Friday, December 27, 2019

The Crucible By Arthur Miller - 836 Words

Ashley Fletcher English 11 McCloskey 08 March 2017 Salem Has 99 Problems and a Witch Ain t One Possibly one of the worst feelings is when you are accused of something you have not done. Now, imagine being accused of something so heinous that you are then sentenced to death because of it. This was the reality for many characters in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. The consequences of mass hysteria and corrupting power of authority go head-to-head for prominence in the play. Arthur Miller centralizes the idea of McCarthyism and the events play out as a result. The aspect of mass hysteria in The Crucible occurs because of McCarthyism, which is defined as â€Å"a campaign that endorses the use of unfair allegations and investigations†. This is†¦show more content†¦Another leading theme in The Crucible is the corruption of authority’s power. In Salem at this time the Puritan lifestyle ruled the town. It was a highly religious way to live and the church oversaw all activities to keep the town Godly. Reverend Parris is a prime example of the immoral behavior, â€Å"He say Mr. Parris must be kill! Mr. Parris no goodly man, Mr. Parris mean man and no gentle man, and he bid me rise out of my bed and cut your throat! (They gasp.) But I tell him No! I don t hate that man. I don t want kill that man. But he say, You work for me, Tituba, and I make you free! I give you pretty dress to wear, and put you way high up in the air, and you gone fly back to Barbados! And I say, You lie, Devil, you lie! (Act I). This is Reverend Parris’ behavior in a particular occurrence with Tituba as she explained it to the court. Another example of corrupt power is Judge Danforth. In his eyes and the majority of the village’s eyes Danforth is doing what is righteous and is condemning anyone who is not fully with God. Danforth expresses his thoughts on how the trials should be ran and truthfully, I feel like he speaks for the majority of Salem, â€Å"You must understand, sir, that a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road between. This is a sharp time, now, a precise time—we live no longer in the duskyShow MoreRelatedThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1269 Words   |  6 PagesAt first glance, the playwright Arthur Miller in The Crucible highlights the historical significance of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, but in fact it is an allegorical expression of his perception of McCarthyism. If the reader has some background information on Arthur Miller’s victimization as a communist, it is evident that the play is a didactic vessel illustrating the flaws of the court system in the 1950’s. The communist allegations were launched at government employees, entertainers and writersRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1681 Words   |  7 Pagesof their way to the last dying breath to make sure they leave with a good or bad reputation. In one of the recent literature study in class â€Å"The Crucible† by Arthu r Miller, Miller uses characterization to illustrate reputation throughout the play. â€Å"The Crucible† takes place in Salem, Massachusetts. It is based upon the Salem witch trails. In â€Å"The Crucible†, we journey through the life of three characters who reputations plays a major role in the play. The three characters are John Proctor, AbigailRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1333 Words   |  6 PagesAs the various characters in The Crucible by Arthur Miller interact, the dominant theme of the consequences of women’s nonconformity begins to slide out from behind the curtains of the play. Such a theme reveals the gripping fear that inundated the Puritans during the seventeenth century. This fear led to the famous witch-hunts that primarily terrorized women who deviated from the Puritan vision of absolute obedience and orthodoxy. Arthur Miller presents his interpretation of the suffering by subtlyRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller998 Words   |  4 Pagesmotivated by jealousy and spite. The Crucible is a four-act dramatic play production that was first performed on January 22, 1953. Arthur Miller used dialogue within the characters to cover the multiple themes; conflicts and resolutions, plus the few directions for the different actions of the play. The Salem Witch Trials were intended to be performed as the play however, when read, it can be more carefully examined and broken down to analyze the techniques. Miller, the playwright, uses literaryRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1145 Words   |  5 PagesUnbalance Through The Centuries In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, the author reflects the persecution of communists in America in the 1950’s through a recount of the Salem witch trials. It is often presumed that Miller based his drama directly off of events that were particularly prevalent in the years surrounding the publication of The Crucible- which was released in the year 1953, towards the conclusion of the Korean War. Although there was not a literal witch hunt occurring during this timeRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1063 Words   |  5 PagesIn the English dictionary, there are three definitions of the word crucible. One is a metal container in which metals are mixed and melted. Another is a severe test. But the third definition, and the one that I think fits the best for this book, is a place or situation in which different elements interact to create something new. In my mind, this fits because all of the characters had their little grudges and dirty secrets. But when all th ose seemingly little things interact, they formed somethingRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1285 Words   |  6 Pages Rationale, Morality, Stereotypes, Pressure, Self-Censorship, Unanimity, and Mindguards. Groupthink has also taken place in our history a a country. The play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller is about a the real-life Salem Witch Trials that happened in 1692 - 1693, in Salem, Massachusetts. Some symptoms of Groupthink found in the Crucible are Rationale, Pressure, and Self-Censorship. The Groupthink symptom, Rationale, is described as when victims of Groupthink ignore warnings: they also collectivelyRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller811 Words   |  4 Pages While The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, is only a four act play, it still resembles the format of a five act play. The five-act structure evolved from a three-act structure, which was made famous by Roman Aelius Donatus. Donatus came up with three types of plays: Protasis, Epitasis, and Catastrophe. The five-act structure helped to expand the three act structure, mainly made famous by Shakespeare through his many tragedies. Even though The Crucible contains only four acts, it still has the commonRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller1052 Words   |  5 PagesBuddy Al-Aydi Ms.Healy English 9 CP 14th October 2014 The Crucible Essay The Crucible was a novel written by Arthur Miller in the 1950’s. It was written in a format of the play, portraying an allegory of the Salem Witch-Hunts led by Senator Joseph McCarthy. The book is known to have a inexplicable plot. This plot is advanced by multiple characters in the book in order to ensure that the reader maintains interest with the material that is being read. The farmer, John Proctor, would be theRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Miller841 Words   |  4 PagesThe Crucible is a chaotic play, throughout this American classic Arthur Miller takes the reader through multiple events of terror and insanity. While creating a great on-stage play, Arthur Miller portrays his life through the events, the characters, and plot of The Crucible. Using vivid imagery and comprehensible symbolism, Miller manipulates the real personalities of the characters and events in 1600 Salem, Massachusetts to create a symbolic autobiography. Throughout this play, the reader experie nces

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Nature Nurture Controversy Biological Or...

The basic elements of the nature-nurture controversy, debates the genetic or environmental effects of IQ, personality and behavioral differences in humans. Nature describes an inherited trait, otherwise known as the genes, containing the genetic code for each individual born. These genes contribute the physical characteristics, for example: eye color, skin pigmentation, hair texture, blood type, longevity, etc. Genes impose certain diseases, such as Huntington s Chorea, Breast Cancer, Down Syndrome, and many more. Nurture describes an influence on the individual by the surrounding environment. This surrounding environment includes: parenting, culture, learned experiences, nutrition, exposure to toxins, pollutants and medications. In summary, scholars have been in debate for years over the issue determining the development of an individual from birth to an adult. Are issue of IQ, personality and behavior, inborn or are they learned? Or is it both? The nature-nurture controversy conti nues still today (McLeod, S. A. (2007). The controversial nature-nurture debate performs experiments, theories and analyzes the individual IQ, personality and behavioral differences, during a certain time frame by scholars, therefore proving their theories, traits were inherited or acquired (McLeod, S. A. (2007). Back in the 1400’s, the nature process captivated the thoughts of Socrates a philosopher who believed in nativism. As time passed, Sir Frances Galton, cousin of Charles Darwin, startedShow MoreRelatedExam 3 Study Guide Essay4934 Words   |  20 PagesWhat is a psychopath? Compared to most people, what is the measured startle of psychopaths to pleasant, high arousal images? To neutral, low arousal images? To unpleasant, high arousal images? 9. What is the role of the amygdale in emotion? What behavioral symptoms of anxiety are associated with the amygdale? What happens to fear when the amygdale is lesioned? Amygdale=Fear and aggression. When the amygdale is lesioned, people feel less fear 10. What is exposure therapy? How can exposure therapyRead MoreSources of Ethics20199 Words   |  81 Pages12- Ethics Of Islam: 14 Nature of Islamic Ethics 17 The Human-Environment Relationship: 20 The Sustainable Care of Nature: 22 The Practice of Islamic Environmental Ethics: 22 2.14- Ethics And Other Religion: 25 2.2- GENETIC INHERITANCE: 31 2.21- LINKAGE OF GENETICS AND ETHICS: 32 Introduction: 32 HumGen: 37 Nuffield Council on Bioethics: 39 The European Union’s: 43 2.22- GENETICAL BEHAVIOR: 44 2.23- ETHICS OF BEHAVIOR HAS A BIOLOGICAL BASIS? 47 BehaviouralRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages0-13-283487-1 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-283487-2 Brief Contents Preface xxii 1 2 Introduction 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Individual 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diversity in Organizations 39 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 69 Emotions and Moods 97 Personality and Values 131 Perception and Individual Decision Making 165 Motivation Concepts 201 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 239 3 The Group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Foundations of Group Behavior 271 Understanding Work Teams 307 CommunicationRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesManagement Skills 8 What Are Management Skills? 9 Improving Management Skills 12 An Approach to Skill Development 13 Leadership and Management 16 Contents of the Book 18 Organization of the Book 19 Practice and Application 21 Diversity and Individual Differences 21 Summary 23 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 24 Diagnostic Survey and Exercises 24 Personal Assessment of Management Skills (PAMS) 24 What Does It Take to Be an Effective Manager? 28 SSS Software In-Basket Exercise 30 SCORING KEY AND COMPARISON DATA

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

President Speech free essay sample

While working on this project, I have attained immense knowledge and experience has been very interesting. I am thankful to my computer teacher who has guided me and given me the outlines related to the topic and also the assistance provided by my friends. I am very thankful to my parents for their help. I therefore acknowledge the fact that without their help this project would not have been completed. Cricket has always been like a religion for this country. It is seen as more than just a game. The players are considered as demigods and literally worshipped. The Twenty20 format of cricket created history. After the Twenty20 format of cricket was introduced to the world, cricket has just been overflowing out of everyones ears, its all about cricket. Indian Premier Leagues origin is quite interesting. It all started when Lalit Modi, the Vice President of the Board of Cricket Control in India (BCCI) envisioned the Indian Premier League. It is created along the lines of club football in Europe, specifically the English Premier League. IPL has been launched in response to the rebel Indian Cricket League (ICL) launched by Zee Group. The DLF Indian Premier League is an amazing occurrence in whole of cricket history. The Indian Cricket Board approved it a few months back. It is seen as a very good opportunity as far as the entertainment industry is concerned. The format of Twenty20 cricket has emerged as a phenomenon after the Twenty20 World Cup was won by India and since then people have been totally immersed into it. There is no doubt where the Indian Premier League is headed, as far as viewership and profits for  everyone associated with it is concerned. The  2012 Indian Premier League  season, abbreviated as  IPL 5  or the  IPL 2012  or the  DLF IPL 2012  (owing to title sponsorship reasons), was the fifth season of the  Indian Premier League, initiated by the  Board of Control for Cricket in India  (BCCI)  in 2007 with the  first season played in 2008. The tournament began on 4 April and ended on 27 May 2012  Kolkata Knight Riders  were the winning team, beating defending champions  Chennai Super Kings  by five wickets in the final. This season the number of teams in the league went from ten to nine with the termination of  Kochi Tuskers Kerala. Despite a slow start, IPL 5 earned a higher cumulative viewership than any previous edition of the IPL. [7]  The cumulative reach for 74 IPL 5 matches was recorded at 163 million against 162 million for 73 matches in IPL 4, and the final match had a higher reach than any previous final. This edition of the IPL has been the most competitive with 19 matches in which team won in the last over and 6 matches in which team won by a margin of less than 10 runs. Near the end of the season, the season faced various hurdles including a spot fixing case, which allegedly included 5 players caught on a sting operation carried on by a local news channel. The top three teams of the tournament (Kolkata Knight Riders,  Chennai Super Kings  and  Delhi Daredevils) will represent India in the  2012 Champions League Twenty20. The Fair Play Award was won by  Rajasthan Royals, while  Kings XI Punjab  batsman  Mandeep Singh  was named the tournaments Rising Star and Kolkata Knight Riders bowler  Sunil Narine  was Player of the Season. The final between the defending two-time champions  Chennai Super Kings  and the first-time finalists  Kolkata Knight Riders  was held at the  M. A. Chidambaram Stadium,  Chennaion May 27, 2012. While the Super Kings retained their team from the Qualifier, a hamstring injury to Knight Riders medium-pace bowler  Lakshmipathy Balaji  resulted the inclusion of  Australian  Brett Lee  and this inclusion of another foreign player required the Knight Riders to leave out their former captain and wicket-keeper batsman  Brendon McCullum  ofNew Zealand  to maintain the cap of 4 foreign players. Wicket-keeper batsman  Manvinder Bisla  was brought in to replace  Brendon McCullum. After Super Kings captain  Mahendra Singh Dhoni  won the toss and elected to bat first, openers  Murali Vijay  and  Mike Hussey  put on an opening partnership of 87 until Vijay was dismissed for 42 (from 32 balls) in the 11th over. Mike Hussey was joined by IPLs leading run scorer  Suresh Raina  and they scored at a brisk rate to reach 160 when Hussey was dismissed in the eighteenth over for 54 (from 43 balls). Suresh Raina  who had scored an imposing 73 (from 38 balls) with five  sixes  was dismissed off the last ball as Chennai reached a formidable total of 190. In reply, the Knight Riders lost their captain  Gautam Gambhir  cheaply for 2 in the first over. However, they recovered as  Manvinder Bisla  (89 from 48 balls) and  Jacques Kallis  (69 from 49 balls) added 136 for the second wicket. Soon after Bislas dismissal in the 15th over, the Knight Riders lost wickets at regular intervals and after Kallis was caught out by  Ravindra Jadeja  off the bowling of  Ben Hilfenhaus  at 18. overs, the Knight Riders required 16 runs from the last 7 balls. Shakib Al Hasan  appeared to have been caught by  Murali Vijay  off the very next delivery from Hilfenhaus but it happened to be a  no-ball  and amid the celebrations, Shakib Al Hasan had completed two runs and retained the strike and hit a  four  the very next ball. Needing 9 runs to win from the last over,   Manoj Tiwary  hit consecutive  fours  to secure victory for the Knight Riders. [31]  Manvinder Bisla was declared Man of the Match for his 89 from 48 balls which included five sixes and eight fours. Overall, 22453  runs  were scored at an  average  of 26. 2 with an overall  run rate  of 7. 82. 857  wickets  fell in the whole of the tournament. Both the amount of runs and the amount of wickets are the most that has occurred in one tournament out of all five  IPL  tournaments. During the course of this tournament, pace bowlers took 531 wickets with an average of 27. 20 and average run rate of 7. 81 whereas spinners took 241 wickets at an average of 31. 35 and average run rate of 7. 41. Overall, 6 centuries were scored. IPL 2008  and  IPL 2011  also had the same amount of  centuries. In this tournament, 96 fifties were scored, which was the most in any edition of the IPL. This edition also saw 1911 fours, 2 fours less than previous edition of  2011 Indian Premier League. 731 sixes were also scored, which was another record for a season. On the other hand, this edition had only 2 instances in which a single bowler took 5 wicket haul within his quota of 4 overs as per the rules of  Twenty20 cricket. The 2012 season of Indian Premier League (IPL) will be the fifth season of IPL since its inauguration in 2007. IPL 5 is going to start on 4th April and will continue till 27th May 2012. The finals of ipl 2012 would be held in Chepauk, the home ground of Chennai Super Kings who will also be defending their title this year. Kochi Tuskers Kerala franchisee has been terminated by BCCI. KTK has filed a petition in the court but has not received any respite from the court. IPL 2012 will be played among just nine teams this time. Daredevils sign Ross Taylor IPL 5 latest news is New Zealand Captain Ross Taylor has been traded by Rajasthan Royals to Delhi Daredevils ahead of IPL 2012. Taylor is Delhi’s second big signing of the season after they acquired Kevin Pietersen from the Deccan Chargers. Rajasthan Royals had bought Taylor for USD 1 million at the IPL Player Auction 2011. The Kiwi played 12 matches for the Royals, scoring 181 runs at an average of 36. 20 and a strike-rate of 119. 07. Levi replaces Symonds in MI Mumbai Indians, the Champions League 2011 champions, today signed T20 sensation Richard Levi as a replacement for former Australian batsman Andrew Symonds, for the fifth edition of Indian Premier League 2012. Expressing eagerness to join the ranks of Captain Sachin Tendulkar and Harbhajan Singh, Levi said, â€Å"I am honoured to have Mumbai Indians management interest in my services. I have heard from friends around that Mumbai Indians is like an extended family where team shares a great bond and entrust upon youngsters. Beyond, Sachin Tendulkar has been my childhood hero and it would be exciting to share the dressing room with him. † PWI to play IPL 5 amp; Sourav Ganguly to take all Decisions as Captain? The BCCI-Sahara saga finally looks to come to some kind of conclusion, with BCCI President N. Srinivasan saying earlier in the day, that: â€Å"we do appreciate what Sahara has done. They might have felt aggrieved and did not get what they wanted from the IPL.    Finally, Subrata Roy, came out on a News Channel and confirmed, whatever may happen Pune Warriors will surely play the IPL amp; he says Sourav Ganguly will take all the final calls about it. He said, by no means, Sahara wanted the players to miss out on cricket and hence PWI team will surly play the IPL and all decisions about it, will be taken by Sourav Ganguly himself. Also, Sahara Boss confi rmed that Sourav Ganguly will be the captain of the PWI team amp; all cricketing decisions of the team will be taken by him. CHENNAI SUPER KINGS Chennai Super Kings  (often abbreviated as  CSK) is a franchise  cricket team  based in  Chennai, Tamil Nadu that plays in the  Indian Premier League. Founded in 2008, the team is currently captained by  Mahendra Singh Dhoni  and coached by  Stephen Fleming, a former New Zealand cricketer. The teams home ground is the  M. A. Chidambaram Stadium  (often referred to as  Chepauk) located in  Chennai. Chennai Super Kings is the most successful team in the  Indian Premier League  team so far. The team has won the IPL title twice in succession (2010  and  2011) and reached the play-offs every season. They were also the first Indian team to have won the  Champions League Twenty20. The leading run-scorer of the side is  Suresh Raina, while the leading wicket-taker isRavichandran Ashwin. The brand value of Chennai Super Kings in 2012 was estimated at  US$75. 13  million, making them the most valuable franchise in the IPL. The Chennai Super Kings are one of the nine teams of the  Indian Premier League. They are the most successful and consistent team in IPL history. Their captain is the current Indian skipper,Mahendra Singh Dhoni. The franchise is currently owned by  India Cements, who paid $91 million to acquire the rights to the franchise for 10 years in 2008. [10]  N. Srinivasan, Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of India Cements Ltd. , is the de facto owner of the Chennai Super Kings, by means of his position within the company. He is also the President of the  BCCI. Krishnamachari Srikkanth, former captain of the  Indian cricket team  and the current Chairman of the National Selection Committee, was the brand ambassador for the franchise until the end of season three when his 3-year contract expired, and former Indian opener  V. B. Chandrasekhar  is the Chief Selector. [11]  To gather more support from local fans, actor  Vijay  and actress  Nayantarawere also appointed as ambassadors, but both have been subsequently removed. In the 2012 players auction, Super Kings bought  Ravindra Jadeja, for a whopping $2 million (9. 72  crore), the bid which turned out to be the biggest draw in the players auction for the fifth edition of the Indian Premier League. [39]  They also bought out the contract of  Tim Southee  who was signed as a replacement player in the previous season. The Super Kings started their IPL 2012 campaign with a 8-wicket loss to  Mumbai Indians  in the tournament opener in Chennai. CSK were bundled out for 112 before  Richard Levi  struck a fifty for the visiting team to setup the victory. [40]Ravindra Jadeja  came up with a brilliant all-round performance (48 off 29, 5/16) to help his team to a resounding 74-run win over  Deccan Chargers  in their second home game. In their first away game of the season, the Super Kings lost toDelhi Daredevils  in by 8 wickets after another poor show by the batsmen. Their win against  Royal Challengers Bangalore  was made possible by  Albie Morkel, who smashed 28 runs from the 19th over bowled by  Virat Kohli, and Jadeja who hit a boundary off the last ball of the match to see his side chase down the target of 206. South African  Francois du Plessis  was adjudged Man of the match for his innings of 71. At  Pune, after restricting the Super Kings to 155,Jesse Ryder  and  Steve Smith  took the  Pune Warriors  home with four balls to spare to hand a third defeat to CSK in five games. However they beat the same opponents at home by 13 runs after du Plessis and  Subramaniam Badrinathscored fifties in the first innings. du Plessis struck another half-century (73 off 52) to take Chennai to their second consecutive win. Their next game, which was supposed to be played at  Bangalore  against the Royal Challengers, was washed out without a ball bowled due to rain. They suffered a shock home defeat against  Kings XI Punjab  as they failed to chase the target of 157. KXIPs  Mandeep Singh  was awarded the Man of the match for his resilient 56. They lost another home game by 5 wickets to  Kolkata Knight Riders  whose run chase was anchored by skipper  Gautam Gambhirs half-century. Chennai got back to winning ways with a 10-run win over the struggling  Deccan Chargers  despite a belligerent knock by the Chargers vice-captain  Cameron White. The Super Kings then lost to Mumbai Indians off the last ball of the match. Dwayne Smith, who was playing his first match of the season for Mumbai, hit 14 runs off the last three balls bowled by  Ben Hilfenhaus  to take his team to a dramatic victory. The loss severely dented CSKs chances of progressing to the Playoffs. In another thrilling match, Chennai beat Rajasthan Royals by four wickets mainly due to cameos by Albie Morkel and  Anirudha Srikkanth, both scoring unbeaten six-ball 18. In their last home match of the league stage, Chennai comprehensively beat the Delhi Daredevils by nine wickets. Against Kolkata Knight Riders, needing five to win on the last ball for CSK,  Dwayne Bravo  smashed a six over long-on off the bowling of  Rajat Bhatia  to take them to a thrilling 5-wicket win. Needing a win to assure their place in the Playoffs, they lost to  Kings XI Punjabby 7 wickets at  Dharamsala  in their last league match. However Royal Challengers Bangalore and Chennai Super Kings, both ended up with 17 points from 16 games, but the latter managed to get the fourth spot on the points table due to a better  net run rate. The team played  Mumbai Indians  in the Eliminator at  Bangalore. After losing two wickets early, Hussey and Badrinath stitched a crucial 94-run third wicket partnership to take the team to a respectable position. Then skipper  MS Dhoniand Dwayne Bravo scored 73 runs in the last five overs to set up a score of 187/5 in 20 overs. Mumbai in their run-chase got off to a flying start before a dramatic batting collapse. CSK spinners Ashwin and Jakati picked up one wicket each and bowled seven economical overs between them that proved decisive in the context of the match. CSK won the match by 38 runs and Dhoni was given the Man of the Match for his 51* (20). The win took them to the second Qualifier at  Chennai, a match against  Delhi Daredevils  to decide who plays in the final. Daredevils won the toss and put Chennai into bat and this decision backfired. Opener  Murali Vijay, who had a quiet season until then, came to his own striking a century (113 runs from 60 deliveries, 15 fours and four sixes) to take his team to a mammoth 222/5. The bowlers backed up the good batting by bowling tight line and length and picking up wickets at regular intervals. OnlyMahela Jayawardene  showed some resistance for Delhi with a knock of 55 but to see his team lose by 86 runs. The big win booked CSKs place in the final at their home ground Chennai against the  Kolkata Knight Riders. This was the fourth time in five seasons, that CSK had made it to the final of the IPL. Chennai elected to bat in the final and the batsmen backed the decision with another stellar show. After a solid opening partnership between Hussey and Vijay,Suresh Raina  played his best innings of the season scoring an unbeaten 38-ball 73. Chennai went on to make 190/3 in 20 overs. Kolkata lost the big wicket of their skipper Gambhir in the first over of the run-chase. Then  Manvinder Bisla, who was playing his first game in two weeks, took on the bowlers single-handedly and scored 89 from 48 balls. Batting at three,  Jacques Kallis  not only scored 69 (49) but also put up a crucial second-wicket stand of 136 runs with Bisla. However, the game swung CSKs way after KKR lost four wickets in as many overs. After the fall of Kallis in the 19th over, KKR needed 16 runs to win from 7 balls. KKR went on to win the game by five wickets with two balls to spare thanks to two consecutive boundaries from  Manoj Tiwary  in the last over. The Knight Riders secured their maiden IPL title with this win and Bisla won the Man of the Match award. Suresh Raina finished as Chennais leading run scorer with 441 runs and Dwayne Bravo lead the bowling tables with 14 wickets. Chennai Super Kings (CSK), founded in 2008, is owned by India Cements. Their home ground is M. A. Chidambaram Stadium, also known as Chepauk by many. The present coach of CSK is Stephen Fleming and Indian skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni is the captain of team. CSK has been the most successful team in the Indian Premier League, winning the title twice. They reached the final in the first season of the IPL before losing out to Rajasthan Royals. Some of the important players of CSK are Dhoni, Ravindra Jadeja, Suresh Raina, Doug Bollinger, George Bailey, Nuwan Kulasekara, and Michael Hussey. Squad: MS Dhoni (c amp; wk), Murali Vijay, Srikkanth Anirudha, Ravichandran Ashwin, Subramaniam Badrinath, George Bailey, Doug Bollinger, Dwayne Bravo, Faf du Plessis, Ben Hilfenhaus, Michael Hussey, Ravindra Jadeja, Shadab Jakati, Joginder Sharma, Suraj Randiv, Nuwan Kulasekara, Yo Mahesh, Albie Morkel, Abhinav Mukund, Suresh Raina, Wriddhiman Saha (wk), Scott Styris, Sudeep Tyagi, Kuthethurshri Vasudevadas and Ganapathi Vignesh. DECCAN CHARGERS Deccan Chargers  known in short as  DC  is a cricket franchise based in the city of  Hyderabad  in the  Indian Premier League. They, after finishing last in the  first season  of the  IPL, won the  second season  held in  South Africa  in 2009, under the captaincy of former Australian  wicket-keeper  batsman  Adam Gilchrist. Gilchrist was the captain of the team for the first three seasons of the  IPL. From the fourth season,  Kumar Sangakkara  has been leading the team and  Cameron White  has been playing as his deputy. The team is coached by  Darren Lehmann, former Australian cricketer. The Deccan Chargers franchise is owned by the  Deccan Chronicle  Holdings Limited. The media group acquired the franchise for an amount of USD 107 million on 24 January 2008. [2]  The Chargers logo is a charging  bull. From the 2009 season, the team changed the colour of the jersey (from beige and black to sparkling silver and blue) and the logo (from gold and red to white and blue). There is no  Icon Player  for the team as the former captain  V. V. S. Laxman  rejected the offer to be an icon player in order to free funds and enable the franchise to buy amp; encourage younger players. In  2012 Indian Premier League, Chargers named new fielding coach  Trevor Penney  replacing  Mike Young. New signings amp; Tradings In the trading window which opened in December, Chargers have traded off  Kevin Pietersen,  Harmeet Singh  ,  Pragyan Ojha  to  Delhi Daredevils,  Kings XI Punjab,  Mumbai Indians  respectively. During player auctions Chargers had tried to bid  Ravindra Jadeja  for entire $2m but eventually lost in tie breaker. Later they acquired following players- Players Acquired-  Daniel Harris   $70,000  Darren Bravo   $100,000  Parthiv Patel   $650,000 After post auction team acquired following uncapped players  TP Sudhindra,  Tanmay Srivastava,  Biplab Samantray, Akshath Reddy owing to their strong domestic performances. Contracts Boughtout-  Michael Lumb,  Jaydev Shah, Ishan Malhotra Performance- The performance of the chargers was poor and finished a lowly 8th out of the 9 teams. The performance of players such as  Shikhar Dhawan,  Cameron White  and  Dale Steyn  were outstanding, but did not get much support from the other players. Their fielding was really poor resulting in many dropped catches and losing many games. After their miserable run in IPL 2012, the owners of Deccan Chargers are looking to sell all or part of the franchise and have appointed an investment banker to search for prospective buyers. Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited, the owner of the franchise are considering selling their stake and are looking for buyers for the same. Now Deccan Chagers will want to start rebuilding their squad my adding Pakistan players who are eligible to play IPL from next year. Retaining their only key pace bowling spear-head Dale Steyn for the 2013 Auction will be ideal if Deccan Chargers want to build a strong team in the future. Performance Deccan Chargers failed to perform in IPL 2012, with narrow losses and continuous defeats, Deccan Chagers failed to gain any rhythm in 2012. Dale Steyn,  Cameron White, and  Shikar Dhawan  where the only players who helped Deccan win the matches. Team weakness was the bowling and fielding department, with  Ishant Sherma  being ruled out due to injury, he proved to be a big loss. Deccan ended up coming 8th place out of nine teams, most of the league they were coming last place with only 9 points on the table and winning only 4 games out of the 15 games that they played (one match was rained out). Deccan need to do many things over the next year to upgrade their team and be more strong. Deccan Chargers came into the IPL 2012 being characterised by named underdogs, and they are yet to keep that name. Deccan Chargers is owned by The Deccan Chronicles. They have three home grounds Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, ACA-VDCA Stadium and Barabati Stadium. The present coach of DC is former Australian cricketer Darren Lehmann. Kumar Sangakkara is the captain of the side and Cameron White is the vice-captain. The star players of DC are Darren Bravo, Daniel Christian, JP Duminy, Ishant Sharma, Dale Steyn, Amit Mishra and Parthiv Patel. In 2008, they came last in the points table. However, in the next season of IPL they came back strong and lifted the trophy. They haven’t been much impressive after that. In the last season, they were 7th in the league standings. Squad: Kumar Sangakkara (c amp; wk), Jean-Paul Duminy, Daniel Christian, Cameron White, Darren Bravo, Shikhar Dhawan, Parthiv Patel (wk), Dale Steyn, Ishant Sharma, Amit Mishra, Manpreet Gony, Daniel Harris, Abhishek Jhunjhunwala, Bharat Chipli, Ishank Jaggi, Chris Lynn, Ashish Reddy, Anand Rajan, Ankit Sharma, Tekkami Atchuta Rao, Akash Bhandari, Kedar Devdhar, Tanmay Mishra, Veer Pratap Singh, Syed Quadri, Dwaraka Ravi Teja, Akshath Reddy, Biplab Samantray,Sneha Kishore,Sunny Sohal, Tanmay Srivastava, TP Sudhindra, Rusty Theron and Arjun Yadav. RAJASTHAN ROYALS Rajasthan Royals  (Hindi:   ) is an  Indian Premier League  franchise based in the city of the  Jaipur. It is currently captained by former Indian captain  Rahul Dravid. They won the inaugural edition of the  Indian Premier League  under the captaincy of former Australian spin-legend  Shane Warne. In 2010, they were terminated by the  BCCI  for a brief period for violations in terms of agreement but were allowed to play in the league soon after the Board lost the case in the  Supreme Court. The Rajasthan Royals franchise is owned and chaired by  Manoj Badale. Other investors include  Ryan Tkalcevic,  Lachlan Murdoch,  Sir. Aditya S Chellaram  and  Suresh Chellaram. The Group acquired the franchise for $67 million. Incidentally, this was the least expensive franchise in the  Indian Premier League  and probably the least fancied team in the league at the beginning of the tournament. Bollywood actress and  Celebrity Big Brother  winner  Shilpa Shettyand her business partner (now husband) Raj Kundra paid approximately US $15. 4 million for a 11. 7% stake before the start of IPL 2 in early 2009, therefore valuing the team at $130 million. It made a pre-tax profit of $7. 5 million in 2009. Faced with the daunting task of winning all their remaining matches for having any chance of making the playoffs, Rajasthan Royals would fancy a facile victory when they take on the struggling Pune Warriors in an IPL match here on Sunday. Royals are lying sixth with 12 points from 13 matches and have to win the remaining three to keep their playoff hopes alive. On the other hand, Pune are at the eighth position with only eight points in kitty from 14 matches, close defeats against Delhi Daredevils and Chennai Super kings hurting them the most. Add to this the leadership crisis that the team is facing due to an off-colour skipper Sourav Ganguly. He rested himself last night but promised to be back for this game despite team owner Subrata Roys claims that Ganguly would play a mentors role from next season. Royals, on the other hand, have no such worries and have an inspirational leader in Rahul Dravid. They have played good cricket against fancied rivals but have been guilty of frittering away opportunities. They might have the edge against the Pune but a victory here would not be enough as they will have to win all remaining three and pray that the other results also go in their favour. The hosts would like to start afresh from this juncture and make full use of every opportunity. For the past couple of matches, they could find the right team composition and earned two good victories but rain played spoilsport for them in the crucial match against Chennai Super Kings. The recent failure of Ajinkya Rahane has hurt them but Australian all-rounder Shane Watson has looked in top form. Dravid has been in good nick as well but the rest did not play to expectations at least in the last match. Shane Warne  and  Rahul Dravidare a study in contrast. One is known for his flamboyant lifestyle, outspoken ways and a devil-may-care attitude; the other is disciplined, soft-spoken and a perfect role model. For Rajasthan Royals, the most important story of IPL V could well be the transition from Warnes leadership to Dravids captaincy . In fact, for a few youngsters who have known only Warnes ways in the past four years, this could well be a culture shock. Rajasthan Royals, once again, do not boast of too many big guns, at least in the T20 format . However, they have the habit of throwing up heroes. If Yusuf Pathan, Ravinder Jadeja and Shane Watson owe most of their fame to the Royals jersey in the inaugural edition of the IPL, Johan Bothas prowess with the bat was a revelation last year. Warne had gone by his instincts in promoting Botha up the order, and it paid off handsomely. As Dravid steps into the Australian spin legends shoes, he would be aware that he is inheriting an enviable legacy. For starters, Dravid would have to pick his men carefully and not go by reputation or past record. He has coach Monty Desai and technical director Zubin Bharucha to help him out, two men who have little to show apart from their IPL stint under Warnes shadow. Talking about the players, the addition of Sreesanth in the ranks will boost the bowling, but then the pacer has been recuperating from a toe injury. He says he is fit for action, but then he hasnt played for the past six months. Expect him to be rusty. Also expect him to pull in the crowds with his maverick ways. Sreesanth could well keep Royals in the news, just like Warne did. At the other end, Shaun Tait would be hurling down some fireballs. Dravid and Botha would once again be expected to hold the batting steady. Dravid, of course, faces the biggest test. He would be hoping to do a Warne and lead this team to the podium. Or atleast finish in the top-four . Rajasthan Royals (RR) is a Rajasthan based franchise in the Indian Premier League (IPL), co-owned by Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty and businessman Raj Kundra in partnership with Emerging Media. The team is currently captained by Rahul Dravid who will be coaching the team. Dravid replaces Australian spin legend Shane Warne who announced retirement from the IPL last season. The Indian legend will also be the mentor of the team. The Rajasthan franchise lead by Warne took the IPL by storm when it won the first edition in 2008 when it beat the current champions Chennai Super Kings in a thrilling final. The official theme of the team is  Halla Bol  and the official mascot is a lion named Moochu. The home of the team is Sawai Mansingh Stadium. Many domestic players can be added to the Royals squad by the selection committee in a fin al camp under the team management of Rajasthan Royals Squad: Rahul Dravid (c), Pankaj Singh, Aakash Chopra, Abhishek Raut, Aditya Dole, Ajinkya Rahane, Amit Paunikar, Ashok Menaria, Deepak Chahar, Dishant Yagnik, Faiz Fazal, Nayan Doshi, Pinal Shah, Samad Fallah, Siddharth Trivedi, Stuart Binny, Amit Singh, Dinesh Salunkhe, Swapnil Asnodkar, Sumit Narwal, Ankeet Chavan, Sreesanth, Shane Watson, Johan Botha, Paul Collingwood, Shaun Tait, Brad Hodge, Kevon Cooper, Dinesh Chandimal, Brad Hogg, Owais Shah DELHI DAREDEVILS Delhi Daredevils  (Hindi:   ) is the  Delhi  franchise of the  Indian Premier League  in cricket. The franchise is owned by the  GMR Group. Founded in 2008, the team is currently captained by  Virender Sehwag  and coached by former South African cricketer  Eric Simons. They play all their home matches at the historic  Feroz Shah Kotla Ground. Due to the disbanding of  Kochi Tuskers Kerala, each team will play the remaining eight teams twice, once at home and once away. Therefore each team will play an extended season of 16 matches. Bollywood  superstar  Akshay Kumar  was the brand ambassador of the team during the 2008 Season but opted not to return for the 2009 season due to a busy schedule. However, Akshay was seen at a few of the teams games cheering them on. Famous  Bollywood  playback singer  Kailash Kher  has sung the team anthem Khel Front Foot Pe a. k. a. Play on the front foot or play aggressively. It is played at every Delhi Daredevils match. Delhi Daredevils launched their new anthem Munday Dilli Ke on 5 March 2012 on the social networking site  YouTube. [4] Virender Sehwag  has been accorded the icon player status in the Delhi Daredevils team and was also the captain of the side during the first two seasons. However, he resigned and passed on the leadership to his opening partnerGautam Gambhir  for the 2010 season. But after Gambhir left the team for  Kolkata Knight Riders  in the fourth edition,Sehwag was once again given the duty to captain the team. Since the start of the  IPL  in 2008 many international players such as  Glenn McGrath,  AB de Villiers,  Tillakaratne Dilshan,  David Warner,  Andrew McDonald,  Daniel Vettori,  Farveez Maharoof,  Dirk Nannes  and  Aaron Finch  have donned the cap for the Daredevils. The team also included Indian players like  Dinesh Karthik  and  Yo Mahesh. Ending the league matches in a superb and commendable way,  Delhi Daredevils  was the first team to get into the playoffs. Being in the top position in the tally table, the team played their first playoff match against second placed Kolkata Knight Riders on May 22. But when their fabulous performance was much needed in the Qualifier 1 match, the team players faltered slightly and their opponent Kolkata team took the advantage of the situation to make their way into the final. However, being in the top position, Delhi will get another opportunity to make their way into the final on May 25, 2012. Tomorrow Qualifier 2 match of the playoffs will be played between Delhi Daredevils and Chennai Super Kings, the winner of yesterday’s Eliminator match. This match will be played at MA Chidambaram Stadium,  Chennai from 8. 00 pm onwards. With a number of explosive batsmen in the team, Delhi Daredevils is strong enough to clash down the moral of the rival bowlers but unfortunately this strategy did not work last night. Throughout the group matches, the team players proved them as the most consistent team and what they have missed last night, they will surely look for grabbing that tomorrow. While analyzing the last match, there were a number of mistakes in Shewag’s team. Firstly, for low and slow wicket, this team appeared in the cricket field with only four medium pacers and one spinner. Secondly, the final order of eleven players needed a revision when they lost some early wickets. Ross Taylor should have come up at 5 and later Jayawardena admitted this mistake. However, after giving such an impressive performance throughout the league, along with all IPL viewers, Delhi boys are also hoping to play in the final and for that they have to overcome all the previous mistakes in tomorrow’s match to wipe out Chennai Super kings from this IPL 2012. Captain Virender Shewag and David Warner make a powerful opening partnership to raise fire in the field and they have to do so tomorrow. Chennai bowlers will for these two big wickets followed by middle order batsmen, Jayawardena, Ojha, Taylor and Negi. At time Pathan appears as an explosive all-rounder to give a big boost to the team score. To ensure their position in the final, Delhi batsmen have to make a 200+ challenging score against Chennai. On the other hand, Morne Morkel is the gem of the bowling squad. He is one of the leading wicket takers in this season with 25 wickets from 16 league matches. He along with Negi, Yadav and Pathan has to do the rest of the work by taking regular wickets. If all these factors work properly, then it is very tough to restrict Delhi. Also Delhi is a favorite tomorrow because of its formidable performance level and the consistency that this team maintained throughout the season. Contrary to this prediction, the western bookies predicted that there is 47% chance for Delhi to get a victory. Bookies such as William Hill, Paf, Bwin and Bet365 are offering 1/1 odds whereas Bet-at-home is offering 4/5 on a Delhi victory. Their home ground is Feroz Shah Kotla. The present coach of Delhi is Eric Simons and the captain is Indian opener Virender Sehwag. The star players of the side are Irfan Pathan, Mahela Jayawardene, Kevin Pietersen, Ross Taylor, David Warner, Umesh Yadav, Matthew Wade, Varun Aaron, and Ajit Agarkar apart from Sehwag. DD has been consistent in their performance. They reached semi-finals in the first two seasons of the Indian Premier League (IPL). However, they started declining since the third season of IPL. They managed to win only four out of 14 matches in the last IPL season. Squad: Virender Sehwag (c), David Warner, Venugopal Rao, Aaron Finch, Mahela Jayawardene, Glenn Maxwell, Varun Aaron, Ajit Agarkar, Doug Bracewell,   Naman Ojha, Andre Russell, Aavishkar Salvi, Ross Taylor, Roelof van der Merwe, Vikas Mishra,   Tejashwi Yadav, Umesh Yadav, Manprit Juneja, Puneet Bisht, Robin Bist, Gulam Bodi and Unmukt Chand. PUNE WARRIORS Pune Warriors India  is a franchise  cricket team  that plays in the  Indian Premier League (IPL)  representing the city of  Pune,  Maharashtra. The team is one of two new franchisees added to the Indian Premier League (IPL) for the  2011 season, alongside the  Kochi Tuskers Kerala. On 21 March 2010, Sahara Adventure Sports Limited made the winning bid of $370 million (approximately Rs 1900 crore) for the Pune franchise. The bid is the highest bid by any company in the short history of IPL. Sourav Ganguly,the former captain of Pune warriors India, serves as the mentor of the team. Former South African pacer  Allan Donald  is the bowling coach of the team. The teams home ground is the newly-constructed  Subrata Roy Sahara Stadium  in Pune. During the 2010 franchise auction for two new  Indian Premier League  teams,  Subrata Roy  of  Sahara Group  purchased the Pune IPL team. Pune and Kochi joined the current eight teams from the fourth season of IPL to be held in 2011. On March 22, 2010 Sahara group bought Pune IPL team for  1,702 crore. The  Videocon  Group lost the bid for the Pune IPL Team. The team logo has a spear wielding warrior riding a stallion,with the teams name next to it. [3]  The team colour is Turquoise blue and Silver [2012 Season]. .[4]  They kept their name Sahara Pune Warriors but later changed it to Pune Warriors India . TVS Motors  is the principal sponsor for the Pune Warriors India who have also signed  Adidas  as their official apparel sponsor for the upcoming season of  IPL.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Oil Pollution And Its Effect On Wildlife Essays - Ocean Pollution

Oil Pollution and Its Effect on Wildlife "OIL POLLUTION AND ITS EFFECT ON WILDLIFE" INTRODUCTION: Contamination of the oceans by oil spillage is not a rare occurrence. It is happening all over the world every day, fouling coastlines, killing animals and destroying fisheries. BODY: In 1987, more than 3.5 million tons of oil were released into the oceans around the world. Out of that only 28 percent of the spillage was accidental; the remaining 72 percent was deliberate, illegal actions. The sources of oil spillage were: Washing tanks at sea: A lot of the illegal pollution is caused by cleaning of oil tanks at sea. After they are cleaned the tankers then dump the polluted water, mixed with all the oil residue, back into the ocean. Oil well blowouts: Blowouts occurring at oil well heads release huge amounts of oil and gas into the ocean. The drilling vessel IXTOTI released more than 400,000 tons of oil into the Gulf of mexico over a period of 9 months after its well exploded in 1978. Tanker accidents: The most publicized of the oil spills are those caused by tanker accidents. There have been hundreds of accidents involving the spilling of million of tons of oil. Big oil spills, no matter what way they occur, reflect on the oil industry badly. The clean?up cost alone is enormous, and the amount of damages can be into the millions of dollars. Despite the clean?up efforts, once there is an oil spill, it cannot be prevented from causing major damage to wildlife and the environment. EFFECT ON WILDLIFE: All the migrating seabirds like guillemots, puffins, and razorbills are at risk from oil pollution. During migration, they look for calm water where they rest and fish. Oil?covered seas look calm to birds, and they land on the water by thousands, only to be trapped in the oil and die of starvation. The birds that don't become trapped usually die as well from trying to remove the oil from their feathers, the birds ingest the oil and that usually kills them in a few days. The oil that washes to shore on the beaches where seals and sea lion breed harm these animals as well, any animals that get caught in the oil usually die. An area that is rich in wildlife is Alaska's Prince William Sound. When the Exxon Valdez had it's spill thousands of sea otters died and lot's more are still at risk. When the oil coats their fur, otters can't swim or maintain there body temperature, they either freeze to death, or drown. When a marine animal dies it is usually eaten by other species and then those species get poisoned too. CLEANING UP: Crude oil is complex, it is mixed with more than a 1000 different chemicals. In most seas, the highly toxic light hydrocarbons, which are refined to gasoline and jet fuel, soon evaporate, lower the risk to some marine life. As in the Artic it is freezing and the process of evaporation is slow because of the low temperature. In these conditions the oil must be burned. In calm waters, floating booms can contain the oil so that it can be pumped off the surface of the sea into holding tanks. They remove what they can and the remaining oil is sprayed with chemicals. These chemicals break down the oil into tiny particles, which than get broken down by bacteria which feed on some of the hydrocarbons in the oil. Yet the residue will eventually end up on the beaches. CONCLUSION: Most of the worst oil pollution is caused by the cleaning of ships oil storage tanks at sea. If they had stricter policies dealing with this activity this may be avoided. Every year, a large amount of oil is spilled throughout the North Sea through the dumping of petroleum products, both on land and in the sea. A lot of oil is released by sewers and rivers. We can help and reduce oil pollution by returning used motor oil for recycling rather than pouring it down the drain or burying it in the yard.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Fentanyl Transdermal Patch and Fatal Adverse Reactions Essays

Fentanyl Transdermal Patch and Fatal Adverse Reactions Essays Fentanyl Transdermal Patch and Fatal Adverse Reactions Paper Fentanyl Transdermal Patch and Fatal Adverse Reactions Paper The fentanyl transdermal system is used to manage pain. Unlike other pain killers this system manages moderate to severe chronic pain, which other means like opiod combination cannot manage. Safety concerns This system’s safety is only guaranteed if used according to the conditions recommended in the Canadian product monograph. Duragesic is the brand name under which the fentanyl transdermal system has been marked since the year 1992. Two generic products were introduced in July 2006. They are Ran Fentanyl and Ratio-Fentanyl transdermal systems. There have been numerous reports of serious adverse reactions which Health Canada suspects that they are linked to fentanyl transdermal patches. Health Canada is closely monitoring this situation. Fatal outcomes involved opioid-naive adolescents who are suspected to have abused the medication. AR with a fatal outcome linked to fentanyl trandermal patches There were fifty-two AR reports with a fatal outcome being linked to fentanyl transdermal patches. These were submitted to Health Canada from January 1, 1992 to December 31, 2007. : A total of six cases of AR were due to dose initiation and titration. Prescriptions to oploid-naive patients were three, quick titration doses two and one high initiation dose. There was also one case of use concomitant with other central nervous system depressants. The death occurred within twenty-four hours after initiation. CNS depression due to combination of the medication with other CNS depressants was reported as the cause of death. A death was also reported due to interaction between CY3A4 inhibitor and fentanyl transdermal. It occurred less than four days after being initiated during fentanyl transdermal therapy. Six patients died due to patch application by the patients. Four of the patients applied more than the prescribed medication while one patient applied a new patch with the old patches on. Another patient changed the patch daily instead of every three days. There were three fatalities due to caregiver application of the patch. One case was due to the caregiver attempting to reduce dosage by folding the patch in half. Another case was due to the caregiver administering new patch while the old one was on. Still one more case was due to the caregiver pressing on it because it did not stick, thereby leaking fentanyl transdermal and overdosing the patient. One fatality occurred due to a patient using a patch prescribed for another patient. The sixty-four year old man applied the patch prescribed for his wife. The patient became unresponsive, vomited and aspirated. He died five days later due to pneumonia and renal failure. Five fatalities occurred due to accidental overdose. One patient was elderly and underweight. Another died of cardiac arrhythmia as a result of overdose fentanyl and antidepressants. Another had toxic levels of fentanyl after the second dose. The other two cases had limited information and could not be immediately established. Intentional overdose with suicide missions was evident in four of the cases while those of intentional drug abuse of the fentanyl patches were a massive twenty-five (MacMorran, 2008). Health promotion initiatives Health care professionals should therefore follow the directions available in the fentanyl transdermia patches product monographs. It is essential for patients, caregivers and their respective families to be guided on using the product safely. This includes safe storage of the drugs, preventing their accessibility for abuse and to prevent any accidental overdose. Rectification steps Following death reports linked to inappropriate use of the medication, the Canadian product monograph had to be revised in 2005. This was in order to emphasize this safety information. Subsequent advisories followed again in September 2005. A number of publications have followed suit in highlighting safety issues related to the medication use. Health Canada received 105 reports from Jan 1, 1992 to December 31, 2007. According to these reports, the ARs are suspected of being closely associated with fentanyl transdermal patches and one fatal case was reported. Twenty-seven of these reports were received after the last risk communication by Health Canada. The data were analyzed as part of monitoring AR reports. This was to identify any potentially preventable incidents and increase awareness on the product’s safety. In some cases there was no evidence to link the deaths to fentanyl transdermal. This was the case in thirty-three out of the 105 of these reports. In twenty such cases, there was insufficient information in the report for any meaningful evaluation (Raymond et al, 2004). Personal interest held by the advisory The drug advisory has challenged me personally to come up with alternative drugs that can serve the same purpose but are less risky. Proper administration and usage of drugs has also been emphasized. I have been encouraged to handle any drugs carefully. It has brought a very clear realization that people’s lives are at stake and we have to be very careful. Impact of the advisory on a practicing nurse in 2008 The advisory has had a significant impact on the practicing nurse. They have to be very careful not to administer the Fentanyl patch to any more patients unless under prescription and strict following of instructions. This has led to seeking alternative drugs. The altenative drugs have their own short-comings which the patients may not be used to or even aware of. In cases where usage of Fentanyl cannot be abandoned, very strict measures have had to be taken to avoid misuse, overdose and abuse. This has added some extra responsibilities to the nurses. References Canadian Safety Bull. (2006). Fentanyl transdermia: a misunderstood dosage form. 6 (5). Canada Safety Bull (2007). Fentanyl patch linked to another death in Canada. Duragenic (2007). Fentanyl transdermal System: product monograph. Janssen-Ortho Inc: Toronto. MacMorran, M. (2008). Fentanyl transdermia patch and fatal adverse reactions. Canadian Adverse Reaction Newsletter. Raymond, B. et al (2004). Respiratory arrest in adolescents. Duragenic. Canadian Adverse Reaction News. 14 (4): 1-2

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Jury Essays - Law, Legal Terms, Legal Procedure, Government, Verdict

Jury Essays - Law, Legal Terms, Legal Procedure, Government, Verdict Jury Members of the jury you have been chosen because you are a captive audience. You will be required to submit a verdict of guilty or not guilty at the end of this trail by raising the appropriate card. The Foreman will tally the votes and tell the judge. The courtroom is now in secession the Honorable Judge Bonnie is presiding Forman, is the jury ready? Case # BBA 329 WLS West Loop South vs Ima Slacker Will the defendant please rise? You are charged with 3 counts of being late to study group w/o calling 1 count of not doing your part of the assignment 1 count of yelling and throwing How do you plead? Please be seated. Defense; please call your first witness. Place your hand on the LeTourneau Catalogue. Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth? Over Ruler Sustained Restate the question Please approach the bench Prosecutor, do you wish to cross-examine? Witness please step down. Prosecutor your closing statements Defense your closing statements Jury please vote. Foreman, has the jury reached a verdict? Defendant please stand Forman, please read the verdict.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Brazil Crime Statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Brazil Crime Statistics - Essay Example What we call endemic are diseases which are characteristic of particular regions, the result of particular geographic circumstances. [Brazil’s] corruption is organic, circulatory, [and] systemic (Dines, 2004, n.p.). Police in Brazil have a well-deserved reputation for taking bribes, giving drug smugglers extra leniency in law enforcement, and â€Å"looking the other way† unless the criminal is poor (Schneider, 1991, p. 215). The lack of an independent media is one of the factors that most contributes to the general perception that Brazil is a country with a high level of corruption. In June 2003, Otto Reich, the White Houses main aide for Latin American affairs, made this comment to a hundred or so businessmen at a seminar on investments in the region: "We have had many setbacks†¦corruption is the most important obstacle to economic development†¦.Investors do not want to put their money into a country where there are corrupt civil servants† (Rodriques, 2004, n.p.) Brazil Group. (2008). Brazil’s battle with Gang Violence and Police Corruption. Retrieved April 24, 2009 from brazil%E2%80%99s-battle-with-gang-violence-and-police-corruption/ Cavallaro, J. (2001). Human Rights and the Proliferation of Crime: The Perception of Human Rights and Its Effects on Rights Defense in Brazil, presented at Focus Meeting on Crime, Public Order and Human Rights. Geneva:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Critical analysis of the film The Last Samurai Essay

Critical analysis of the film The Last Samurai - Essay Example While Zwick might have worked on the movie with due respect to the Eastern culture, however, some of the critics view it in a different perspective. For example Denby (2003) found it as â€Å"cultural vanity implicit in the idea of a white guy’s becoming a superb Eastern warrior.† Similarly Tierney (2006) also found â€Å"themes of whiteness† and embedded western superiority in the movie. However, according to Ebert (2003), the movie depicts the story of an ancient culture and philosophy that is superior to modernization exported by America in the name of development. The movie beautifully recreates the magic of glorious Japanese past with astounding designs, sets, action sequences and costumes. However, it has its own set of problems. Many of the conflicts and actions appear to have been recycled from other films, and the overall trajectory of the story is predictable. According to Ebert (2003) the movie follows the old tried and tested formula that the Western hero can easily learn the local culture and even beat the best of their warriors in a matter of few months. Here the movie draws parallels with "Lawrence of Arabia" and "Dances with Wolves," movies in which Westerner heroes appreciate Arabs and Indians. It is very much predictable from the beginning of the movie that the western hero will not only find that the Japanese are not cruel but also be infatuated by their culture. Algrens transformation from an alcoholic to a disciplined person is also on expected lines. After he is taken as a prisoner and develops a bonding with his captor can be guessed by any movie goer. Thus the movie doesn’t throw any new elements. According to Said (1994), during the period of European imperialism, while depicting Eastern societies, Western scholars were prejudiced and presented Orientals as inferiors. The reason for such portrayal could be European countries’ status as colonizers. He has termed this concept as

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Gambino Cleaning Products Salesman System Specification Essay Example for Free

Gambino Cleaning Products Salesman System Specification Essay A new system of calculating and reporting on cleaning products salesmen is to be designed and implemented. Cleaning products salesmen commission is based on a set of data which is the monthly sales of cleaning products sold by the salesmen. Objectives The new system must: * Be automated as far as possible, needing no thorough knowledge of spreadsheets, databases or any other software in order to operate it. * Have fitted controls to ensure precision and completeness of data input. * Take into account commission payments from monthly sales. * Print commission reports for each of the salesmen, and a summary report showing total paid to each salesman and overall total. * Include an option to delete commission records previous to a given date so that the file does not increase for an indefinite period. The proposed new system can be shown in a level 0 data flow diagram as follows: A level 1 Data Flow Diagram of the proposed system is as follows: User functions 1. The Commissioning Salesman in the Sales Department will be responsible for entering all details of new cleaning products salesman and new products. 2. An Accounts clerk will have special responsibility for the commission system. 3. The Accounts clerk will enter each month the sales of each product, giving quantity sold and gross sales value (i.e. quantity X cover price). 4. Every 6 months, the Accounts clerk will produce the Commission reports for each cleaning products salesman. This will show the commission that has been earned in the previous 6 months. A payment is then recorded and a cheque issued to each cleaning products salesman to whom commission is due, together with the Commission statement showing sales details, and the statement from the Accounts system the total amount due. Database specification Menu structure The many functions of the Commission System will be accessed by means of a front-end menu, which will have the following structure. The data model There are three main entities in this system related in the entity relationship diagram shown below. Because a many-to-many relationship cannot be applied in a relational database, an additional entity named Salesman/Product is introduced. The ERD can now be drawn as follows: The database for Gambino cleaning products salesman system specification will have the following tables: tblSalesman (SalesmanID, Surname, FirstName) tblProduct (ProductID, ProductName, SalesTeam, Price) tblSalesman/Product (ProductID, SalesmanID, StandardCommission, BonusCommission) tblSales (SalesNumber, ProductID, Date, QuantitySold, GrossValue) Name Type Meaning Range Where Used tblSalesman Table Salesman Table tblProduct Table Product Table tblSalesman/Product Table Salesman/Product Table tblSales Table Sales Table SalesmanID Text (5) Unique ID Primary key in tblSalesman Foreign key in tblSalesman/Product Surname Text (20) Salesmans Surname tblSalesman Firstname Text (15) Salesmans first name tblSalesman ProductID Text (5) Unique product code Primary key in tblProduct Foreign key in tblSalesman/Product ProductName Text (40) Product title tblProduct SalesTeam Text (40) All salesman who sell a product tblProduct Price Currency Product price tblProduct StandardCommission Number Percentage commission on each product sold 1-10 tblSalesman/Products BonusCommission Number Bonus percentage commission on each products sold 11-20 tblSalesman/Products SalesNumber Number 1=Standard commission 2=Bonus Commission 1 or 2 tblSales QuantitySold Number Number of products sold tblSales GrossValue Currency Data Dictionary Input Specification Three input forms will be required. frmProducts This will be used to enter product details. frmSalesman This will be used to enter details of a salesman and all products on which they receive commission. The commission percentages for each product will be entered in a subform of the main form. Validation methods: The Product ID will be selected from a drop-down list of existing Product IDs. Once a Product ID is entered, the product name will be automatically displayed. frmTransaction This form will be used to enter transactions. Validation methods: Only valid dates will be accepted. The Product ID will be selected from a drop down list of existing Product IDs. Once a Product ID is entered, the product name will be automatically displayed. Selecting a radio button so that only a valid alternative can be selected will choose the transaction type. Process Specification Commission Calculations To calculate the commission for a given transaction, a query has to be performed to combine attributes from tblTransaction, tblProduct, tblProduct/Salesman and tblSalesman. The calculation of the commission is performed as follows: If TransactionType = 1 (i.e sales) ThenRate = StandardCommissionRate ElseRate = BonusCommissionRate endif Amount = Rate * GrossValue These processes will be carried out in qryCommission. This query will be the source of both the commission report and the summary report. Maintenance Each year, transactions prior to a given date will be removed from tblTransactions. This prevents the transaction file from becoming too large and slowing down the system. The maintenance will be carried out as follows: Run a Delete query to delete records from tblTransaction. Test Plan Tests will be carried out using valid and invalid data and data at the extremes of acceptable values.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Hitler Essay examples -- essays research papers

Hitler's Rise to Power Over time there have been many influential leaders who have changed the course of history. These leaders contained great leadership qualities, which allowed them to achieve their goals. But their success has also been questioned due to the effects and characteristics of the time period. Some historians believe that the success of these leaders is due to their person characteristics, while others believe that their success was due to the conditions of the society in which these leaders lived. One leader, whose success is controversial, is Adolph Hitler. Hitler’s success can be seen as his own through to his charismatic qualities, military tactics and the holocaust. All three of these topics were original to him and made him a notorious leader and gained him success. Hitler’s success can also be due to the horrible conditions in Germany at the time of his rise to power. The failure of the economy, extreme nationalism and the fragile government of Ge rmany in the 1920’s and 30’s could also be seen as the reason for Hitler’s success(Wepman 98). The end of W.W.I left Germany in economic debt, suffering to survive. The Treaty of Versailles blamed Germany for the war and required them to pay for all the reparations. With many unemployed and homeless, the country was in economic ruins(Heck 120). To try and end their suffering, the German government printed more money, which in turn caused inflation and more problems. When the Great Depression hit Germany in the early 1930’s the German economy was in horrible shape. Many Germans were left unemployed, homeless and practically hopeless. The depression just added to German debts and despair. These economical conditions in Germany created a perfect scenario for Hitler to gain power and influence(Heck 124). With the government in debt and unemployment growing everyday, the Germans were looking for a strong, powerful leader to take control. Hitler promised to get Germany out of debt and help it become a powerful nation again. The German people were quickly influenced by the promises and the Nazi party grew rapidly as Hitler gained power in the government(Wepman 65). TheWeimar Republic began at the end of 1918, two days before the First World War ended. It was not strong from the start because it had signed the dreaded Versailles Treaty. People felt Germany had been stabbed in the back by the govern... ...uted; then they were forced to work for the Germans(Deichmann 54). When working for the Germans the prisoners were fed very little and many died of sickness or starvation. If the dead bodies were not thrown into a community burial grave, then they were burned in furnaces. These camps were found all over Europe, in Germany, the Netherlands, and Poland, as well as other countries. There were about 12 million deaths with 6 million being political prisoners, the physically and mentally disabled, Gypsies, and Slavs. The other 6 million were Jewish deaths. Hitler's purification process was obviously against all Anglo Saxon morals and ethics, but was part of his master plan for control. Until his death in 1945, a suicide, which he chose as his fate, Hitler, proved to be an Influential character of charm, charisma and power. He worked himself into power, led a nation into war and executed his plans for a supreme race, no matter how unethical his ideas were. Like a tragic hero, however, h e held his own flaw and in the end his own downfall and collapse of power. Hitler found a time where he could easily slide into power, giving a torn apart nation a purpose, goal and a union to build upon.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Reevaluating Union Trade Responses

Since the 1980†³s academia and professionals alike have been picking at the bones of discussion regarding the ‘decline† of Trade Unions, their strategies of ‘survival† and issuing prescriptions as to the most suitable form Trade Unionism can take in order to modernise, compromise and indeed to qualify for a role within the ‘new† workplace. Within this plethora of discussion much is made of placing relevant unions into suitable and identifiable criteria, whether it be the AEEU and it†s ‘Enterprise† unionism or UNISON†s ‘Managerial† unionism. Although these criteria may be suitable within a fixed period or in order to understand a particular situation, the argument remains that they are static and do not necessarily reflect the many forms that unionism can take. Indeed much of the criteria presented is regarding the union as an organisation, as a business even, and in this way does not account the most important factor, that of a Union†s members and the branches within which they interact. Membership and the Collective voice is the foundation of Trade Unionism, it will therefore be argued that faced with a ‘New† Industrial Relations Trade Unions, in this country, have illustrated an uncoordinated approach and have merely tested solutions, moving gradually back to the membership in order to consolidate their position. Naturally there will be those unions who will stay with a tried and tested formula , however with the impending ‘Fairness at Work† legislation unions will be given space to engage their membership rather than attempting to engage managers in attempts at recognition. The reevaluation of union strategies will involve a critical analysis of both set criteria, prescriptions of moderation and a reconsideration of militancy . The argument will thus draw parts of certain ‘criteria† and aim towards methods whereby engagement and resistance may coexist effectively enabling effective ‘partnership† with effective ‘representation† through the education and strong organisation of union members. The term ‘New Industrial Relations† encompasses the change in the workplace, managerial trends, Trade Union strategies and the backdrop against which the play commences and adapts. This backdrop consists of historical, economic and social factors which have influenced industrial relations as it now exists. Much is documented about the gradual transformation of roles that occurred during the 1980†³s and certainly in the 1990†³s; The legislative onslaught upon the Trade Unions, by the Conservative Government, effecting both their financial and organisational strength. The backing and encouragement of the growth of big business, by the Conservative Government, in order to counteract the rise of unemployment and to replace the decline in such traditional areas such as manufacturing. The rise in unemployment effected a fragmentation on the workforce and ended the notion of ‘a job for life†, replacing the full time, dominantly male, workforce was the part time, temporary and the rise of the female workforce, itself transforming society and family roles. As can be seen through this chain of events the traditional base of trade unionism had disintegrated, hailing criticism that trade unionism is no longer relevant to this new workplace, criticisms that were supplemented by a falling membership and a weakened bargaining base. In extension and, to some extent, response to this business and managerial trends were being heavily influenced by both the presence of and the success of international companies who were utilising new management techniques. The two main trends that will be briefly discussed, in regards to their effect on Trade Union renewal, are that of Japanisation and Human Resource Management primarily through the work culture they wish to produce rather than their distinct workplace structures. It is to be noted, in regards to these two trends (which themselves have overlapping features), that two academic criteria have arisen in direct response and with distinct and reflective attributes, these two response criteria are Enterprise Unionism and Managerial Unionism . Enterprise Unionism can be best described in conjunction with the Japanisation of British Industry. Japanisation occurred not only through the presence of Japanese companies in Britain (Hitachi, Nissan etc.) but also through British business† observations of the success if Japanese Business, therefore the matter is twofold with Japanese businesses applying their business culture to their British subsidiaries and British business ‘borrowing† the better parts of Japanisation for themselves. The main aims of Japanese practices is best described by White and Trevor (1983) in that they aim to create: † a stable workforce with a high level of commitment to the company: extremely cooperative in accepting change, extremely unwilling to enter into strikes or any other forms of conflict, and generally putting the company†s interests level with or even ahead of it†s own. The outcome is a high and rising level of productivity, and an altogether easier climate in which management can plan for changes in products and processes† Dedication to the company and its ideals goes one step further when applied to the workplace and the presence of a trade union. The most obvious outcome is that the very existence of a trade union, and in deed it†s historical connotations, points towards an adversarial situation and a separation of ideals and goals. In order to counteract this fragmented relationship ‘Japanisation† also endorses the case for the single union deal. The very notion of the single union deal explains the terminology applied to those unions who seek them, for in order to get the deal one must put forward the best business case. The context and result of this situation is typified by the case of the EETPU and Hitachi, this union deal (being the first of many) can be said to have heightened the debate regarding the direction of Trade Unions and also bringing into question: â€Å"..many of the core concerns of trade unions, including the sanctity of traditional territorial boundaries between one union†s membership constituency and anothers, the extent to which unions should pursue their objectives via a consensual or a conflictual relationship with management, and to the degree to which, in contemporary work settings, unions can influence the ground rules of the union-management relationship, or are subject to managerial definitions of the basis upon which those relationships will operate.† This active approach to single union deals gives rise to the aforementioned case case-putting, more candidly described as the ‘ ‘beauty contest'† These contests, as illustrated by the EETPU deal, can result in no strike deals , pendulum arbitration and the creation of Employee Board. Employee Boards may or may not include union reps and indeed their very existence has led to some critics to argue that such agreements ‘bind unions through institutional subordination to company councils† (Ogasawara and Stewart, 1992) . This obvious circumvention of traditional representative channels and the active promotion of employer friendly unionism could entail the union become a mere rubber stamp or an empty shell, and is itself an argument for internal organisation to build internal strength before these deals are even considered. A further criticism of this approach can be drawn from two AEU deals with Nissan and Toyota whereby recognition, via a single union agreement, was given before recruitment took place, taking potential memberships choice out of the equation and leaving no real alternative in regards to union response. Justifiably the EETPU and the AEU are the epitome of Enterprise Unionism, their subsequent merger and their steady gain of membership perhaps promote their tactics. These tactics, however, give rise to the questions as to whether numbers are more important than effective representation, admittedly the larger the union, the louder its voice, however when this voice is muted by employer dictated deals the situation does require a reconsideration of a union†s aims and objectives. If business Unionism is placed at the far right of the union response spectrum, then the Managerial Union can be placed in the middle due to it†s response to the individualisation of the contract and work experience by Human Resource Management (HRM) HRM can be seen as focusing upon the individual at work, with an emphasis on flexibility, training and pay and rewards, emphasising a rhetoric of joint aims between the Employer and Employee. It is the main strand of this rhetoric, individualisation, that can be seen as the most active in the modern workforce. In response to this individualisation and the decline of collective bargaining that the rise of the managerial servicing relationship can be seen: â€Å"We†¦need to see our members as our customers. As sophisticated users of services, people will make choices depending on what impresses them about a particular company or product and what is in it for them. They have become used to high standards and have expectations based on those standards. It is in this framework of customer choice, that unions increasingly have to stake their claim to recruitment. We need to reassess what people really want from a union and what will make them join.† This trend towards consumerism is often coupled with a reorganisation of union structure to encompass a servicing relationship in regards to the new workforce. This structural change can be seen in both the GMB, MSF†s and UNISON†s structures that promote representative channels for women, young people, ethnic minorities and disabled workers . These channels are themselves serviced by Full Time Officers. A structural description of a servicing relationship is given by Bob Carter and Gavin Poynter (fig.1). Within this structure it is clearer to see how this form of unionism could facilitate a partnership at work, it†s reliance on full time officers allows for a direct filtering down of National Policy and can circumvent the actions of any ‘unattractive† activism, which is further weakened by a reliance on the union for advice. This is an integral approach on behalf of unions, such as UNISON, who ‘increasingly came to advance the concept of a well- disciplined, politically sensitive and well-coordinated approach to†¦trade unionism† (Terry, 1996) . Terry goes further stating that COHSE and NUPE ‘were concerned that the new union would become an ‘activist union†, with the risks that activists might become detached from the members.† This reliance on servicing to circumvent activism has caused the worry of inactivity at branch level and the rise of ‘passive consumerism†, recruitment is not being paired with strong organisation at branch level. This idea of creating an active branch is illustrated by the TGWU past and present campaigns , which further illustrate the problems of a servicing relationship and the possibilities of a future of self-organising unionism, an approach that UNISON itself has recently approached on with it†s ‘Beactive† Campaign. This response can also be seen as an indication that mere moderancy and partnership do not necessarily reap much reward in regards to members. With an emphasis on Organising and therefore transforming the relationship from â€Å"what can the union do for me?† towards a more proactive ‘What can we do for our union?† , unions can only nurture such a relationship through the realisation that the antagonistic relationship between worker and employee is a continual matter that needs to be addressed in collective strength: â€Å"The policy question for unions would thus appear to be how to adapt collective organization to meet new circumstances rather than how to replace it with passive consumerism† (Kelly and Waddington 1995)    Kelly illustrates this argument with evidence regarding the falling success rate of unions in regards to recognition cases, the marginalising of Stewards and most interestingly the view of the strike being beneficial in terms other than those directly involved. Kelly argues that strikes retain and in some cases recruit members through the illustration of a Union†s strength and commitment to the Collective with the prospect of a heightening of the ideology of conflictual interests among this Collective. The most important part of Kelly†s argument is it†s acceptance and recognition of external constraints, namely the managerial and economic trends outlined previously ,in recognition of these constraints it would be necessary to add to Kelly†s theory the need for effective training and education of lay officials in the responses to these techniques in order to achieve the pragmatism that Kelly prescribes. Resistance to any new Employer technique can be seen as a natural response to anything ‘new† however Trade Unions need to ensure that lay officials are able to recognise benefits and pitfalls and approach likewise. A National Policy of Servicing and Partnership do not translate well at workplace level causing alienation of activists and poor responses as can be seen by the TGWU experience at Volvo in the 1990†³s, the insight to which is provided by one of Volvo†s Swedish Managers: â€Å"When I moved here in December 1990 the problem we had was not so much the people as the way the way they were used to working, especially on the union side†¦.the problem we had with the union was that they did not have enough information or knowledge needed to bring out their point of view. It is important that when dealing with a system you have to have a strong union with strong people who work well and believe in what they do†¦ takes a long time and that is what has happened here†¦That is a result of history, because they have not trusted the manager and they are not used to doing things themselves and taking responsibility for change† (Swedish Production Director, Workington) The cycle of this achievement can be formualised as: issueg organisationg educationg unityg action . Moderate Unionism ignores the potential of issues to unite it†s membership, the servicing model may recognise the issues but does not give the issue to the member to understand and merely prescribes a National Policy, Enterprise Unionism has no real strength behind any action to place upon an issue. It is these weaknesses which beg the return to the Traditions of Militancy with a ‘new† informed attitude. There is no indication that Trade Unions are about to go the ‘way of the dinosaurs† however they could well seal the fate bestowed upon them by Basset and Cave ( that of a mere provider of services). This fate can only be provided by recognising that traditional antagonisms still exist and recruit and organise around this while still engaging the realisation that parts of the New Industrial Relations are beneficial to workers. Moderation in Unions is not effective as a National Policy, indeed not even realistic, whereas the empowerment of members through democratic structures within the Union will build a strong organisation which can recognise and compromise with managerial trends on its own terms could well hold them in good stead. It is within this context that renewal, rather than replacement, can be viewed. The future context of these arguments will make interesting viewing namely the impending ‘Fairness at Work† legislation and the Trade Union recruitment of Young Workers, in order to contract the demographic change occurring within it†s membership, whether Trade Unions will achieve a cultural change which will nurture a new generation of activists could well determine the future of the role of Trade Unions and depends very much on the Unions ability to Acheve rather than receive members. Reevaluating Union Trade Responses The following report shall analyse the importance of the implementation of the marketing philosophy and shall highlight the importance off this idea to be shared by all functions within the company including top management, finance, production right down to the customer service representatives. The report will also attempt to measure the degree and success of such an implementation with respect to the Ford Motor Co. Henry Ford started his working life as an engineer for the Edison Lighting Company Detroit, in 1884. Ford by chance, came across a science journal written by Nicholas Otto, a German engineer who was developing the internal combustion engine. Ford became very interested, some say infatuated, and he decided to build his own. In the Following years Ford have become the worlds second largest car manufacturer in the world. Until recent years the Ford Motor Co have famously used the production concept. An example of this is when â€Å"Henry Fords whole business philosophy was to protect the production of the Model T so that its costs could be reduced and in turn more people could afford it. He once joked you can have it in any colour as long as it was black.†(Kotler, 1996) Since falling behind the Japanese manufacturers in customer focus and service terms, Ford have quickly changed their focus and concept and are attempting to implement an all pervading marketing philosophy in order to â€Å"win back the confidence of consumers†. â€Å"Marketing must now pervade a business† entire operation to win the confidence of consumers†. (Jane Simms, Marketing Nov 23, 2000) â€Å"The marketing concept provides a single prescription for running a business successfully. The consumer must be recognised and accepted as the focal point for all business activities and knowledge of consumer needs and wants should be a starting point for all major business decisions†. (Raymond and Barkinsale, corporate strategic planning and corporate marketing, Business Horizons, Vol 32, no3, 1989). These definitions clearly indicate the pivotal role that a marketing philosophy and consumer focus play in the success of an organisation, if properly shared by all functions. â€Å"The marketing philosophy can be expressed as the means of operating within an organizational philosophy, the philosophy will be regarded as the medium which governs all organizational life†. (Robert E. Morgan, Management decision, 1996). This quote signifies how marketing can exist and operate as a company†s whole business philosophy. An example of a company who has begun to implement the marketing philosophy throughout all functions with considerable success is Ford Motor Co. After falling sales revenue due to focusing on production and finance orientations, Ford decided to become a market-oriented organisation. â€Å"The market oriented firm is one which successfully applies the marketing concept. The term â€Å"market oriented† is preferred to â€Å"marketing oriented† as this highlights the organisational wide application†. (Sonny Nwanko, Journal of consumer marketing, Vol 12, Nov 1995). Fords Application of the Marketing philosophy Ford is zeroing in on the consumer and is currently in the first year of a five-year revitalisation plan to get back to basics and rebuild relationships with customers through the organization wide marketing philosophy. According to Fords General marketing manager Daryl Hazel â€Å"our aim is to transform Ford from a solid performer as an automotive manufacturer to a superior performer as a customer focused company†. Ford realise that their success in this proposed change: â€Å"Depends on the degree of implementation of the marketing concept throughout the company†. (Bernard, 1987) Ford is just one company who realise that the marketing must not be confined to the marketing department but must be organisational wide pervading all functions. Ford has used marketing for many years in the form of advertising and public relations. Now Ford are using the marketing discipline throughout the organisation they are achieving far better results. However, many companies struggle in implementing this concept due to a lack of understanding. â€Å"Much of the confusion over the years in defining marketing and understanding the marketing concept results from a failure to make these three distinctions between marketing as a culture, as a strategy and as a tactic† (Webster, 1992) This quote is referring to the error that many companies make that marketing is simply just advertising and selling rather than identifying the needs and wants of their customers and satisfying these desires through marketing information and strategies. Ford have attempted to combat such errors by hiring more marketing people who understand these concepts and are able to clearly outline the company†s marketing objectives in order for all staff to understand these objectives, and in turn create satisfied customers. In order to satisfy these customers Ford must truly understand the psychological and social factors, which determines the customers† action. â€Å"Market orientation is the organisation wide generation of market intelligence pertaining to current and future customer needs, dissemination of the intelligence across departments an organisation wide responsiveness to it†. (Kohli and Jaworski 1990) This highlights that in order to maximise the relationship with a customer through marketing, a strong intelligence system must be developed to understand the current expectancy level of the customers. To enable Ford to gain this information they conducted a market research survey of existing customers and discovered that after sales service was of paramount importance to their customers. Ford then devised and implemented a new customer service department, providing solutions and care to their customers. This came in the form of Ford Business Solutions allowing one point of contact for the customer without them being shunted around between departments looking for the appropriate member of staff to deal with their problem. This allowed relationships between the company and customer to flourish. By significantly differentiating themselves from their competitors Ford have created outstanding value for their customers and also in turn they will find it easier to quickly anticipate their customers forthcoming needs due to the better understanding of the customer. This clearly illustrates the marketing philosophy permeating through the company and adheres to the following definition. â€Å"Placing a major emphasis on the analysis of the target markets needs and wants, and delivering the desired satisfaction more efficiently and effectively than competitors†. (Kotler 1996). The next step in the marketing objectives outlined by Ford was to assign brand managers to each product line. The main reason for this was to enable them to clearly understand the target market that a particular product line was aimed at, and in turn improve effectiveness and develop this consumer orientation accordingly. â€Å"The necessity for firms to identify the basic customer needs and wants and define their product accordingly†(Levitt, 1960). This idea has been clearly illustrated in the tactics employed by the brand managers of Ford. The customers who buy different products require different features and benefits from them and the brand managers at Ford must try to understand this and differentiate their product from similar products offered by competitors. An example of this within Ford is what added extras now come as standard with the product due to the customers needs and expectations escalating. Air conditioning, air bags, power steering and A.B.S. are features, which would have been paid for as extras only a few years ago, are now however appearing on the standard model of most of the Ford cars. This indicates that the brand managers, manufacturing team and the product development staff are effectively utilizing the marketing concept. â€Å"We have had some very innovative ideas and campaigns as a result of having people focus on a particular market†. (Hazel, Marketing manager Ford). The production and design team were also educated in the marketing concept to ensure this newly adopted marketing philosophy reached all functions of the business. By introducing the production and design team to strategies such as market research they were able to understand the customer they were designing and building the product for. Through this research it was discovered that the customer no longer wanted the box shaped cars which the majority of car manufacturers were producing, but the consumers were beginning to desire a more aero dynamic look. Ford was able to react extremely quickly to this by releasing models such as the Ford KA and the Ford Focus. Older models such as the Ford Fiesta were rejuvenated and also giving a new aero dynamic shape. â€Å"This promotes a more pragmatic assessment of the market place – one which is likely to reveal the customer as being at the heart of the organisations strategy process – a partner of the organisation†. (Nwanko, 1995). â€Å"A truly high profile customer oriented organisation will, for example define its product in customer specific terms†. (Nwanko, 1995). Ford achieved this through the launch of a customer magazine. The Ford magazine plays a pivotal role in the development of customer loyalty and prospecting programme to cement and improve Fords position as the United Kingdoms number one car manufacturer. The marketing philosophy is the major focus within the magazine; this is highlighted in a study using 40 focus groups concentrating on the target audiences and to create a reader empathy with a major feature on â€Å"Why I love my Ford† a photojournalism essay rare in such customer magazines. This allows Ford to build strong relationships with the customers. Ford has also understood that measuring the satisfaction of the customers is a key element in the marketing philosophy. Therefore in addition to the thoughts on the product survey they have introduced a satisfaction and service experience survey. Studies are done as early as 90 days and as long as four years after the initial purchase. This definitely implies that Ford are beginning to successfully implement and understand the importance of this concept and how all departments have a part to play. Ford brand sales and service satisfaction continues to improve every month and so far in 2002, both measures are indicating an all time high. This would clearly indicate that there is a certain degree of success with the introduction of the marketing philosophy and highlights the importance of it being shared by all functions in customer terms. Internal and third party measures of satisfaction provided by Ford credit and Hertz are also tracked. The customer in the provider contract category in a 2001 consumer financing study rated Ford credit highest. Internal satisfaction studies showed 84 percent of customers who finance or lease with Ford credit were completely or very satisfied and 90 percent would recommend Ford credit to friends and family members. With the introduction of such ventures throughout the organisation it would appear Ford have a high degree of implementation of the marketing philosophy through all functions within the organisation. â€Å"The marketing philosophy focuses directly on three key issues of customer orientation, integrated effort and profit direction†. (McGee and Spiro, 1998) This quote highlights the three key aspects of the marketing philosophy and it would appear that Ford have adhered to this basic framework, although it is imperative that Ford do not rest on their laurels and must continue to develop this philosophy to maintain market share or achieve potential growth. The aim must be to move to the next level of connecting with customers, and how they can introduce the new products they are launching to them. One key tactic, which would allow Ford to do this would be to attempt through marketing communications to latch onto a few small differences between their own products and the products offered by competitors and advertise these differences heavily. Managers at Ford must also continue to be aware of the crucial role that market research can play in the company achieving this customer orientation. The role of market research in a customer orientation context is of extreme importance. It is imperative that Ford continue to constantly conduct market research in order to identify new and existing customers and their needs, help to set performance indicators, and in monitoring the companies† performance progress and finally to gain the information to help with the successful introduction of any changes. Such a process would ensure the continued development of the marketing philosophy through the organisation. If Ford can do this they will continue to be successful in the implementation of the marketing philosophy. â€Å"Research indicates that companies which focus on boosting loyalty among customers and staff will reap the long term benefits†. (Donkin, 1997) Ford must also understand that to achieve this the top level management must be focused on the marketing orientation. â€Å"The pursuit of customer driven goals requires, first and foremost, a customer oriented attitude on the part of the organisations top leaders and customer driven organisational systems†. (Felton, 1959) Therefore top management must be aware that to effectively implement this marketers should be leading cross functional teams to ensure this pan company marketing works as these marketers would ensure the following was properly managed: â€Å"Customer focused techniques such as total customer experience and customer relationship management and correctly measuring every part of the organisation was evaluated against what it has contributed to these factors†. (Simms, 2000). â€Å"Strategic customer orientation management presents a new opportunity for organisations and should be regarded as a positive and competitive marketing tool. A way forward is for managers to pay serious attention to the internal dynamics of the organisation: systems and structure, which were supportive of, and well attained to an overall culture of customer orientation† (Nwanko, 1995) Ford are a company who seem to have understood this idea and set up a structure which allows support for all functions of the organisation to optimise the results of the customer orientation and hopefully gain new customers through this and retain existing customers in order to expand the business. It is clear that Ford have had considerable success due to implementing the marketing philosophy throughout all internal functions of the organisation functions, however they must continue to develop this using the recommendations previously made. Constant monitoring of customers and their needs and wants in conjunction with analysing the actions of competitors is imperative for Ford to maintain or grow their market share .If Ford can do this they will have achieved their ambition of transforming from a solid performer as an automotive manufacturer to a superior performer as a customer focused company.