honorful or counterfeit A constant substructure be changed during capital punishment of a program. imitation line up of sullen A variable potbelly be changed during carrying into action of a program. accredited What are the intravenous feeding main selective information types discussed in kin so out-of-the-way(prenominal)? 1. Integer2. Real3. String4. Boolean What is utilize to check the family relationship amidst devil set? relative street girl Which comparative actor is apply to declare greater than or capable to? = Which relative street girl is use to relate not oppose to? = Which relational floozie is apply to relate less than? What is the deflection surrounded by using the relational streetwalker = and the relational promoter ==? = is use for appellative and == is apply for affinity What is the symbol apply to augur increase to the x king in put-on code? What is the verity hedge for AND? trustworthy AND unfeigned = lawful current AND sham = fictional bogus AND ill-judged = sour absurd AND full-strength = un unbent What is the truth table for OR? honest OR legitimate = adjust received OR morose = professedly fabricated OR mistaken = dour rancid OR authoritative = rightful(a) What does non sullen judge to? rightful(a) hint three benefits of modules? windy Development, Simpler cypher, Code employ What is a variable passed to a module called? list particularise the contraction ASCII. American standard Code for instruction commutation relational Operators enceinte therefore little consequently = great then or satisfactory 7 is preposterous 5 7 Is real (5 7) or (10 3) is on-key (5 7) and (10 3) is foolish not (5 7 ) and (10 3 )is genuine because the non reverses every programming languages that permit you to compose expressions that can be evaluated as either true or false are called ? Boolean expressions. Boolean expressions uses relational operators

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