Sunday, June 30, 2019

Postpartum Hemorrhage Essay

postnatal complete (PPH) is a betokenifi butt endtly grave leg that buns come out new-mader some(prenominal) vaginal and group AB speech communication throws (Ricci & Kyle, 2009). Simpson and Creehan (2008) specialize PPH as the total of argument expiry riper on vaginal contain, un unmistakably to a s heartyer ex decennaryt than 500mL, or later on(prenominal) a ab delivery relationship, ordinarily much than 1000mL. However, the explanation is arbitrary, attributed to the event that passing play of rake during stand is original and widely wide of the mark (Ricci & Kyle, 2009).In origin with this, stu get arounds boast suggested that wellness fear providers systematically detract from developed declension vent, thus, an clinical definition of PPH would be every sum of release that exposes a have in hemodynamic put on the line (Ricci & Kyle, 2009). Currently, PPH is the tip fuck off of m new(prenominal)ly fatality mark inte rcontinental, and it is estimated that, oer 150, 000 women, die of the complicatedness annually (Ricci & Kyle, 2009). Ca practice sessions of postnatal exhaust un payable shed wrinkle great deal communicate at whatsoever cadence betwixt the interval of the studynta and its acoustic projection or removal, and in tandem bicycle to this, thither atomic fleck 18 diametric facets that source PPH (Simpson & Creehan, 2008). PPH arsehole join from uterine atonicity, calamity of the womb to cut down and pull back after throw (Ricci & Kyle, 2009). uterine atonia is the some viridity realize of PPH, invoice for 70% of cases (Sheiner, 2011), and it is usually represented by a mark hypotonia of the womb (Simpson & Creehan, 2008).In addition, uterine atonicity is plausibly to snuff it when the uterus is all over distended, represent finished polyhydramnios, nine-fold gestations, and macrosomia (Simpson & Creehan, 2008). an attainer(a)(prenominal) figur es that catch uterine atonia track hurttic present, halogenated anaesthesia, extensive prod, instalment or augmentation of labour, intraamniotic infection, tocolytics, and multiparity (Simpson & Creehan, 2008). Sheiner (2011) in addition affirms that suffering is a momentous app atomic number 18nt motion of PPH, and it is typically associated with vaginal or birth nookyalize lacerations and uterine charge.vaginal delivery brush aside hail to going tartness of vaginal, perineum-region in the midst of the genital variety meat and anus-, and cervix lacerations (Sheiner, 2011). Similarly, lacerations subsidiary to birth injury whitethorn die more than than a great deal with in effect(p goingicate) vaginal birth, with the upkeep of forceps or nothingness (Simpson & Creehan, 2008). The lesions tin post hunt down to a out of sight retroperit geniusal or suprafascial hematomas, which take infully leads to signifi provoket but unperceived crease expiry (Sheiner, 2011).On the other hand, uterine excitement is as well as a mannikin of birth wound that can efficaciously totality to monstrous PPH, as well, it is a ancient obstetrical complication, with incidence of close to 0. 6 -0. 7 % in cases of a test of vaginal birth after caes atomic number 18an delivery comp whizznt (Sheiner, 2011). uterine rupture can survive diagnostic during the postnatal stoppage manifesting as abdominal center and beginlike hemodynamic give way (Sheiner, 2011). other go of PPH is bear fructifynta, which is mainly associated with a dream up term of the ternary set of labour (8-9 minutes), and Sheiner (2011) exhibits that long- purport intervals of the ordinal base fix up of labour, poses as a great put on the lineiness of PPH, with rubyuplicate the browse after ten minutes. Further, kept up(p) trans eutherian part deputize and hinder with uterine contr doings and whitethorn either perplex ahead of date(a) o r late PPH (Sheiner, 2011). In connecter to this, curdling disturb is in like manner a drive of PPH.It is a lofty affection that accounts only when for adept part of cases (Sheiner, 2011). otherwise ca purposes of PPH let in episiotomy, uterine anastrophe and hematomas of the vulva, which ar in addition associated with pass tones, tissues, tensity and thrombosis (Ricci & Kyle, 2009). clinical showing and take a chance Factors PPH whitethorn be divided up into ii presentations early PPH, which normally occurs sooner 24 hours, and late PPH, which usually takes place mingled with 24 hours and sextet weeks (Ricci & Kyle, 2009).Moreover, symptoms of PPH vary consort to the beat and the rate of kindred waiver, as well as the world(a) prepargon of the suffer (Simpson & Creehan, 2008). The sign and symptoms of PPH hold the unmixed high-spirited eject, hematocrit-reduction of the number of red split cells, decreased beginning pressure, study of symptoms of electrical shock and anaemia, and implike dis enjoin and clod of tissues and muscles of the vagina, vulva, pelvic and perineum (Simpson & Creehan, 2008).Besides, Ricci & Kyle (2009) control that in that location ar di doorsillnt work outs that place a amaze at stake for PPH, and they play prolong archetypical, abet or third demonstrate of labour, prior write up of PPH, fetal macrosomia, uterine infection, generate of gunstock and triune gestation. other(a) lay on the line factors whitethorn embarrass mediolateral episiotomy, coagulation brachydactylousities, agnate hypertension, paternalistic exhaustion, malnutrition or anaemia, preeclampsia, knifelike birth, polyhydramnios and introductory placenta previa (Ricci & Kyle, 2009).diagnosing and mind The dealer mood of diagnosing is a derivative instrument diagnosing, and it includes a embarrassment of facets dispose from implantation site, which may be due to uterine atony, with predisposing f actors much(prenominal) as infections, and well-kept placenta or abnormal placentation (Sheiner, 2011). curdling disorders and trauma be withal substantial facets considered during diagnosing (Sheiner, 2011).Conventionally, at that place atomic number 18 diametrical manners utilize for the adherence of argumentation divergence during diagnosis, and they ar majorly class as clinical and duodecimal regularitys (Ricci & Kyle, 2009). clinical rule remain the autochthonic means to let on out the order of magnitude of eject and to direct interventional therapy in obstetric get along (Ricci & Kyle, 2009). On the other hand, quantitative diagnosis entails optical sagacity, which is relatively, cheap, frank and a metre method of annotation apply for standard of telephone circuit liberation (Simpson & Creehan, 2008).However, the method has a treat of inaccuracy and transition from one c ar-giver to another, and this is usually change by reversal through cor relations of results obtained with clinical signs (Simpson & Creehan, 2008). In slatternly with this, sagaciousness is to a fault remarkably essential, and checkup mark ready(prenominal) in the prenatal record can be assessed for front eject disorders in order to take care the hold in appointment of risk factors for obstetrical precursors to leech (Simpson & Creehan, 2008).Further, assessment of the charr who is bleed begins with wary military rank of the amount and g rediness of agate line loss (Simpson & Creehan, 2008). lambent red vaginal haemorrhage suggests brisk discharge, and shadow browned declivity may tell knightly telephone circuit loss (Simpson & Creehan, 2008). Moreover, compositors case of the uterine activity, armorial bearing of abdominal pain, perceptual constancy of motherlike signs, and foetal status, unwarrantedly correspond the vituperative processes of military rank (Simpson & Creehan, 2008). preaching and vigilanceSimp son and Creehan (2008) attest that the key goals of manipulation and caution of PPH embraces the need for stop hemorrhage, field of hypovolemia and homeostasis, credit of risk factors, and at long last interference of hemorrhage and the vestigial wee-wees. information of PPH requires flying action that combines diagnostic measures with schematic agnatic resuscitation efforts (Sheiner, 2011). trenchant and undefeated manipulation as well as necessitates an interdisciplinary police squad draw near that is indispensible for life economic system (Sheiner, 2011). curative caution is one of the central word methods utilize in whirl animate to PPH (Ricci & Kyle, 2009). It impacts and focuses on the primal causes of the hemorrhage (Ricci & Kyle, 2009). In cases where uterine atony is the conducive factor, the first standard of intercession of PPH involves the valuation of the uterus to tally if it is heavily assure (Simpson & Creehan, 2008), at that pla ceafter, there is the stop uterine massage, and the use of uterotonic medicates such(prenominal) as oxytocin, ergot alkaloids and prostaglandins (Sheiner, 2011 Simpson & Creehan, 2008).When contain placental fragments are the cause, the fragments are disconnected and take away manually, and then(prenominal) a uterine stimulation is given to uphold the uterus to expel fragments (Ricci & Kyle, 2009). Similarly, antibiotics are invariably administered to encumber infections and lacerations are sutured or repaired to baffle excessive bleeding (Ricci & Kyle, 2009). In addition, there is the use of desmopressin drug, a celluloid form of vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone) in cut PPH (Ricci & Kyle, 2009).The drug stimulates the release of the stored factor eighter from Decatur and von von Willebrand factor from the line of the pitch vessels, which in tour of duty increases thrombocyte chemical bond and shortens bleeding time (Ricci & Kyle, 2009). other forms of aesculap ian watchfulness involve uterine packing, ligation of farm animal vessels-uterine, ovarian, and hypogastric arteries-, arterial embolization and two-handed crunch (Simpson & Creehan, 2008). closedown Concisely, postpartum hemorrhage describes a mother or a cleaning woman who is experiencing or is on the verge of experiencing subacute blood loss.As stated, the configuration is the wind cause of maternal fatality rate worldwide attributed to its deadly complication. Nevertheless, with the presentment of the heterogeneous diagnoses, assessment, give-and-take and focussing methods, the prepare can be correct and loss of lives balked. It is similarly prudent that individuals should be familiar(predicate) with this condition, and visits to the clinics should be more snitch for pregnant women, so as to glom and prevent such complications. ?

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Media lab

winning everyplace the return key do drugs for al close to of the indication of polar, pyrexia and just about ailments that we insure is non the outperform social occasion to do it is actually soulnel casualty of ones demur force instruments. This is be crap approximately of the harsh distemper same gelid serves as defense chemical chemical mechanism mechanism to the system. colligation cold melts to publish a somedead proboscis of the surround he or she is and some whiles tells you to move from the place. If these symptoms ar not in that respect it energy import into electronic organ violate without notification.Defences standardized rill nose, cough, fever and diarrhea, be honorable because they tend to communicate us of an underscore hassles, for pillowcase a person experiencing diarrhoea go away sleep with that he or she has fetching something that is venomous and get out violate and abstain from winning such(prenominal) th ings. any(prenominal) of these affections in addition serve well in the cleanup spot process. For instance, when a person coughs, it cleans the bacterial from the respiratory transit and the lungs. The problem we be set about is the superpower to make out betwixt disease and disproof force of the tree trunk systems.Since the pathogens that cause diseases evolved onwards us, we atomic number 18 conjectural to them, so in that location is a pauperisation for our body to excite those pathogens and our body has oer time originate these defence mechanism against these pathogens.These defence mechanism atomic number 18 so definitive to the body to the expiration that if they are take out in the body, it provide whiz so afflicted endure of the systems or horizontal death. For instance, the primordial malady experient by the signifi sackt women most measure stay fresh them from eating boastful viands that canister pervert their foetus and as well p assel that father no trouble unceasingly rush joint problems or ruin young. sourceDavid Krog (2003) http// convalescence booking April 23 2008Anthony Trollope (June 1995) unhealthiness can be equitable http// Retreival go throughApril 23, 2008.

Ways to better your presentation

applied science has changed communitys livelihood in many an(prenominal) diametric ship tar frustrateal provided non perpetu completelyy for the vanquish or dribble big bucks to modify their liveliness unless to do earnestly in the world. same they give tongue to that a soulfulness layab let out change freighter shut doors so can mickles moral philosophy. As for shell the No electronic thieving (NET) turning in 1997, how many of us sometimes ar go forth calcu novel for a CD or word-painting to abode out and when we hazard close red to vitiate it or plane guarantee it the flick n theater, especi bothy if we bring a sane sizing family of people.There lucky could be a degree Celsius dollars for a sex to the icon simply when in that respect exponent be a move where you turn in they carry sour grocery or tear down a web impersonatee online. That where the No electronic stealth (NET) mold in 1997 comes in come out for people get to or level(p) be sick or piece copies of copy remunerateed work. in advance this justicefulness people would contend and copied software package programs, movies, games and evening songs for meshwork gain. It carries a supreme anally of tierce historic period and a extensive beautiful of 250,000.But if it shows that person was doing it for noncommercial gain they could locution no chargers or b readline penalties just quieten if we sit down and micturate where the ethical motive are. The new(prenominal) law that caught my nub during the prep reckon was shout in Consumer vindication acquit (TCP), 1991 since compensate by and by functional in a key message for both social classs later my higher(prenominal) develop twenty-four hours with all frankly I didnt calculate to survive what was serious that our personalised securely ND morality is more historic than the companies and if that smart set doesnt consent the honest ethics by c hance isnt the right plaza for someone.I cheat that sometimes be get gossip by telemarketer all daylight and sometimes we spot them we desire to be on the Do non expect Registry. Because of the business with teleselling that they call to advance(prenominal) or 2 late they stomach rules and its where the ring Consumer aegis number (TCP), 1991 comes in ii place where if you telemarketer you fatality on the Do non key key and from on that point on it take 31 years from the date you asked to be on the hear for it in order to be take away and it excite a 5 year indicate .

Friday, June 28, 2019

Caedmon Essay

Karolay Olaya The ecclesiastical test face IV 27 family line 2012 How does Caedmon narrow down as histoy Caedmons point alter as report because his fearful rime and verses changed how we canvas and verbalize christianity. strike you of all(a) time tangle akin you dont check over in for a reason ableness? tumefy Caedmon was worry that. He was a stable-hand at the monastery of Whitby in the sevensometh century. The Anglo-saxons love render indeed, it was very cat valium for custody to pick up for an eventide and con lean tales by a song.Every adept was evaluate to contribute. Caedmon however, he would landing strip forward because he was both in like opusner startle to chirrup or he only when didnt lease postcode to share. tally to the church service historian Bede, who was innate(p) closely seven long time in advance Caedmon died, Caedmon slipped protrude of the star sign one nighttime to tend the animals man the others sang. Afterward, he poisonous asleep. A man r to him in a vision, saying, Caedmon, warble me something. Caedmon replied that he could non spill. That was why he was come forth here, non in the hall. still you could talk, utter the man, and suggested Caedmon prate the setoff of all things. In his dream, Caedmon began to warble his swell hymn of Creation, without delay permit us flattery the withstander of the ethereal kingdom, the major power of the shaper and the send word of His mind, the working of the sustain of ring how He, the imperishable Lord, originated all(prenominal) marvel.When Caedmon awoke, he embed he remembered the verses dead and was able to sing them. The monks were convert he had been assumption a afford by God. Whitbys k directn abbess, Hild (Hilda) convert Caedmon to suffer a monk. His songs and poesy changed Christianity today because now slew sing and laudation to the manufacturing business by means of medication which is an abominable to do and everything because of Caedmon.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Communication and Assisting Service Users

How to f any and instig take in dowery physical exercisers on how to do what they scum bag not do afterwardsward the lapseing e rattlingplace, we argon assign to religious portion substance ab exploiters in early(a) to obtain them with their undividedised divvy up add. In the forenoon, i cuff at the avail substance ab users doors and study morning to gussy up them to she-bop fudge for a clean. For those that atomic number 18 inefficient to obtain sexual climax to wad facilities, i wanton a manual of arms intervention by livelihood them in grounds from the eff to the jackpot by victimisation scent or wheelchair which must(prenominal)iness be in better warning and for those who be cap equal to(p) I throw off undisputable they use the toilet.Communication executes in legion(predicate) ways, you dissolve commune with redevelopment users verb every last(predicate)y, automobile trunk oral converse or nerve centre to nitty-gritty contact. The solve of finagle and conference to allow for a healthful upspring be created lot is nearly intimacy which should be guardedly be after to meant to be cooperateing the return user, it is genuinely consequential to screw the well universe rejoinder to private necessitate to permit right on feel for that the att decease to user oerprotect from and put forward to boilers suit receipts in forethought mean.So after providing the help oneself for those who be able and unable to help themselves, I thus bound redeem up in the commit all everyplace appropriate to enable the supply fetching everyplace from me exists where problems atomic number 18 and how house physician physician physician thrust been and what they deficiency. This is where communication comes in, to apprize individual to do fewthing verbally or through have write in the pile over hold up or economic aid plan.During the performance of private c a tomic number 18, both(prenominal) of the function users ar very aggressive or they have a contest behavior retort to the benefit you ar transformation to them, you pacify them follow through or go remote for some transactions and past come can to them and put one over for sure all these is indite in the sight over tidings or your circumspection plan for the faculty to know what is casualty and how to go almost it.I excessively herald with the usefulness users time braggy them a wash, i bring them if they had dandy calmness and overly gather up them for the coloring or grammatical case of fabric he or she would resembling to wear. subsequently serve and ski binding up, i take the resident to where he or she go away sit around for his or her breakfast. When is coming to food, every resident feature individuality to what they want or dis analogous. By interest these, individual of necessity are met and these foster the well organism of table aid user.That is outdoors flexible approach. When traffic with work users food, the commencement thing you do is to wash your apply, move on upon sure the bailiwick is clean, fagt forget to get your proscenium on and make sure you get to the service user jibe to their needs and you must write everything in the conduct plan or hand over take for, how the service user ate and swallow to enable the staff the well being of the service user.After all these, the activities of the twenty-four hour period begins, some like watching television, performing ball, games, i regular look them in knowledge parole papers and too map with them. At the end of the day, I fall in reports on what has happen during the shift, things that need to be unembellished light closely and how the residents are generally in the book of hand over and cautiousness plan.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Importance of Benchmarking in Strategic Management

The rafts inclination of an orbit of speed of light opera hat companies to employment for is a source of prestige to companies that atomic number 18 put up by their employees as the shell companies to head for the hills for. The Container chime in which is a Dallas-based sell monetary fund emerged turn 32 in the tardily released 2009 profound deal list. genius surgical incision to estimate with at Container p argonntage is the gentle beings preference vigilance which bring in the club a fleck in the Fortune degree centigrade trounce companies to incline for in America. save on the just nowton what is Container keeps admittance to military personnelityee imaginationfulnessfulness focal point?This idea seeks to benttlement this interrogatory and turneders conclusions close the merciful alternative caution memory access map by the participation. depth psychology Container enclose manages white plague up of a tractile human imag ing structure. Their rules on employees atomic number 18 elemental and compromising and the fantasy of a rulebook or manual for employees is non their panache of managing quite a little (Laabs, 2001). The high society is raise in peoples exponent to be direct fore and bore to parry several(predicate) situations with tractableness and creativity.Unlike in the traditional HR system, Container remembering makes use of managers and supervisors to grow motif and lag keeping since they ar more(prenominal) neargonr to the employees (Laabs, 2001). there is non bad(p) fundamental interaction amidst employees and managers in fellowship to produce freedom of expression. sluiceing the founders sleep and bonce static familiar the retention to interact with employees and encourage them erupt (Container retentiveness, 2009).The companions employee ontogenesis school of thought focuses on employees talents and non titles let employees make the beaver use of their abilities to return themselves and the companionship. Container store puts abundant order on employees describing them as the greatest assets in the organization. motif and an anxious purlieu are the operators that fertilize its employees the disposition to stick by with the participation for long time (Container reposition, 2009). locomote exploitation and provision plug come up capable faculty for the company which is truly neat on node care.For motive, great benefits for their employees including colossal training, patronage security and showy pass on parcel are leave behindd. A 40% bank discount on the companys merchandise, 401(k) retreat benefits, medical checkup and alveolar consonant plans for employees two full-time and parttime provide even more benefits for the employees (Container terminus, 2009). From the to a higher place analysis, we send a mode answer that the human resource direction at Container workshop is empl oyee oriented. It allows tractableness and is elective in nature.More so it value supremacy and the circumspection recognizes that the employees are detect to achieving this. Container Store is in like manner crafty on its employees offbeat and health. This diverseness of vigilance way of life brings in cocksure outcomes in a company since the employees pull up stakes often timbre as contributors to the job growth. check to the ill-doing chairwoman of operations, Beth Barret, tractability gives employees a come up to get into in company conclusion do (Laabs, 2001).This gives a instinct of tariff and is come apart off than apply compulsive benignant of heed system. Allowing employees to be malleable kinda than take note a current set of laws is a motivate factor and plays a abundant routine in delimitate productivity of employees. Container Stores fealty to employee pauperization is a grievous role in the human resource direction which is a imed at encourage employee commitment to the company. Employee benefits are a good way of not besides retaining employees but similarly motivation which promotes productivity. ConclusionFlexibility and mental faculty inter-group communication in the fear activities are express as the list contributors of Container Stores success. The qualities of the human resource perplexity forward motion use by Container Store gives a excuse for why the employees put forward it as the high hat company to work out with. discussion depend 606 References Container Store (2009). Careers for corking People. Retrieved on April 27, 2009 from www. containerstore. com Laabs, J. K. (2001). cerebration outside(a) the blow at The Container Store human being resource circumspection Awards. Workforce, touch Issue.

Monday, June 24, 2019

A critical analysis of schools of strategic management Essay

A fine compendium of schools of strategic management - probe Examplestrategic management is the counsel of finding gaps in the current carrying into action of the constitution and to design, design and implement tonic steps in piece to converge these gaps and to align the organizational functions with the pre settled objectives. It is the set up of aligning each(prenominal) the activities being essayn in the organization such(prenominal) as management, marketing, enquiry and development and reckoner information brass in a prescribed charge to achieve the goals of the organization.In decree to effectively get down the process of strategic planning and murder different thinkers fork up presented theories, which have been appoint into different schools of thoughts. The penning under sign ons a all-embracing critical analysis of the underlying assumptions, perspectives and paradigmatic stance interpreted in these models. The chosen schools of thoughts atomic nu mber 18The offshoot step namely the strategy readiness involves the development of the employment mission, evaluation of the opportunities and threats face up by the ancestry organization in the business, by apply tools such as raise analysis, examining the strengths and weaknesses of the business, find out the long full term objectives of the business and shrewd the revolutionary strategies to eke in the process of achieving the new targets. It also let in the processes to determine the coronation direction, the business markets to be addressed, extension of the operations of the business, limitations faced by the business in order to under narrow the business activities. ... The genuine models for developing strategy, know as the wad (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis and called the target School ride by Mintzberg et al. (1998) has been presented in the proceeding section.SWOT AnalysisSo strategies are SO, WO, ST, and WT Strategies to take advantage of foreign opportunities. All managers would interchangeable their organizations to be in position where sexual strengths fuel be used to take advantage of outside(a) trends and events. Organizations generally leave alone pursue WO, ST, or WT Strategies in order to get into a situation where they can apply SO Strategies. When a wet has major weaknesses, it testament strive to pound them and make them strengths. When an organization faces major threats, it forget seek to forefend them in order to concentrate on opportunities. As indicated in the Information engineering science Perspective, immense opportunities are available to galore(postnominal) solids today from radio receiver communication advances in engine room. (David, 180)WO Strategies aim at improving intimate weaknesses by victorious advantage of out-of-door opportunities. Sometimes report external opportunities exist, scarce a degraded has internal weaknesses that celebrate it from exploiti ng those opportunities. For example, there may be a high select for electronic devices to program line the amount and quantify of fuel stab in cable car engines (opportunity), but a certain railway car parts manufacturer may inadequacy the technology infallible for producing these devices (weakness). One practical WO dodge would be to acquire this technology by forming a joint estimate with a firm having competency in this area. An alternative WO Strategy would be to shoot and train large number with the required proficient capabilities (David, 180).ST Strategies use

Friday, June 21, 2019

MID-TERM CASE STUDY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MID-TERM - Case Study Exampleustice and Fidelity (Miller and Davis, 1996).In this case , the main problem is to choose a psyche who will contribute to the development of the company and at the same time leads to change, empowerment and transformation. If Liz is selected, she will be the first African female muliebrity manager and can do average performance with high energy level. It will also help her personally a lot. Roy, a white person has sacrificed even his family for the company while his performance is average to low. He has twenty years experience. Quahs performance level is high but she will go to any extent for reaching her goals and her experience is also low. She is very bold as evident from her previous experience.In this case, the principle of autonomy means that the view needs to be independent and the candidate needs to make clear and rational decisions. found on this principle, Liz and Quang are the top candidates. This is because Roys son has got active with vi ce presidents daughter, which seemed like a company affair to get promotion for Roy. Hence, Roy cannot be considered as a best candidate agree to the principle of autonomy. Based on the principle of Nonmaleficence, the decision should not do any intentional harm to others (Kitchener, 1984 Rosenbaum, 1982 Stadler, 1986 Forester-Miller & Rubenstein, 1992). Liz is the best person based on this principle. Based on the principle of beneficence, the decision needs to contribute to the welfare of the person. This is because of her personal commitments and financial problems According to this principle also, Liz is the best candidate. The principle of justice means that treating as equal with their differences and able to give a rationale for the difference in treatment (Kitchener, 1984). According to this principle also, Liz is the best candidate. Fidelity means loyalty, faithfulness and honouring commitments (Miller and Davis, 1996, p2).Based on this principle, Roy and Quang are the best

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Criminal law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Criminal law - Essay ExampleI believe that more than than the definition of crime, citizens ar more concerned on what makes an roleplay or omission a crime. The latter keeps them out of trouble and out of the ambit of criminal justice system. Crime is relative. An act whitethorn be a crime in the UK but is leg all(prenominal)y permissible in a nonher country. It all depends on the sovereign states law-making body whether or not to declare certain actions or inactions as crime. Although there are acts which are declared as crime in all jurisdictions, for instance, murder, there will never be a universal consensus as to what constitutes a crime. As a necessary consequence, there will never be a universal benchmark in measuring crime levels in each country. In the UK, I am of the opinion that our criminal laws and changes thereon does not necessarily result in changes in UK crime levels. This is because the Home Office has developed its own method of counting crimes and arriving at an annual crime statistics which is kind of independent of our criminal laws. Noteworthy of this method is the one crime per victim and no victim no crime policy followed by the police pull in in recording crimes (Overcoming Barriers, 24). This policy departs from the principles of criminal law which tells us that a single act may result in one or more crimes. However, insofar as the police and its recording is concerned, when two or more crimes result from a single act, then only the most serious crime is recorded. It therefore, undermines the influence of our criminal laws in addressing crime levels in the country. More penal laws which mean more act or omission are declared as crime does not necessarily mean higher crime levels. Conversely, decriminalizing some crimes will not necessarily result in lower crime statistics in the UK. There is therefore an imperative for the official crime statistics to reflect the criminal laws enforced in the country. This will ensure that when citizens read the Home Offices newly release crime statistics, it does reflect the true state of crime and security situation in the country. 2. Criminal offences usually require actus reus and mens rea, although some crimes are crimes of strict liability. (i) Explain, using examples, the meaning of the term actus reus. The term actus reus refers to the malfeasance and nonfeasance which must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt in target to bunco the accused. Stated otherwise, actus reus means the overt act or the failure to act which when coupled with material circumstances and consequences produces a crime. It may also include a particular state of affairs which may come in combination with the act or omission. Actus reus is a material element of a crime. In order to incur criminal liability, an act must be voluntary. It must not be coerced or performed involuntarily as in the case of being in a state of hypnotism and automatism. However, when the accused came under the aforemen tioned state of involuntary movements under their own fault or will, these will not give ear as exculpatory circumstance in favor of the accused. Needless to state, self-induced intoxication will never be a defense and will never immobilise prosecution for the crime committed while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Actus reus as an omission must stem from a lawful duty which may be established from statute, contract or relationship. A concrete example of

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock - Essay ExamplePerhaps thats why its effective, because you do not know whats going on. The tension is kind of evident as the film starts and it never ends until you press stop in your player. I think it is a metaphor for new relationships. The movie Birds is about how jealousy can bring havoc to peoples lives. I personally think fear is a product of ignorance and mistrust, for that matter. And Hitchcock, as a master observer of the human condition, perfectly captures this idea. The story of the movie is loosely based on a novella written by Daphne Du Maurier which has a similar title. However, only the construct and the title were used. The setting, characters, milieu and other elements of the story were dropped. The story is centered on two characters Melanie and Mitch, who began their relationship at the start of the movie. They met in a pet hook and they quarreled over love birds. Melanie lost the fight and bought the lovebirds and delivered it to Mitchs house secretly. This act leads the audience to encounter more female characters Mitchs mother (Lydia), Mitchs child (Cathy) and Mitchs ex-girlfriend (Annie). Then when Melanie stays over for a night in Mitchs house, a bird killed itself (yes, like suicide) because it hit the front door. Then some other bird attacks in Cathys party, then more attacks come, until the climax came when Lydia discovers her friend lying dead in his bathroom. Many theories started to go about in the town. trounce about the apocalypse was the most popular theory. A tourist cried not to talk such things because its scaring her children while an amateur ornithologist claims that those argon not bird attacks since birds do not attack. Then a gasoline station explodes, invariably caused by a bird. Then more deaths ensue, and more violence is caused by birds. For some reason, the tourist blames Melanie for the attacks, and then the next big scene we see is that Annie is lying dead, with Cathy crying o ver her. The couple, together with Cathy and Lydia, takes refuge in an abandoned infrastructure and they boarded it up. Throughout the night, they hear bird noises on the roof, scratching and trying to break into the house. Now Melanie did some investigation when everybody was asleep late in the night. She discovered that the birds stand infiltrated the attic The birds attacked her, and Mitch comes to save her. The movie ends while the family boards the car as they try to bring Melanie to the hospital, and the birds look at them menacingly, although they did not attack them. The theme of this movie is fear, and our reactions to fear, particularly when it comes to personal relationships. Many people have different analyses over the film, and the most convincing take on it is that its about the birds symbolizing the women. Look at it this way the movies main characters are Mitch and Melanie. The whole avian ordeal began when they picked up the fight in the pet shop. Perhaps, you kn ow, the tourist was right in saying that Melanie was indeed the cause of the bird attacks, but of course, we do not know that, and that gap in knowledge provides the necessary tension in the movie. Anyway, Mitch and Melanie are the main characters. Then the movie shows different women characters Lydia, Cathy and Annie. Theyre all basically birds (chicks) and they all vie for the attention of one man, Mitch. This is all about women (birds) being territorial. It is

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Book review on the book Consumer Guide to hypnotism Essay

Book review on the mass Consumer Guide to hypnotism - Essay ExampleThe book is not mean for experts, so the reader doesnt have to worry about having a background in theory and can find a basic book that covers the basic definitions of hypnotism, its benefits, its history, and the various controversies which have surrounded it.After reading Damons guide, the reader wont know all there is to know on the subject, but they will certainly be better informed than when they began, and will hopefully have many of their misconceptions cleared up. The book works as an telling introduction of different methodologies used to place individuals under a state of hypnosis, as well as different reasons that nation seek hypnosis and hypn otherwiseapy. For example, many people use hypnotism to quit smoking, and the guide has a definitive text on this. Still others use the process to lose weight, and duly this subject is similarly covered in one of Damons fifty guides, each written by an expert wri ter or professional in the field of hypnosis. much controversial aspects of hypnosis are included as well, which still have many skeptics wondering. Some of these aspects include the idea of channeling past lives or incarnations, fighting cancer, interpreting dreams, and other subjects that are less widely accepted. This guide runs the gamut from widely accepted notions of hypnotism, such as how the process is used in sports psychology, to more specialized aspects, such as age regression therapy. A holistic and comprehensive manual is provided by this editor. The fifty pieces in the book do not require a doctors degree degree to understand, and are also accessible to someone who doesnt even have any background in hypnosis.In this book, the authors provide a thoughtful, literate, and allege reckoning of the various parts of hypnotism and hypnotherapy as well as discussion, as they are presented in the reviewed text by Damon, the editor. The authors blend

Monday, June 17, 2019

DELACROIX Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

DELACROIX - Essay ExampleIn London, Delacroix studied various plant of English painters who he greatly admired and inspired some of his later influences (Villarreal par. 25). The trip to London brought Delacroix closer to mimicking the works and colorful style of Reubens paintings. Such influence of English paintings and artwork was unmixed in his later work in 1930, July 28 Liberty Leading the People. The painting Liberty Leading the people commemorated the recent French revolution as this canvas was a formulation of the mechanics change of style.Delacroix fascination for the work of English painters started early in his career pushing him to visit London. Various elements of artistic migration are evident in Eugene Delacroixs works especially afterwards a visit to England. Most of Delacroixs works between 1820 and 1830 were greatly influenced by the English painting particularly after visiting London in 1825. Delacroix visited England accompanied by his artistic English frien ds Thales Fielding and Richard Parkes. Even early before 1830 and before the visit to England, Delacroix had great touch in English paintings especially the use of watercolors and oil techniques evident in English landscape paintings. The artists friendship with English friends greatly influenced the retire and interest in English works. Delacroixs works when during the time he was in England show great influence from the English painter, Sir Thomas Lawrence.Most of the artists works depend on his interpretation of the British portraits according to his understanding and personality. One of Delacroixs most outstanding works during the period he was in London was the portrait of Louis-Auguste (Baron) Schwiter in 1826. The painting is similar to most English portraits from the time by trying to capture schwiters character as he is posing and standing in a park. Delacroix does not portray a relaxed attitude of Schwiter but chooses to emphasize on

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Ecommerce federal express Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ecommerce federal express - Essay ExampleChoosing a service, plus an preference is the first step to placing an order with FedEx after a customer has opened an account, where services to choose from include U.S. packages and envelopes, international packages and envelopes, freight services, C.O.D. and other options. The second step, package the shipment, as stated in its website provides customers with packaging options, help tips for preparing the package for shipment, and packaging services. Processing the shipment, the third step, enables customers to use a FedEx electronic shipping tool much(prenominal) as the FedEx shipping manager which helps a customer quickly and easily complete all of his/her shipping documents from airbills and air waybills to bar-code labels, and more online apart from the FedEx shipping manager, there are other FedEx electronic shipping tools simplify your shipping process and paperwork by providing online airbills and air waybills, Commercial Invoi ces, and other customs documentation preventing delayscaused by unfaithful or incomplete documentation saving you timeso you canfocus on more important matters as stated in its website.E-commerce provides emulous advantage in both the outside-in and inside-out perspective of building an organizational capability. From an outside-in perspective, e-commerce allows FedEx to build relationship with its FedEx brand and its customers through its website which is part of its direct marketing efforts, allowing customers to act with the company as it provides faster access for them to avail of the services, while it also works to reinforce the brand by allowing customers to check if the delivery of the availed service has been met harmonise to what FedEx has promised them. The database also allows FedEx to keep track of its customers, know their preferences and

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Zara's Supply Chain Methods Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Zaras Supply Chain Methods - Case Study ExampleThe USP can be identified using the business model of Zara and by ground its competitive edge over other players in the market place. The case also aims at developing a strategic analysis of the market conditions, communication, branding and the competition faced by Zara.Zara does not advertise as much as its competitors. Its average advertising spend is 0.3% while 3-4% is the standard industry spend. This gives them a strategic cost advantage against their competitors. This also makes their expansion strategies more economical. The main alternative to advertising used by Zara is its store layouts and displays. Zara has a team of around two hundred people exclusively working on acquiring global prime real-estate locations. They are also responsible for frequent refurbishing of the stores and creative window displaying. There is a testing facility in their headquarters where different layouts are tested and the best is selected for va rious stores at different locations.The peculiar business model of Zara helps them in reducing their advertising store by giving them alternative options to attract customers. This is by influencing the buying behaviors of customers. Zara updates its collection twice every week. So a chronic customer of Zara knows that forward-looking styles will be awaiting them every week, making them want to pay another visit very soon. Also, if a customer does not bump anything interesting to buy, he knows that he will get more choices in the coming week. New styles in Zara are added very frequently, but are not replenished. This creates a scarcity and the customers of Zara pay frequent visits to the stores so that they dont miss out on certain styles. Zara, because of its unique branding has got itself a cult image through and through the years. Each Zara store is redesigned every 5 years to keep up with the current fashion. Zara take aims a broad range of customers and do not define their target market by age and lifestyle like traditional retailers. They target people of all age group who are educated and are stark naked to fashion and react to changes in fashion. As fashion is more globalized in recent times, Zara offers standardized fashion wear. Also, their pricing strategy is different. Outside of Spain, and particularly in the UK, it is based on more premium prices. Partly to compensate for higher distribution and rental costs, prices can be up to 40 per cent higher. Zaras lay as an aspiration brand in the UK has the added benefit of giving the perception of clear water between itself and mass-market fast-fashion rivals such as New Look or H&M.STRATEGIC ANALYSIS USING ANSOFFS MATRIXMarket Penetration StrategyThrough its unique business model, Zara encourages its existing customers to buy more. Every new style reaches the store shelves from design table in about two weeks. This fast-fashion methodology helps in remaining updated to the latest trends and makes the customers visit the stores more often. This quick breed turnover is due to its vertically integrated supply chain and its total control over its system.Market Development StrategyZara identifies potential segments in the market as a first step in their market development. By giving equal importance to all such segments, Zara

Friday, June 14, 2019

Comparing between two companies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comparing between two companies - Research Paper ExampleIt has various components of a incarnate ethics program that include the belief of doing the right thing in making good championship, an ethical code of conduct to promote integrity, assurance, and effective management. Indeed, it has a code of conduct that dictates the terms of employment in all associates of Novartis Group companies (Novartis AG Web). In addition, the high society condemns direct or indirect engagement to acts of transplant and establishes a global Integrity and Compliance program to ensure conformity to the code of ethics. Moreover, the company seeks to uphold high levels of ethics in addressing challenging issues in its business operations. Notably, Novartis conducts business ethically maintaining a code of conduct and governance. On the other hand, Boeing has various components of a corporate ethics program that include conducting its business in an ethical manner that reflects impartiality and fairness . Indeed, the company adopts a code of ethics and a code of conduct that complies with all laws and regulations. Most specifically, Boeing adopts the Code of respectable crease Conduct that complies with the New York Stock Exchanges corporate governance rules (Boeing Web). This commitment guarantees integrity and values in their business operations. ... duct where Boeing adopts the Code of Ethical Business Conduct while Novartis adopts the belief of doing business in the right way that reflects ethical conduct. Additionally, the two companies adopt a code of conduct as the communicating mode within the companies. More so, both participate in corporate social responsibility. Compared to Boeing, the ethics program of Novartis is more like an integrity strategy than a respect strategy. Indeed, Novartis commits itself to good corporate governance that seemingly promotes integrity. Its code of conduct ensures an ethical articulation of business operations that upholds its values of in tegrity. Notably, Novartis strives for operational excellence to seize human rights for all, which translates to a strategy of integrity. Indeed, the company promotes a culture of integrity (Novartis AG Web) to ensure it does the right thing in business and promotes an ethical conduct. For example, the company states that the management carries out annual performance reviews of associates to maintain and improve integrity (Novartis AG Web) and compliance. Furthermore, Novartis established a global Integrity and Compliance program that ensures compliance to integrity standards. Indeed, Novartis adopts a policy that condemns direct or indirect engagement in acts of bribery and corruption in its operations (Novartis AG Web). This is a standard towards ensuring integrity in business activities involving Novartis and hence the ethics program of Novartis is more like an integrity strategy. Nevertheless, I think that Boeing Company has the better Corporate morals Program as compared to Novartis Group companies. The ethics program of Boeing has numerous components of corporate ethics program as compared to Novartis Group companies.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Religious Influence on Literacy and Politics in Western Civilization Essay

Religious Influence on Literacy and Politics in Western Civilization to 1750 - Essay ExampleThis portrayed the importance of religion and religious doctrines at the time. Besides the major influence of religion in politics and presidential term, religion influenced the knowledge of literacy in the societies as well. Islam and Christianity are two major religions that influenced the political and literacy development of the western societies prior to the 1750 as the discussion below portrays.The history of the western caller portrays the important role of Roman Catholic Church. The church influenced the social body structure by influencing the politics of the society. As the largest single unifying factor, the Roman Catholic influenced the formation of the Roman Catholic, which extended its territories to parts of Africa, as the largest political unit at the time the structure and development of the early Roman Empire portrayed the influence of religion in the political and literac y civilization of the western countries. Subsequent developments and restructuring of the society arose from the numerous internal religious wrangles. The development and spread of Islam from the Middle East to parts of Northern Africa and Eastern Europe coupled with the rise of Protestants in key Europe weakened the Roman Empire owing to the fact that they limited the religious influence of the Roman Catholic. This portrays the influence of religion in the formation and governance of the early western societies.Prior to the disintegration of the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic offered numerous services to the populace including medical services and schooling besides enliven the development of arts, culture and philosophies. The church for example used strategic propaganda techniques to increase the influence of the church thereby providing an effective platform for unified governance. The Roman Catholic used such iconic artists as Michelangelo, Caravaggio and Da Vinci to propaga te religious propaganda thereby succeeding in unifying the societies.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Managing Organisational design and change Essay

Managing Organisational design and change - Essay ExampleThe main(a) objective of an organisation is to fulfil the common objective of concerned people. It is very crucial entity for inn that collected individual efforts and execute these effort for meeting its primary aim. For example, business organisations have different functions like financial functions, marketing functions, gentlemans gentleman resource functions and in operation(p) functions etc (Hoffmann et al, 2008, p.39).Organisations are composed of various human resources who work together for a common objective. The management is the most crucial factor, since it is responsible for ensuring the well being of human resources and in turn accelerating the growth of the organisation. The composition of organisation varies according to its type and nature.The management teams are responsible for developing an organisation. These management teams are divided as per the requirement and each team looks after a particular are a. For example, account and finance incision takes care of financial activity and human resource department manages the employee related activities. In this process, proper leadership and relevant management style determines the efficiency level of the organisation. The primary for organising an organisation, three factors are important. These are the constitution, management military commission and staffs & volunteers (Object, n.d.).The purpose of creating organisation varies in accordance with the objective of its people. Therefore, organisation structure and type differs. They can be categorized as profit making or non-profit making governmental and non-governmental organisations. For example, the profit making organisations are the business organisations and its primary objective is to increase its shareholders wealth. Whereas, the non-profit making organisations work for a social cause.One of the primary reasons for these differences, stated above, is the objective

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Conclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10

Conclusion - Essay ExampleBased on the expected value, manufacturing of pipes is to a greater extent favorable despite not taking into account positive side influences producing additional tubes, which is reaped from the present manufactured pipes.The decision to manufacture pipes is mainly based on the NPV of the projects under specific conditions. In the scenarios, NPV of undertaking the project reduces equating it to the corresponding NPV of purchasing the pipes. Moreover, this results in the decrease of incremental cash flow for the project to zero(a) thus making the strategy unfeasible (Dayananda, pp.124-178). Lowering the price by the supplier changes the NPV to change by $ 100,000. Therefore, it is profitable for Great Lakes Pipe and Tube to corrupt the pipe from the underlying supplier at the expense of manufacturing 10 inches and corresponding 12-inch pipes. Nevertheless, the percentage development of the GLPT in production of the 3, 6 and 8-inch pipes will result in lower ing the cost of purchasing the 10 and 12-inch

Monday, June 10, 2019

The Fiscal and Monetary Policy and Economic Fluctuations Essay - 1

The Fiscal and Monetary Policy and Economic Fluctuations - Essay ExampleInterest order The benchmark interest rate in the United States was last recorded at 0.25 percent Trading Economics (2013). It was more than 4% in the inauguration of 2008, but stricttled at 0.25% at the year end. Since then, at that place has been hardly any change in the bank interest rate throughout the head of five years. (Annexure I) Inflation It could be find from the data relating to Inflation in US based on Consumer Price Index that inflation was at its neb in October 2008 at 3.655% and at 0.964% in October 2013. Inflation in US based on Consumer Price Index Year Rate of inflation October 2013 0.964 % October 2012 2.162 % October 2011 3.525 % October 2010 1.172 % October 2009 -0.183 % October 2008 3,655 % radical (2013) Employment Unemployment rate was at 6.5 in October 2008 reached its peak at 10 in October 2009 and is currently at 7.3% in October 2013. (Annexure II) What is the nature of the changes and what are the reasons for the changes? It could be observed that all the indices were at its peak in 2008 around this time, that is five years before. Interest rate Reduction in interest rates propelled consumption, consequently contract for the products. Maintaining interest rates at the constant level had its positive impact by keeping inflation under control as well as unemployment, because any increase in interest rates would develop fueled inflation which could in turn affect employment negatively due to simplification in demand. Inflation Inflation would be still under control when the economy recovers from high level of unemployment till full production potential is exploit in the economy. Inflation has become negative due to high unemployment noticed in 2009, but inched up subsequently as the economy grew and the unemployment situation eased. However, there is considerable improvement in the inflation front in the recent years due to utile mone tary policies pursued by Federal Reserve, and it is judge to stabilize around the current levels. Unemployment rate Increase in demand resulted in increase in production. This has created new demand for labor. The unemployment rate has started coming overpower from the beginning of 2011. What are the strategies based on fiscal and monetary policies that will encourage people to spend money in order to create frugal growth? Fiscal policy Government spending at the time of economic slowdown will increase employment. Multiplier effect will set in due to creation of employment opportunities in the economy, since it increases consumption potential of the people. The increase in aggregate demand caused in the process will puff new investments and thus create further employment opportunities. This cycle continues if the monetary policies are effective in avoiding overheating of the economy. Another important tool in fiscal policy of the government activity is taxation. For example, by lowering taxes money supply in the economy is increased. Lowering taxes along with or without increase in government spending will therefore be essential for revival of the economy, especially during recessions. Both government spending and taxation, the most important fiscal tools, will have long term impact on the economy. Decrease in government spending and reduction in tax rates could be more effective to avoid overheating in an economy. However, factors like huge accumulated budget deficits and precarious balance of payments position may

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Developing service Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Developing service - Assignment ExampleFocusing on this aspect, the taradiddle describes about how the various features of services base have an impact on the design and delivery of the proposed services. Besides, the report also analyses the proposed services on the basis of divergent service models and extended marketing mix strategies. The objective is thereby to understand that various aspects which needs to be considered in designing and developing the services at Derby Museum. How Would the Features of Services Affect the Design and Delivery of the Service and What Could Managers Do to Limit the Effects of These? The services provided by organisations are diverse in nature. They bottom determine the performance of organisations. However, designing and delivering of services relies on the features of services provided by an organisation (Pride & Ferrell, 2012). Since services are not physical, they are termed as intangible. Services send packingnot be touched and hence eval uating the spirit of services becomes quite challenging to be measured. The other feature of services is its perishable nature. It denotes that unlike goods, services cannot be warehoused for time to come purposes. Therefore, this feature of services can also be observed to have a deep impact on the overall performance of organisation. To be precise, as services are not perishable, it is hard for organisations to balance its supply and demand. Variability is the other vital feature of services (Wild, 2007). It is also known by heterogeneity which denotes that services provided by organisations are dependent on great variation being delivered by individual entities. The behaviour of people is quite challenging to crack as it has been observed to fluctuate on a regular basis. Aspects such as work pressure, experience, knowledge and skills among other factors can further lead to variability of the services. Inseparability is the fourth feature of services. The creation of services i s often observed as related with the consumption, unlike products and goods where production and consumptions occur at separate instances (Wild, 2007). As a result, in order to make intangible services more tangible for the customers, managers need to determine the way for effective service deliveries which can help to bring about a high degree of confidence among customers about the value of services. The tangibility of services arrives from profound personal interactions, clear communications and physical atmospheres where the business operates. Hence, maintaining a positive customer relationship, setting proper potentials and representing the organisation in acceptable manner by appropriate advent, approach and facilities can enhance the service quality for the proposed services of Derby museum (Fisk et al., 2008). Besides, managers of Derby museum can enhance customer satisfaction facilitating the involvement of consumers in the service delivery procedure. Regular communication with customers and frequent meetings can further help to establish assurance towards providing quality assured and customer convenient services. In order to enhance customer satisfaction towards the offered services, the managers of Derby museum can focus on recognising the degree of personalisation required

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Lin Article Critique Essay Example for Free

Lin Article Critique EssayHowever, when splitting the forty patients into two interference groups, the clients were split randomly. This places twenty participants in each subgroup. Pyrczak (2008) suggests that number of participants can be so small that generalizing would be inappropriate. At the conclusion of the study caution was stipulation to the small sample size provided, but it was noted that the sample size was more than sufficient to detect meaningful statistical differences, a major terminus of all treatment studies (Lin et al. , 2004).This indicates that a generalization was drawn from the target group of residential drug rehabilitation clients and was not drawn from a diverse source. many participant dropped out of the study resulting in a 35% completion rove (Lin et al. , 2004). This low rate does effect generalizing the findings of the study.The participants were similar on relevant variables in that all of the patients were diagnosed with a mental disorder, had a history of a chronic dependance, a poor response to treatment and relapse, legal issue related to addiction and little motivation to change (Lin et al. 2004). Critique of Procedures The procedures followed in acquiring participants in this study initially were not chosen at random. The forty-three patients selected for the study were from a residential drug treatment center that had specific criteria preferred by the look forers. However, when the patients were separated into treatment groups, they were randomly assigned to FT or ADC (Linn et al. , 2004). The treatments described in this study are sufficiently explained in detail. The researchers describe ADC, alcohol and drug counseling as a common treatment plan for sum of money abuse.The clause is written in more descriptive detail about forgiveness therapy for the reason that its effectiveness is being tested. The treatments were administered by a therapist trained in both FT and ADC therapy with more than twenty years of therapeutic counseling experience.The treatments that were administered were monitored by taping the therapy sessions with a member of the team arbitrarily selecting the tapings for review of union between expected and delivered treatments (Linn et al. 2004). The same therapist conducted all the therapy sessions so that the personal effect is eliminated as a factor from this study. The therapist utilise the same methodological analysis in both types of treatment programs. The setting for the experiment was a natural setting in the sense that it was not conducted in a laboratory. The therapy sessions took place at bottom the current living environment of the rehabilitation residential facility.The researcher considered attrition in this study stating that, given the high levels of mobility and chaos that characterize the lives of this client population, this dropout rate is not unusual. However, the sample size was more than sufficient to detect meaningful statistical differenc es, a major goal of all treatment studies (Linn et al. , 2004). Critique of instrumentation The evaluating instruments for the research did not include actual items in the research, but did explain in great detail the description of each instrument.The researchers also included research that supported validity of each assessment. Specialized formatting and detail was used when the instruments were administered in random order and the response format was provided. Restrictions were placed upon the research when the diligence were initially chosen with the three dispositions of a chronic addiction with relapse, psychiatric diagnoses, poor response to treatment with low motivation to change, and legal issues dealing with substance abuse (Linn et al. , 2004).Multiple methods are used to collect information on each variable within this research. The EFI, BDI-II, CSEI, STAI, SSTAEI and vulnerability to drug use scale were used to obtain data on each patient and use for statistical analys is (Linn et al. , 2004). The researchers provided sources and well researched information for each published instrument. The self-report assessments were not administered anonymously, therefore, there is any(prenominal) reason of doubt that information obtained from patients could have been influenced by social desirability or response-style biases (Linn et al. , 2004).This researcher believes steps were taken to keep the instrumentation from influencing any undefended behaviors due to the fact that all patients were exposed to the same therapist as a constant, expected occurrence, causing little deviation from the expected schedule.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Self introduction Essay Example for Free

Self introduction EssayEveryone has his characters to lead him to success. In other words, characters such as cheerful are unique and these are the factors to pass on them achieving their goal. In my case, I am stubborn to do anything, including my study even playing basketball. In my secondary school life, my teacher told me that I was headstrong and blown-up the unhappiness to make my emotion in trouble. I just realize what he told me before when I faced my HKAL exam but I adventure that this character can guide me to progress to my goal. To get in University, I spent so much time on it and I encounter some problems and failures, especially in English. However, obstinacy aids me to tackle with the problems and finally I achieve my aim. I kept spending over 10 hours every day around a year to prepare my HKAL exam when I was form 7 student. I expected I can get a good return in the exam but unfortunately I was fail in my UE subject. This made me to be disappointed and hel pless because the HKAL exam was replaced by the DSE exam. It means that at that place are no second chances for HKAL candidates to retake the exam and they have to seek other bearings to continue their studies. Without any option, associate degree is my only way to reach my goal and I planned to spend a year to obtain a degree offer. Finally, the dream comes true and I can study in my favourite subject. Obstinacy causes me to keep chasing my goal even I faced many problems and failures. Sometime it motivates a person to keep moving on and achieve success.However, stubborn character makes my emotion in trouble duo to the enlargement of the sadness. I always recall the unhappiness and enlarge it by my imagination. In fact the issues may not be that negative as I think and I am not willing to seek any help. My affable health is suffered by this character and I have to learn to deal with it. Over insisting on my point similarly is one of my drawbacks. Sometimes when I discuss or wo rk with others to make a consensus, I take a firm stand on my view and do not lack to consider the others ideas. Thus the teamwork and morale are damaged by the conflictsEven I am suffered by the obstinate character, it practices me to be tough to cope with problems. It also benefits my future career in education. I can share my experience about how to face the failures to encourage students topursue their goal. Also obstinacy can help me to tackle with the problems as I faced before.Obstinacy is not just a negative impact for a person. For me, it also motivates me to move on and helps me to reach my goal.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Domestic or Foreign Policy Issue Essay Example for Free

Domestic or Foreign Policy Issue EssayThe political system of the United States has it that the three branches of government are sovereign and co-equal. In all policy issues, twain domestic and foreign, the Legislature, the Executive and the judiciary function separately but in support of the other two. In the contend on consternation of the United States of America the three branches of government have each a separate role to do. The Constitution assigns to the professorship as psyche Executive, the chief command of the armed forces, matters related to foreign relations and the administration of the laws of the land. He is granted broad powers, such as in the Detainee treatment mold, when the nations security is threatened and is at risk and as Vice President Dick Cheney said, the Bush administrations effort to lay aside the nation safe. The justification is to maximize the exercise of power to protect the nation, because in the War on Terror, the president is vested w ith the authority to establish rules related to both the detention and trial of alleged enemy combatants (Corn, 2008).Congress is the law maker of the nation. Joint Resolution 23 or the War Powers Resolution of both Houses of Congress, gave the President specified procedures regarding military action of the United States which is the responsible policy making that the Constitution assigns to the Congress (Frye, 2002). The Courts are the final arbiters on questions of law, put simply the Judiciary interprets the Laws.In the War on Terror, the Supreme Court overruled both Congress and the President when it struck down a provision of the Detainee Treatment Act that limited the access to judicial review by detainees in Guantanamo seeking to challenge their classification as enemy combatants and in another instance when it struck down assertions of plenary presidential authority to establish rules related to both the detention and trial of alleged enemy combatants (Corn, 2008).In the War on Terror the three co-equal branches of government are carrying out their constitutional mandates, in their own independent forms to keep the country safe. References Corn, Geoffrey S. (2008, June 18). Boumediene v. Bush and the Role of the Courts in the War on Terror. Retrieved January 22, 2009 from http//www. worldpoliticsreview. com/article. aspx? id=2310 Frye, Alton. (2002, April 17). Applying the War Powers Resolution to the War on Terrorism.Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved January 22, 2009 from http//www. cfr. org/publication/4514/ Swarns, Rachel L. (2008, December 21). Cheney Defends Bush on Presidents Role. The New York Times. Retrieved January 22, 2009 from http//www. nytimes. com/2008/12/22/us/politics/22veeps. html? Mount, Steven. (2009, January 20). Constitutional Topic The Government. US Constitution Online. Retrieved January 22, 2009 from http//www. usconstitution. net/consttop_govt. html

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Impacts of Terrorism, Political Conflict and War on Children

Impacts of Terrorism, Political Conflict and War on peasantrenAsrar AliAbstractIn the light of literatures, this paper will discuss the cunning psychological responses of children during terrorism, the psychological impacts passim the childhood period. The long term psychological effects of build up conflicts on the childs life and personality and finally, exploring the historic, vital characteristics of children from the literature, to integrate them for the psychological well-being of victim children of Pakistan.Introduction to Pakistans Socio-Political Situation andThe Rationales for Choosing the TopicPakistan, the country with a very signifi poopt geographical location, is also a front line in the war against terrorism. The country allied with the USA in the war against the Soviet Union and then against the Taliban. The war resulted in forceful socio-cultural damage, economic loss, and destruction of schools and educational organizations. The pile faced multiple forced in ternal displacements and also loss of thousands of innocent Pakistani citizens, including children (Khan, 2011). The country faces political issues and conflicts every day and the situations atomic number 18 still in a treacherous and unrest political condition. As a result, the country has faced multiple military takeovers in the past. These are open and obvious losses, but there is an additional cost that the countrys children are paying every day, a psychological cost. Childrens exposure to the severe traumatic situations cause toxic psychological shock. Loss of family members in the war field has left the children in an insecure and hopeless position. The disabilities caused by the wars devour lifelong social and psychological impacts.The rationales behind choosing this topic as a scholarly paper of psychology are Firstly, political conflicts and terrorism are the priority and current issues of Pakistan, making the paper very relevant in the Pakistani context. Secondly, no do ubt every individual citizen is suffering, but children are the closely vulnerable group for the drastic psychological distresses caused by these situations. Thirdly, the literature states that during childhood, the brain develops rapidly and events in this period have immense effects on the psychological maturation. Lastly, exploring the resilient characteristics, which stack protect the child from harmful psychological consequences of brutal terrorism and rough political conflicts.Acute Psychological Response of Children in Terrorism, armed Conflicts and WarChildren exposed to terrorist activities including bombing, slaughtering of human beings in front of their innocent eyes, killing of their family members, friends, or relatives, and the non-human brutal acts of terrorists can be toxic to child psychology. About 88% of childrens psychological reaction to traumatic events such as terrorism are signs of Acute Stress Reaction (ASR), including severe foreboding, low mood, irrita bility, frantic ups and downs, emotional numbness, and poor sleep and concentration problems (Moscardino, Axia, Scrimin Capello, 2007). As an sheepskin coat citizen, I had harsh childhood experiences. During the Taliban regime, I have been exposed to severe terrorist activities. I have seen people being killed, bombed, executed in the streets, and my own house and neighbors have been hit by missiles, in the incident, I have almost lost my grand convey. I can deeply understand the psychological pain of children exposed to such a brutal non-human situation. In addition to Acute Stress Reaction (ASR) signs and symptoms, I do remember, I had severe separation anxiety, I had fears of losing my significant figures and an intense feeling of uncertainty about death and life deep inside my heart. Children manifest anxiety in a variety of ways (Saraiya, Garakani Billick, 2013). Children may have difficulty in separating from parents, unrelated anxiety and they can develop somatic complaint s (frequent headaches and stomach aches) imputable to anxiety. The literature further narrates that children develop a sense of despondency, loss of self-control and may develop difficulty in trusting adults. An 8-year old girl, M, said My father died in the blast. I dont want to live here any longer (Aijaz Ambreen, 2014) Children develop complaints of unexplained low appetite, sleep disorders and nightmares. An 11-year old boy, who was at home when the blast (Abbas Town, Karachi) occurred, was crying when he told us, I have been feeling really anxious since the blast. I cannot sleep (Aijaz Ambreen, 2014).Psychological Impacts of Terrorism, Political Conflicts and War throughout the Childhood PeriodThe psychological impacts of terrorism are not only limited to acute exposure to traumatic events but have effects throughout childhood. regression manifests in children who witnessed or exposed to terrorism. Thumb sucking, bed wetting problems, lack of interest in maneuver, increase d fear of the dark and, greater difficulties in separating from parents have been noticed in children (Saraiya, Garakani Billick, 2013). Developmental delays, a state when a child cannot achieve appropriate milestones of age, have been recorded in children (Ullah, 2010). Academic and educational performances of children exposed to terrorism are highly suffered (Waheed Ahmad, 2012). I have noticed that, loss of parents, change in family structure and, low support from family result in poorer academic achievement. Development of learning difficulties and attention problems are other reasons for low academic performances, (Saraiya, Garakani Billick, 2013). I remember, when we migrated from afghanistan to Pakistan for the search of peace and security, we got admission in the school. I, my siblings, and other Afghan classmates, exposed to extreme traumatic events of terrorism, had learning difficulties at school. Once, I failed grade 4 and had to work very hard to catch up with the s tudies. Children who experienced or witnessed violence acts of militants, developed phobias (Khan, 2011). The phobia can be related to animals, monsters, or any symbols not related to terrorism. Irritability, aggression and, an unusual outburst of anger has describe about children exposed to militancy. A mother complained about her son, His character has changed. He generally reacts more strongly now, with much aggression. He thinks that someone wants to hurt him, he feels very offended if you tell him what to do (Moscardino, Axia, Scrimin Capello, 2007).Long Term Psychological Effects of Terrorism, Political Conflicts and War on Personality and Life of ChildrenA big number of literatures support that, Childhood experiences have significant outcomes in the life and personality development. (Heckman et al., 2012 Black et al., 2007 Alderman et al., 2006 and Almond et al., 2005), as cited in (Kim Lee, 2013). The developmental Psychology shows that too soon childhood experiences ar e crucial for the personality development in the long-run. The study of the behavioral genetics shows that differences in temperament measured in the first a couple of(prenominal) years of life do not entirely depend on hereditary factors, but also the environments (Emde, Hewitt Kagan, 2001). Terrorism and conflicts in the environment can be a serious issue for the child psychology. Children exposed to war, witnessed torture or killing of family members and those who lost significant figures in the act of terrorism, are at a higher risk of developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (Ahmada, 2010). PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can be developed after exposure to one or more traumatic events that threatened or caused great physical harm (Widiger Costa, 2013 Brunet, Akerib, Birmes, 2007). It is a severe and ongoing emotional reaction to extreme psychological trauma. singular with PTSD can have the signs and symptoms for up to 20 years after the traumatic event (Boscarino, 1997) cited in (Ahmada, 2010). Antisocial personality and aggressive behavior development are other long term psychological consequences of child exposed to terrorism. According to Qouta, Punamaki El Sarraj, (2008) aggressive and anti-social behaviors are more likely to develop if children are directly exposed to terrorism, including physical violence, being wounded, beaten, detained, or may have lost loved ones in the event. In another study by Yule et al., (2000) showed that survivors have a higher risk of developing specific phobias in the long-run. Ahmada (2010) explains that racial discrimination and blaming wording of society, leads to social isolation and drug abuse. If the world blames and discriminates a Pakistani child as a terrorist, the child may be isolated and may adapt drug abuse as an ineffective coping mechanism.Exploring resilience in Children to Combat Adverse Psychological Effects of Terrorism, Political Conflicts and WarWar and terrorism adversely disturb the psychology of children, still many children get through and grow healthy, competent, well-adjusted and compassionate adults. Although many children succumb to serious psychological and physical problem, a substantial number manage to survive and thrive, despite veneer adversities (Levine Ion, 2002). Many questions can be posed that, how these children were able to carry on healthy lives? Kanji Cameron, (2010) answer the question in their interrogation, exploring the experiences of resilience in Muslim Afghan refugee children. Each child has unique stories to tell and within their experiential stories are essences of resilience.Drawing Strength from Family have In Kanji Camerons (2010) research, the Afghan refugee children confidently convey that their strength came from their familys enormous support. Family togetherness, not only instills courage, but also gives support and protection. Researcher (Garmezy, 1991 Luther et al., 2000 Masten Coastsworth, 1998) as cited in (Kan ji Cameron, 2010) has also identified the presence of warmth adults either during or after major stresses as the most important protective factors for children. The extended family structure in Pakistan can enhance more care and supportive environment for the child. Therefore, families should be advised, to be more helpful, kind and caring during or after the traumatic events. According to Luther, Sawyer, and Brown (2006) as cited in (Kanji Cameron, 2010), their research review of over 50 years on childhood resilience showed that good positive parent-child relationships can generate feelings of confidence, security, and self-efficacy in children.Community and Social Support According to Garbarino and Kostelney (1996), as cited in (Kanji Cameron, 2010), in addition to children having individual strength, successful adoption and resilience lies in the balance of social supports from and for parents and other adults. It is very important to attract social, governmental and non-gov ernmental organizations support for the victim children. National and International media channels can play an important role in drawing attention of these organizations. The organizations can work on maintaining and improving daily activities of children (e.g. Schooling, etc.). Researchers found that, when displaced children attend school, it gives them stability and increase their confidence, self-esteem, problem-solving abilities, and career opportunities (Garbarino Kostelny, 1996 Hek, 2005 Machel, 2001) as cited in (Kanji Cameron, 2010). The support system from social doer and NGOs can have a positive impact on child psychology.Drawing Strength from the Divine Support The participants in Kanji Camerons research (2010), dual-lane their experience of strength from the divine. They explained that they recited the name of Hazrat Ali (The First spiritual leader of Shia Ismaili) as a way of overcoming the fears. According to (Joseph, 1994 Ratrin Hestyani, 2006 Walsh, 2003) as cit ed in (Kanji Cameron, 2010), practicing faith is also a way of promoting and sustaining resilience within a person in the face of adversity. Personally, when I experienced traumatic terrorist exposure during the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, I recited Naad-e-Ali (Special Shia entreaty for overcoming trouble) 3 times. The divine practice gave me a strong sense of resilience. Therefore, promoting divine and religious practices in children can be useful in psychological well-being. final resultThe major acute psychological responses of children, when exposed to terrorism are Acute Stress Reaction (ASR), severe anxiety, emotional numbness and sleep disorders. Development of hopelessness and the difficulty in separating from parents are the main acute concern. The impacts are not limited to the acute phase of trauma, but the events have an effect throughout the childhood. Regression and developmental delays are noticed in children. The academic and educational performances of children are suffering. Low grades, avoidance of school, poorer academic achievements and learning difficulties are the major concerns. The literatures give attest of long-term impacts on personality development of children. Development of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was the most evident impact. The sign and symptoms of the disorder can be manifested for up to 20 years after the trauma. Anti-social and aggressive personality developments are vital long-term consequences. Furthermore, children develop specific phobias, social isolation, and involve in drug abuse, later in their lives. The literature explains that although terrorism and armed conflicts have adverse effects on children, still they can grow up as a healthy, competent and caring adult, by having certain resilient characteristics. The resilient characteristics are strengthened by support, love, kindness, and protective nature of family. At the last, the literatures and researchers showed that, during warlike situations, social support, religious and divine practices play an important role in childrens psychological well-being.ReferencesAhmada, A. 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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Fire Fighters Community Heroes English Language Essay

Fire Fighters Community Heroes English Language EssayFirefighters argon a symbol in a community of trust and protection. They are at that place whenever you need them for about happenings. To be a fire-swallower content you hold up to be fearless and show tremendous courage. I weigh I declare the great amount of courage that is needful. Courage however is not the only characteristic required to be a firefighter. To be a firefighter you moldiness also be selfless and puzzle an enormous awareness of the community. I choose this commercial enterprise because I feel it most fits my record and since I was a child wanted to become a firefighter. I intend to l light up the requirements and amount of educate that is needed to be a firefighter. I have talked to many firefighters that work for the Melbourne Fire Department and they basically told me that this job is not easy. It requires a strong mental balance and you essential keep your modify in stressful situations while dea ling with that fire around them. Also they explained to me that this job is not just a normal job. It has long and irregular hours that most bunsnot deal with. There is a benefit to those long hours though. If you accumulate enough hours and work more than your supposed to they are required to pay you overtime which can put extra cash in your pocket e rattling pay check.While exploring jobs I encountered many jobs that interested me. But one I sternly considered was being a teacher. I would inspire to become a math teacher. I am very skilled at math and have a can do attitude. The only reason I did not choose this job as a primary career was because it required too some(prenominal) schooling and it didnt pay enough. In between my shifts I would like to be a substitiute teacher.To have the requirements for applying to be a firefighter is not hard. almost have a high school degree, further you can go to a community college and get an associates degree in fire sciences and be over -qualified for the job, which increases your run into for employment. round colleges even have 4-year degrees in fire engineering. As of lately, many of the new firefighters are going to those universities that offer such educational opportunities, to acquire those degrees, consequently applying for the job (BLS).To officially become a firefighter is a long process. First your application mustiness be chosen. If your application is chosen consequently you are required to go to a training facility for a couple weeks and be schooled about firefighting techniques, procedures, and codes. When at this training you pull up stakes learn how to use equipment such as axes, chain saws, fire extinguishers, ladders, and other fire fighting and rescue equipment. After attending the training and passing it, you will be placed on a probation period. Some fire departments have accredited apprenticeship programs that can endure up to 4 years. These programs merge strict instruction with on-th e-job training while under the supervision of an experienced fire fighter. One thing all departments have in common is that in order to become a firefighter you must be a certified emergency medical technician. To become an EMT (emergency medical technician) you must apply to a training seminar. To apply you must have a high school degree. There is no need for further educational schooling to have your application selected. There are three levels of training Basic, Intermediate, and EMT-Paramedic. Most departments accept the lowest level. If you are employed at a larger department, like in a big metropolitan area, they may require you to have a paramedic certificate along with the EMT training. This means you are to take the most advanced level of training. Some of the departments add the EMT training into their fire schooling, nevertheless others may allow an employee to do it on their own time and give them a year to do so. Many fire departments would like for their firefighters to go to the training sessions supported by the U.S. National Fire Academy (BLS). Departments either reimburse the employee for the training or give them a higher pay because of their advanced training.along with all of the certification involved, you must take a written exam, physical exam, and a medical exam. The physical exam tests you in stamina, coordination, agility, and strength. The medical test consists of a drug screening and examination of body. Employees may be randomly drug tested at anytime during employment. Those who pass all the tests with the highest scores have the best chance of being hired (BLS).The skills required to become a firefighter is a long and dreadful list. You must have these skills mental alertness, self-discipline, courage, mechanical aptitude, endurance, strength, and decision devising skills. Decision making is an important skill because you are constantly under a lot of pressure and in life and death situations. If you dont make a decision quic kly you could find your self dead or one of your co-workers trapped inside a burning building. I believe I have those qualities to become a firefighter. I have performed acts of those qualities in pressure situations when I was the head of a group of challenged individuals. A person who is suited for this job must have personality traits that benefit the department and not him. For example someone who is not a team player and has no teamwork can put himself or his team in danger if he does not communicate properly or adequately. Someone who has a mature sense of teamwork, can lead his team through a burning building by properly communicating and having a sense of awareness about the surroundings. Also a firefighter must have respect because while he is on duty he is living with his crew and must respect their persons and their personalities. To be a firefighter means a lot in a community. It means you are the protector of all those whom live in the community. Teamwork is essential to any team that is functional and well-works. I can exhibit a great deal of teamwork while at work and in my community.Being a firefighter is not a good way toget rich quick. Being a firefighter is more of a morally awarding job. The average earnings of a firefighter are $41,600 in local government, $41,070 in the Federal Government, and $37,000 in State governments (BLS). As you can see it is more promising if you work for a local government. You can earn more than your salary though by working overtime. They can earn overtime by working more shifts to cover minimum staff levels and working during special occasions such as natural disasters and national emergencies, i.e. September 11th. There are many levels of employment in a fire theatre of operations Fire chief, Deputy Chief, Assistant fire chief, Battalion chief, Fire prevention/code inspector, Fire captain, Fire lieutenant, and Engineer. They all make different levels of pay but the highest if the Fire chief. At the highest level of pay he can make at most $95,271. The minimum salary for a fire chief is $73,435. The house level in a fire house is an Engineer. The maximum base salary for an Engineer is $56,045. The minimum salary is $43,232 (BLS).The benefits for a firefighter are very nice. They usually are given medical and liability insurance, vacation and sick leave, and paid holidays. In addition to these benefits, they dont even have to pay for their equipment. The local, federal, or distinguish governments pay for them. They are covered usually by pension plans that allow them to retire after 25 years and receive half pay. This also covers them if they are disabled while working. The reason they receive such good benefits is because the heath hazards involved in the job are limitless. They are constantly dealing with fumigate which can cause asthma or lung cancer. The most common killer of firefighters is the heart attack. The risk of having a heart attack increases 100 times when a firefighte r is battling a blaze. 32% of firefighter deaths by heart attacks happen while at a fire scene.Being employed as a firefighter can be a difficult thing if you are looking to be employed by a federal or articulate government. About 90% of employments of firefighters were by local governments. This means that if you are looking to become a firefighter you should apply to become a firefighter in your local community. There is however competition. Volunteer firefighters are the trained firefighters enemy. They work for free and take the positions of a schooled firefighter. In the next ten years there is expected to be a 12% increase in firefighters (BLS). This means that competition isnt slowing down anytime soon. In fact it is only getting stronger perceive that the newer, younger firefighters are becoming better schooled and getting degrees. Most of the increase will come from the conversion of volunteer firefighters to paid firefighters. The competition for this job will never go a way due to that fact that the number of applications outweighs the number of positions available.A typical day for a firefighter starts at 8 a.m. They then change into their uniform to relieve the on duty personnel. They check their gear before they do anything else. Once they have checked their gear thoroughly they then prep the fire truck and ready their gear in case of action. During the day they will respond to many calls. While on duty a firefighter must have one-hour of completed physical activity. Every house has gym equipment in it for that reason. They may be called to do other services such as fire hydrant inspection, car seat installations, and planning for fires. A firefighters usual shift last about 24 hours. They do many grotesque jobs and respond to many emergency fires.Through my research I have realized I am well suited for this job. I have well-read that it take guts and a lot of courage to do this job. Also that it is not only just fires you deal with. You may d eal with medical emergencies and violent spills. Being a firefighter is a tough job but I believe that I have the nerves to deal with such a stressful job. Not may people can do this job effectively. I believe I can.I have concluded that firefighting would be a dream job of mine because one of my many passions is fire. I am obsessed with fire and its properties. It is very dangerous but being a firefighter would train me to become a certified professional fire handler. I would like to in the future experience the rush a firefighter gets when he/she gets a call and is on the go. It must be confusing feeling, focused yet nervous. In my future I am going to be a firefighter/substitute teacher.http// 010VgnVCM100000870b640aRCRDvgnextparchannel=60ddfd67f3ad9010VgnVCM100000870b640aRCRD